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Products>J. Dwight Pentecost Collection (11 vols.)

J. Dwight Pentecost Collection (11 vols.)

, 1963–2000

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $133.89
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Practical theologian J. Dwight Pentecost has been an influential voice in evangelical circles for some time, especially on the topic of the millennium and the kingdom of God. A professor of Bible exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary for some 50 years, Pentecost brings his substantial intellect and keen pastoral insight to bear on weighty topics and doctrines of the faith.

The 11 titles offered in this collection are not dry or academic but are intended for the layperson, teacher, or working pastor. They would be found in the "biblical studies" or "Christian living" section of your local bookstore. The tone ranges from instructional to devotional, but Pentecost always keeps his eye fixed on practical issues and application. For your own spiritual growth or for teaching and discipling others, these books make a great addition to your library!

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  • Title: J. Dwight Pentecost Collection
  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Volumes: 11
  • Pages: 2,440

Design for Discipleship: Discovering God's Blueprint for the Christian Life

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Pages: 128

Discipleship may be a popular term in Christian circles, but what does it really mean for the individual to follow Christ as a biblical disciple? J. Dwight Pentecost provides a practical discussion of the biblical design for following Christ in Design for Discipleship. Balanced between the extremes of easy believism and Lordship salvation, Pentecost demonstrates that discipleship is a growing experience of knowledge, committment, active love, and sacrificial service.

"There is a vast difference between being saved and being a disciple,...a relationship based on the knowledge of the person of Christ, submission to to the person of Jesus Christ, and obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ," Dr. Pentecost observes. "Our desire in these studies of the New Testament teaching on discipleship is to unsettle you who have become so comfortable, to disquiet you who have become so satisfied, in order that we might become a people who...are disciples in truth."

Design for Living: Lessons on Holiness from the Sermon on the Mount

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1975, republished 1999
  • Pages: 208

The Sermon on the Mount may be a well-known portion of Scripture, but how is it meant to impact our lives?

In a day when modern society dictates tolerance for and conformity to the lowest standards, Pentecost shows how the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 calls us to a higher standard of living—God's.

Pentecost's devotional study examines the Sermon on the Mount as a design for living—a great book for personal Bible study or sermon preparation!

Designed to be Like Him: Understanding God's Plan for Fellowship, Conduct, Conflict, and Maturit

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1966
  • Pages: 288

A practical and powerful reminder that new life in Christ gives us a whole new purpose—and a new goal for every aspect of life...we have been designed to be like him.

"The greatest goal in the believer's life is not his own enjoyment of salvation...[It] is to live Jesus Christ so that men may know the Father."

Against the flow of consumerist Christianity, Dr. Pentecost reminds the reader that the Christian life is not primarily about Jesus being our best friend, finding the keys to happiness, or just making it into heaven. In this insightful look at godliness, one of America's most respected and practical theologians discusses the essential principles that encompass every aspect of life.

Our life in Christ redefines our purposes and reshapes our perspectives. With our eternal destination secured, we embark on a lifelong journey toward godliness, being changed into the image of Christ as we live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit. Centered on Scripture, Designed to be Like Him takes you step-by-step through a theologically sound pattern for maturing in Christ. Fellowship, conduct, conflict, and maturity are all discussed in detailed, yet understandable, language.

The Divine Comforter: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1964, republished 1997
  • Pages: 256

Pentecost's desire is not so much to have a "classroom" study of the Spirit, as it is to have the reader meet the Spirit in daily life.

Personal, intimate fellowship between the believer and the Spirit is essential for spiritual growth. God's purpose in redemption is to bring believers into fellowship with Himself. He has therefore given the believer a mind to know Him, a heart to love Him, and a Person to commune with him—the person of the Holy Spirit.

Some of the subjects discussed in the eighteen chapters of this work include the nature of the Spirit, the filling of the Spirit, the baptism of the Spirit, the Spirit and the inspiration of Scripture, the witness of the Spirit to the world, and the gifts of the Spirit.

Faith that Endures: A Practical Commentary on the Book of Hebrews

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Edition: Revised
  • Publication Date: 2000
  • Pages: 224

Hebrews is a thorough and wide-ranging look at Jesus' place in fulfillment of much of the expectations and unfulfilled faith of the Old Testament. Dr. Pentecost guides the reader through the rich historical meaning and contemporary applications of Hebrews.

While the details of our lives may differ from those of the people to whom the book of Hebrews was written, there are some things that never change. We live in a hostile, unredeemed world, in an unredeemed body, and have an unredeemed nature within us. Because we belong to Christ, we are targets of the Enemy's attack...

"The help the author of Hebrews gave to those in circumstances similar to ours will provide the help we need to live victoriously by faith. His exhortations to patiently endure and his warnings against moving backward in our spiritual experience are still valid. They show us the importance of walking by faith." —from the Preface to the print edition

This verse-by-verse study of one of the New Testament's most challenging books not only provides helpful insights into the structure and meaning of Hebrews, but also emphasizes the practical application of its truth in numerous "mini-commentaries" located throughout the book.

The Joy of Living: A Devotional Study of Philippians

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1973
  • Pages: 256

This devotional commentary of Philippians contains helpful study and review questions for personal Bible study or sermon preparation.

The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi in order to help "make theor joy complete." In this practical exposition of the letter to the Philippians, J. Dwight Pentecost helps the reader discover a joy that transcends any circumstance and a contentment that is greater than any trial.

Dr. Pentecost observes that "knowing Christ, walking in fellowship with Him, and being obedient to Him floods the life and heart and mind of the apostle Paul with an incomparable joy...so that in Christ he has found perfect rest, satisfaction, and contentment."

Life’s Problems-God’s Solutions: Answers to 15 of Life's most Perplexing Problems

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1971, republished 1998
  • Pages: 192

Depression, loneliness, and disappointment creep into every believer's heart at one time or another. But we can be set free from these and other difficult emotions and situations that pull us out of fellowship with God.

J. Dwight Pentecost draws from his years of teaching and counseling experience to find the answers to life's problems in the Word of God by surveying fifteen Bible characters who struggled with such issues as guilt, doubt, and resentment. But this is much more than a survey of Bible characters! It's a path to finding unwavering hope, unsurpassable peace, and unlimited love.

"These studies were prepared," says Pentecost, "to enable God's people to find God's answers to the problems they face from day to day."

The Parables of Jesus: Lessons in Life from the Master Teacher

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1982
  • Pages: 176

Jesus' use of figures of speech, proverbs, and stories shows the simplicity, depth of insight, and subliminity of thought that only a master teacher can express. But the parables of Jesus are more than just great literature. As the author observes, "It is often overlooked that the primary purpose of the parables was to instruct those to whom the parables were originally spoken." In fact, almost one-third of Christ's teachings in the Gospels is given in the form of parables.

In order to properly interpret the parables, the author describes the context in which each parable was spoken and the background against which it was delivered. He then explains the problem or question that each parable addresses and the solution it contains. Includes discussions of more than 40 parables.

Things Which Become Sound Doctrine: Doctrinal Studies of Fourteen Crucial Words of Faith

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1965
  • Pages: 160

Many Christians think that the word "doctrine" automatically describes something either beyond their comprehension or something of no use in everyday life. Practical Christian living, however, cannot be divorced from biblical knowledge and teaching. All believers must have a foundation built upon the truths of God's Word.

J. Dwight Pentecost presents fourteen key biblical doctrines and explains them in practical, everyday terms for the general Christian reader. Those doctrines include grace, repentance, redemption, sanctification, security, and predestination.

Thy Kingdom Come: Tracing God's Kingdom Program and Covenant Promises Throughout History

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1995
  • Pages: 360

Noted Bible teacher J. Dwight Pentecost traces the sweeping history of the kingdom program from eternity past to eternity future, relating it to the development of the convenant promises. Some of the key issues discussed in the book include:

  • How do interpretations of the "kingdom of God" differ?
  • How can we distinguish the various covenants of the Old Testament?
  • How does the church relate to the covenants made with Israel?
  • What will the future kingdom by like?
While Dr. Pentecost's study of the kingdom represents thirty years of scholarly research and teaching, his style can be readily appreciated by the general Christian reader.


Your Adversary, the Devil

  • Author: J. Dwight Pentecost
  • Publication Date: 1969
  • Pages: 192

J. Dwight Pentecost asks the reader, "How much do you know about Satan?" Here is an illuminating study of the Devil from a veteran seminary professor and author.

Every Christian faces a powerful and cunning enemy—Satan. Victory over this opponent depends upon knowing his strategies and schemes and drawing upon the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to stand firm against him.

"This work uses the light of Scripture to expose the person and methods of Satan...Competent books on this subject are not plentiful...Pentecost gives us a very useful survey of information on Satan." —Christianity Today

J. Dwight Pentecost is Distinguished Professor of Bible Exposition, Emeritus, at Dallas Theological Seminary where he has served since 1955. He holds a B. A. from Hampden-Sydney College and Th. M. and Th. D. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary.


8 ratings

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  1. Larry Craig

    Larry Craig


    These are tempting but without sample pages easy to resist.
  2. Jim Julian

    Jim Julian


  3. Phil Theis

    Phil Theis


    Both Words and Works works and Things to Come are in my hard copy library, Would love to see them electronically.
  4. John McDaniel

    John McDaniel


    Logos Bible Software, are you listening to these comments?
  5. Charlie Wellham
  6. John Hauck

    John Hauck


    When are you going to add the book "Words and Works of Jesus Christ" and "Things to Come", the collection will never be complete without them.
  7. Larry J. Booth Jr
    seriously? where is "Things to come"?
  8. Douglas R Pillow Jr
    Please add "Things to Come"
  9. Guno van Engel
    I am also missing Things to Come - A study in Biblical Eschatology - Zondervan Press
  10. TOM PARK




Collection value: $133.89
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