Digital Logos Edition
This 15-volume collection features the most enduring works of one the great evangelists of our time, Reuben Archer Torrey. Here you will find nourishment for your mind and food for your soul. This collection includes more than 3,500 pages of inductive study, systematic teaching, and practical preaching.
If you own a Logos base package, you are probably familiar with R. A. Torrey’s New Topical Text Book and Difficulties in the Bible. But Torrey’s legacy goes well beyond these two volumes. We are excited to help you rediscover the writings of this often-overlooked author and man of God through this great collection of books.
“As an evangelist, he was in the same league as D. L. Moody and Billy Graham. As an apologist, his work compares to the best of Josh McDowell or C. S. Lewis. As a preacher, he held massive crowds captive with his sensible appeals to Scripture. As an author, his writings are regarded as classics in diverse fields including theology, apologetics, Bible exposition, and practical Christian living. His name: R. A. Torrey (1856–1928), the most undeservedly neglected Christian author of the past 150 years.”
R. A. Torrey possessed an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible, and used that knowledge to help readers apply Scripture in practical ways. These 15 books are an absolute gold mine of biblical doctrine and teaching.
-Eric M. Pazdziora, former editor of the R. A. Torrey Archive
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What the Bible Teaches is a remarkably useful compendium of biblical teaching on 53 major doctrines of the Christian faith. As you can see in this screenshot, the author uses a highly accessible outline format based on specific Scripture passages followed by propositions. So, for example, Chapter 1 addresses “God as Spirit” and uses key Scripture passages to demonstrate the truth of five propositions:
This book would be very useful in a classroom or inductive Bible study setting, or to give structure to your devotional study. It’s a great way to get a handle on key biblical doctrines, using Scripture alone as a guide. As Torrey writes in the preface, “This work is simply an attempt at a careful, unbiased, systematic, thorough-going, inductive study and statement of Bible truth. . . . The material contained in the Bible is brought together, carefully scrutinized, and then what is seen to be contained in it stated in the most exact terms possible.”
It’s suprising that this book has not been kept in print. What a fantastic resource for teaching or leading a Bible study! It’s like having a Bible tutor at your side, asking probing questions of the Bible text and letting you provide the answers. This book shows how much Torrey was a master of the inductive method of Bible study—his questions could be used to write your own Bible study guide! Just take a look at this screenshot.
Here’s how Torrey explains what this book is, “A consecutive, systematic course of studies in our Lord’s life and teachings, divided into 140 lessons, each complete in itself, and adapted either for individual or class use.” He continues, “The method is workable, and is calculated to develop the student’s own gifts, and that in direct work upon the Bible text itself. It is not too laborious in quantity or manner for the every-day Christian...Dr. Torrey asks the questions, the student—each for himself or herself—answers the questions from the open Bible. Dr. Torrey gives a classification of the teachings, but each student should carry the discovery and classification further for himself.”
The power of prayer is celebrated in R. A. Torrey’s classic How to Pray, a spiritual gem that has remained popular for over 100 years. Beginning with the importance of prayer, Torrey’s practical guidebook covers the how, when, and most importantly, the why of praying. An excellent devotional resource for any Christian library.
“Before one can correctly understand the work of the Holy Spirit, he must first of all know the Spirit Himself.” The first line of The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, R. A. Torrey provides a powerful explanation of the Holy Spirit, and why the Holy Spirit “is a divine person, worthy to receive our adoration, our faith, our love, and our entire surrender to Himself.”
Based on sermons R. A. Torrey preached on the importance of Baptism, this succinct and powerful work on the doctrine of Baptism has stood the test of time.
Chapters include:
In the introduction, Torrey lays plainly the goals of this practical handbook: “The present book is intended, first of all, to impress men with the Importance and Value of Bible Study; secondly, to show busy men and women how to get the most out of their Bible Study; thirdly, to set forth the fundamental principles of correct Biblical Interpretation.” Just over 100 pages, this is a great resource for those new to studying the Bible, or for those that are looking for practical tips to effectively incorporate better Bible study in their hectic lives.
It seems like an easy question to answer: “How should one go about studying the Bible?” Torrey offers a trove of insightful and practical advice for studying God’s word in easy and unadorned language. As he writes in the Introduction: “Nothing is more important for our own mental, moral, and spiritual development, or for our increase in usefulness, than Bible study.”
Written for those that are new to Christ, this practical guidebook on how to live a rewarding and successful Christian life is also practical for those who have long been Christian, but do not feel they have achieved the Christian life they desire.
Perfect for pastors and leaders in the Church, this practical handbook on how to serve the Lord and how to share the Lord has been inspiring people for over 100 years.
Torrey divides this powerful resource into three sections:
In brief, 1–2 page parables and stories drawn from Torrey’s many years as a preacher, Anecdotes and Illustraions is bursting with joy for the Holy Spirit. Illustrating how God intervenes in our lives when we least expect it, Torrey’s inspirational anecdotes show us the power of God’s love and the impact it can have on those wandering blindly through life.
Built on sermons that Torrey gave during his many years of preaching, Talks to Men About the Bible and the Christ of the Bible aims to explain the important doctrines of Christianity to those who haven’t been exposed to the Bible and the teachings of Christ.
Torrey delivered these seventeen powerful and inspirational sermons over a number of years while preaching in Japan, China, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, India, England, and Scotland.
Sermons included:
The Christian Endeavor World said of Torrey’s sermons: “They are full of power. They have Moody’s earnestness and pith. They are sound to the core. They will make revivals even in their printed form.” This volume contains some of Torrey’s most popular sermons that he preached worldwide.
Beginning with questions found in the book of Genesis, Torrey’s passionate sermons move to explore various themes and doctrines in the Bible, methods of spreading the good news of Christ, and the dangers of rejecting Christ.
These sermons cover all the major tenets of Christianity, starting with the defense of the divine inspiration of the Bible. Like his contemporary Dwight L. Moody, Torrey’s sermons were renowned for their passion and scriptural insight.
(Excerpted from a biography at Biola University’s Reuben Archer Torrey Honors Institute)
“Reuben Archer Torrey (1856-1928) was both an evangelist and a Bible scholar. Long associated with evangelist D. L. Moody, he became most prominent during world preaching tours in 1902 and 1921. His preaching in Wales in 1902 has been noted as one cause for the Welsh revivals of the early 1900s. He was the first superintendent of the Moody Bible Institute and wrote numerous devotional and theological books.”
“Spiritual awakening followed R. A. Torrey throughout his career as an evangelist. In revivals with the popular gospel singer Charles W. Alexander, Dr. Torrey filled meeting halls with his magnetic presence, passion, and earnestness.”
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