Digital Logos Edition
While noting how details of the canonical presentation of Jesus relate to first-century Palestinian culture, Jesus According to Scripture is not a historical study of Jesus. Instead, it seeks to show the coherent portrait of Jesus that emerges from the Gospels, a portrait that is rooted in history and yet has produced its own historical and cultural impact.
Bock begins his work with a brief overview of each Gospel, surveying its structure, themes, authorship, setting, and date. He then offers an examination of Jesus as portrayed in the Synoptic Gospels presented together. Bock, however, does not attempt to harmonize them but leaves their narrative lines intact, allowing events to be repeated. In this way readers are invited to appreciate the contribution of each event internally to that Gospel as well as to its parallels. Next, Bock provides a detailed analysis of the Fourth Gospel's portrayal of Jesus. He finishes with a summary of the main theological themes found throughout the Gospels, thus unifying them into a cohesive portrait of Jesus.
The Logos Bible Software edition of this volume is designed to encourage and stimulate your study and understanding of Scripture. Biblical passages link directly to your English translations and original-language texts, and important theological concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. In addition, you can perform powerful searches by topic and find what other authors, scholars, and theologians have to say about the Word of God.
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Bock's research and the contents of this work are excellent. . . . This work is balanced and up to date in scholarship cited, yet pertinent scholarship from the past is also cited. . . . An excellent textbook for a course on the life of Jesus as well as a supplement in courses on the individual Gospels or a New Testament introduction.
—Steven L. Cox, Review of Biblical Literature
Darrell Bock is a well-known expert in the Gospels, and in Jesus according to Scripture he provides a detailed analysis of the portrait of Jesus from each Gospel as well as a theological synthesis of Jesus' message and import as the Gospels portray him. Here we have a much more fulsome and helpful portrait of Jesus than is offered in many recent treatments of the historical Jesus. Highly recommended.
—Ben Witherington III, Asbury Theological Seminary
Darrell L. Bock is research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
“Jesus’ authority is not one of raw power. In terms of proportion, Mark highlights Jesus as the suffering Son of Man and Servant more than the other Gospels.” (Page 32)
“The combination of external and internal evidence suggests that two Gospels are rooted in apostolic origins (Matthew, John), while two others have close connections with the apostolic tradition (Mark through Peter, Luke through Paul and others).” (Page 24)
“None of the Gospels names its author. What we do often have is a rich tradition that describes authorship.” (Page 24)
“One argument made throughout the book is that the reader of the Gospels needs to respect the documents’ claims to present Jesus as a figure making unique claims of authority tied to his unique relationship to God. It is especially at this point that the Gospel portraits cohere, even in the midst of their diversity. Rather than seeing difference as evidence of contradiction and inauthenticity, I hope to show that the very diversity in the Gospels underscores an inherent unity in their claims that adds depth to the account of Jesus in a way that simply overlapping accounts would not. Just as a three-dimensional portrait gives depth to an image in a way that two dimensions cannot, so these four Gospels reveal a many-sided Jesus whose fundamental claims still challenge us today.” (Pages 17–18)
“Thus, this synagogue event seems to be placed where it is for purposes of summarizing what this period of ministry was like by way of a representative scene. These examples suggest that the orderliness may have more to do with general development of the ministry than strict chronology. Luke will tell the account in an orderly way so that the development of God’s plan for salvation is clearly evident.” (Page 54)
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Daniel M. Mandery
John R. Davis
Serge Descoeurs
Robert Leahy
Bobby Terhune
Phil Niebergall