Digital Logos Edition
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Jonathan Menn discusses how to interpret prophecy and apocalyptic literature, shows the history of eschatological thought, and places eschatology in the context of the Bible’s overall structure. Clarity and understanding are enhanced by the use of comparative tables and appendices. Subject and Scripture indexes are included. The book interacts with the best of Evangelical and Reformed scholarship, and the extensive bibliography provides an excellent source for further study. This is a perfect resource for intelligent Christians, including pastors, students, and teachers, who desire to understand eschatology and to see how it fits together with the rest of the Bible.
Delve more into eschatology with the Wipf & Stock Eschatology Collection (2 vols.).
“We must therefore abandon once and for all the erroneous and non-Scriptural rule of ‘literal if possible.’ The” (Page 12)
“All prophecy has an underlying moral or ethical purpose and is designed to confront and change people’s attitudes and behavior.” (Page xxiii)
“Because God’s purposes develop in interaction with human choices and events, prophecies are not always fulfilled ‘literally.’” (Page 10)
“Eschatology—the study of the ‘last things’ or ‘end-times’—is important. It is important because approximately 27 percent of the Bible contains prophetic or predictive elements.1 Although not all prophecy relates to the end of history, lengthy and important passages in both the OT and NT concern the last things. Major OT prophets such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Zechariah wrote about eschatology. Jesus spoke at length concerning eschatology in the Olivet Discourse, and the apostles Peter, Paul, and John all wrote in some detail regarding eschatology. Consequently, not to have a good grasp of eschatology means that much of the Bible will remain closed, or be a mystery, to us.” (Page xxi)
“We need to look for those themes and patterns. In them we begin to see the mind of God.” (Page 8)
I want to commend Jonathan Menn’s Biblical Eschatology heartily. This book performs a great service for the church, precisely because it is comprehensive in its treatment of all the major eschatological passages in Scripture, detailed and clear in its analysis, fair in its assessments, and passionate in its convictions. Menn identifies the importance of eschatology through its connections with the overall story line of the Bible. He helps us with important principles and guidelines for interpreting eschatological texts. And his passion for the truth of Scripture and its practical impact in the life and ministry of the church is inspiring.
—Steven C. Roy, associate professor of pastoral theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Menn provides extensive data on the strengths and weaknesses of virtually every eschatological system.
Sam Storms, The Gospel Coalition
6 ratings
Traian Crismariu
Robert J Richardson
Hornstra, Wilrens
Billy Avery