Digital Logos Edition
The Logos Bible Software edition of the Targums Studies Collection (4 Vols.) is a compilation of works from Philip R. Davies, Michael A. Knibb, Michael L. Klein and Michael Maher. In A Tribute to Geza Vermes, topics such as the Semitica, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Targums and Rabbinica, Judaism and Christianity in history and the New Testament are covered. The Aramaic Bible looks at the Targums of the Pentateuch and their Jewish biblical interpretation as well as the Aramaic language in depth and the impact it has on Biblical Studies. The Targum Studies Collection is a valuable addition to anyone who wants to gain a greater understanding of the Aramaic translations of Scripture.
The 4-Volume Targum Studies Collection covers a wide range of topics including analysis of terms and phrases used in the book of Isaiah. Also discussed are the Targums as part of the Pentateuch, the Hagiographa as well as the part it plays in the New Testament. Studying the Targums is important because of its value as a part of linguistic studies in addition to uncovering the history of biblical interpretation.