Digital Logos Edition
A collection rich in biblical analysis and wisdom, the G. Campbell Morgan Collection (30 vols.) is an excellent compilation of resources for anyone wishing to obtain a more expansive knowledge of the Bible. One of England’s most well-known and well-respected clergymen of the turn of the 20th century, G. Campbell Morgan has much wisdom to offer us all, including The Analyzed Bible (10 vols.), his much loved critical study of the Scriptures. It, along with studies on the parables of the New Testament, a guide to the study of the Bible, and volumes on the subjects of prayer, evangelism, and Christian living are included in this set which will benefit pastors, theologians, and teachers alike. Morgan’s lifetime of wisdom and biblical studies make up almost 6,000 pages of valuable insight that will keep you coming back for more.
Morgan, long-time pastor of Westminster Chapel in London and mentor of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, made it his aim to share his wealth of knowledge and years of scholarly research as simply as possible, in order to make his works accessible to all. His words have inspired and encouraged thousands in the past century, and will continue to provide excellent, biblically-based hope to all who read his works.
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Emphasizing the great importance of context when studying the Bible, G. Campbell Morgan gives us a look at the first seventeen books of the Old Testament. Morgan provides a telescopic overview of Genesis through Esther, explaining how each of these books interact with each other, the Old Testament, and the Bible as a whole.
Twenty-two books of the Bible, spanning Job to Malachi, are covered in volume two of The Analyzed Bible. Continuing his broad overview of what Morgan refers to as the Divine Library, he also includes graphs and original language analysis.
The analysis of the New Testament is a massive undertaking, and Morgan completes it concisely in this 340–page volume. From "Jesus Christ the King" to "The Unveiling of Jesus Christ," each chapter presents a different aspect of who Christ is and how the New Testament relates to the life of the Son of God.
The book of John, the last gospel in the Bible, is worthy of the time that Morgan spends on it in this single volume. Written in 1909, this resource offers a wealth of insight into the person and writing of the apostle John, while always pointing the reader back to the subject of who God is.
One of the Old Testament’s most iconic figures, Job, is discussed in great length in The Analyzed Bible, Vol. 5. G. Campbell Morgan opens this volume with an outline of the book of Job. He then dives right into an analysis of this Old Testament book, covering the topic of Job in a more microscopic format than the brief overview found in The Analyzed Bible, Vol. 2.
Thoroughly scrutinizing the doctrine of one of Paul’s most theologically rich books of the Bible, Morgan also addresses the manner in and reason for which the book of Romans was written, as well as the audience originally intended to read this epistle. He infuses this volume with a fresh biblical look at a much-debated New Testament book.
Breaking down one of the Old Testament’s largest books, Morgan divides Isaiah into categories that include public ministry, private ministry, visions, and proclamations. The sixty-six chapters of Isaiah are vigorously discussed by one of England’s finest theologians.
Continuing where The Analyzed Bible, Vol. 7, left off, Campbell continues to dissect the book of Isaiah. This volume contains multiple outlines and insights into this Old Testament prophetic work.
The origins of man, the serpent in the garden of Eden, and the first biblical family are among the significant events of Genesis outlined in volume nine of The Analyzed Bible (10 Vols.). Tracing the genealogy of the first characters of the Bible, Morgan ends his discussion of Genesis with the burial of Jacob.
Having previously discussed the last gospel of the Bible, John, in Volume four, Morgan completes The Analyzed Bible (10 Vols.) with the study of the first gospel. Matthew contains a unique perspective on some of the most important events of the New Testament—the birth of Jesus, the life of Jesus, and his eventual death and resurrection—as well as important genealogy records that Morgan analyzes.
The first book ever written by G. Morgan Campbell, Discipleship is a resource not aimed towards theologians but instead penned with the intention of encouraging anyone in pursuit of furthering a relationship with Jesus Christ. Defining “disciples” as all “who gather around the Teacher and are trained by Him,” Campbell goes on to dissect the biblical origins and implications of the word. Immensely practical, this book covers the question of how to be a disciple of Christ in all circumstances—when at home, work, in relationship with those around oneself, in good times, and in the less than ideal circumstances that life brings us all.
Arguably, nobody has lived a more scrutinized nor a more passionately faithful life than the apostle Paul. In this compelling and Scripturally-infused call for godly living, Morgan walks his readers through Paul’s epistle to the Philippians, using this well-loved apostle’s life and writings as a model for how we are to live today. Analyzing holy living, which he defines as being healthy of spirit, Morgan compares the life of Paul with that of an Old Testament character, Naaman, who lived a starkly contrasting life.
Lectures on the coming of Christ, the “missing week of Daniel”, “The Golden Age”, and more comprise this volume. An appendix containing helpful Q&A is located at the end of the resource, and is a helpful aid to the lectures.
“Wherein hast Thou loved us? Wherein have we despised Thy name? Wherein have we polluted Thee?” Malachi asks these questions, earnestly pleading with the Israelites to return to God. Even today, there is much to be learned from this prophetic book of the Bible about who God is and how we as His people are to respond to Him.
“Where dost thou live, my brother? For bodily satisfaction, or mental culture, or spiritual growth? For only as thou livest on the third and greatest, can the others be all that they may be, and all that is God’s will that they should be.” Looking intently at the areas of self, environment, heredity, influence, destiny, and spiritual antagonism, Morgan points his readers at all times back to that idea.
This book answers one of the most-asked questions G. Campbell Morgan has consistently heard: Will you tell us how to study the Bible? An important subject for everyone to explore, Morgan does so in the simple yet comprehensive style for which he is known, providing an excellent tool for anybody wishing to teach the Bible in any capacity.
The letters to the seven churches in Asia, contained in the book of Revelation, were written by the apostle John. Morgan dissects the messages they contain, helping his readers understand the relevance and importance today in studying the last book of the Bible.
Written for the faculty and students of Hartford, Chicago, Berkeley, and Dayton Theological Seminaries between the years of 1903 and 1904, this volume covers an immensely important topic. As the subject of evangelism became intensified during the turn of the twentieth century, Morgan sought to address the controversy head-on. The volume addresses a biblical view on evangelism, including a history of evangelism in the church and a survey of the subject during present times.
Only three times in the whole Bible is the term “Christian” used: twice in the book of Acts and one time in 1 Peter. However, the word contains great meaning, a meaning that is almost lost today due to casual and prolific usage. Elaborating on what it means to call oneself a Christian, Morgan in his provocative yet simplistic literary style challenges us all in the way we live as followers of Jesus Christ.
G. Campbell Morgan states “Christianity has never become, nor can it become, independent of the Person of Jesus the Christ.” This statement provides the basis for The Christ of Today: What? Whence? Whither? A short yet powerful dissertation, this absorbing essay expounds upon on who Christ is and how He is relevant today.
One’s character is defined by the way one lives one’s life while participating in a more common existence. These times can prepare us for greater things, as was exemplified with the life of Jesus Christ. Published in 1898, The Hidden Years at Nazareth discusses the time period of the life of Jesus which prepared Him for his ministry years.
Based off of the texts Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:48-49, and John 20:21-23, The Missionary Manifesto discusses the question of the Great Commission. Do the four gospel writers contradict each other in their writings about this well-discussed command? Based on his studies, Morgan meticulously analyzes and then answers that question.
The Teaching of Christ is a series of meditations, written with the aim of breaking down Christ’s precepts into the simplest words in order to be accessible to all. The fundamentals of who God is, the doctrine of salvation, and the idea of the Kingdom of Heaven are all discussed in a comprehensive manner in this book.
Noticing a growth of materialism, spurred by the writings of Darwin, Huxley, and others, Morgan wisely saw the reactionary movement of attempting to discover the spiritual world through new-age philosophies as equally harmful. Recognizing that the answer to both of these movements lies in studying the truth of who God is, Morgan embarks on an analytical dissertation of the Holy Spirit in The Spirit of God.
Containing a chapter on each commandment, The Ten Commandments covers “a new commandment” as well, from the text John 13:34-35. This resource, dedicated to the memory of Dwight L. Moody, is filled with illustrations, scriptural references, and thought-provoking insights into how the Ten Commandments play into our daily lives.
When delving into the parables of Christ, Morgan realized that a discussion of the parabolic method is vital. In The Parables of the Kingdom, he begins with just that. Continuing with a discussion of the parables in the gospel of Matthew, he covers eight parables and their meaning in our lives today.
The Ministry of the Word, published in 1918, studies the call to ministry in the light of the New Testament. Morgan draws on his own life experience and that of his father, who was also a minister, while tackling the topic of the ministry as a vocation.
As the disciples of Christ asked Him to teach them to pray, we ourselves should request the same. Striving, as always, to center his writings on Christ and the Scriptures, Morgan wrote The Practice of Prayer with the intention of providing an intensely practical resource on the topic.
Stating “the peculiar value of these ancient writings for the present time is that they inspire hope in those who read,” Morgan believes that the Old Testament Scriptures, although written for the age in which they were born, provide pertinent insight and build faith for all who study them today. It is on the basis of this belief that he wrote Living Messages of the Books of the Bible, Vol. 1: Old Testament.
Covering the New Testament, volume two of Living Messages of the Books of the Bible gives context to how the New Testament fits into the Scriptures as a whole. An excellent guide to anybody wishing to further pursue knowledge of the New Testament, it is an excellent complementary resource to volume one.
George Campbell Morgan (1863-1945), was a contemporary of Rodney “Gipsy” Smith, preached his first sermon at age 13. He was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London from 1904-1919 and then from 1933-1943, pausing for a brief period between those timeframes to work at Biola in Los Angeles. In 1939, he began to mentor Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who would eventually become his successor. Morgan’s essay entitled The Purposes of the Incarnation are included in a collection called The Fundamentals, a set of 90 essays that is widely considered to be the foundation of the modern Fundamentalist movement.
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