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Products>Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud Collection (50 vols.)

Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud Collection (50 vols.)

, 2008–2011

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The Talmud is a compilation of rabbinic discussions that comprise the foundation of Jewish law and tradition. The Talmuds are structured as expansions and commentary on the Mishnah, an early written compilation of the Oral Torah produced circa 200 CE. These Talmudic commentaries on Jewish morals, values, customs, history, and biblical interpretation had previously been passed down orally.

To preserve these oral traditions, the Talmuds were assembled in written form. Two different Talmuds were produced by Jewish scholars—The Jerusalem Talmud or Yerushalmi circa 400 C.E. and the Babylonian Talmud or Bavli circa 600 C.E. Logos is proud to offer the English translations of both The Babylonian Talmud and The Jerusalem Talmud, edited by the celebrated scholar of Judaism, Jacob Neusner.

Resource Experts
  • Insightful introductions to each edition
  • Detailed introduction to each tractate
  • Linked to Neusner’s translation of the Mishnah
  • Over 25,000 searchable pages
An expert on the sprawling literature of the 1st through 6th century rabbis who shaped modern Judaism, Neusner is an empire builder, a central figure in wrestling an examination of Judaism into America's universities.


Jacob Neusner is the most published Judaic scholar of our time and an internationally renowned expert in Talmudic literature. The book under review is an excellent teaching tool for introductory and more advanced courses in Talmud and rabbinic literature in general.

Review of Biblical Literature

  • Title: Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud Collection (50 vols.)
  • Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers
  • Editor: Jacob Neusner
  • Volumes: 50
  • Pages: 25,781

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The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary (28 vols.)

  • Editor: Jacob Neusner
  • Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 9,251

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Jerusalem Talmud, or Yerushalmi, is a commentary on the oral law (the Mishnah) of Israel that ties that oral law to the written law (the Torah, the Hebrew Scripture). Completed about 200 years prior to The Babylonian Talmud.

Now all thirty-nine Yerushalmi tractates, as translated by Professor Neusner and Tzvee Zahavy, have been brought together in a single searchable resource. In addition to a preface and general introduction to the whole work, Professor Neusner has provided fresh and helpful introductions to each of the tractates. He has also provided within his translation the references to Bible verses alluded to in the Yerushalmi.

The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary (22 vols.)

  • Editor: Jacob Neusner
  • Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 16,530

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Talmud of Babylonia (a.k.a., the Bavli, or Babylonian Talmud), is a sustained commentary on the written and oral law of Israel. Compiled between 500–600 C.E., it offers a magnificent record of how Jewish scholars preserved a humane and enduring civilization. Representing the primary document of rabbinic Judaism, it throws considerable light on the New Testament as well.

This monumental English translation was completed a decade ago—but was extraordinarily expensive and difficult to find. Featuring translations by Jacob Neusner, Tzvee Zahavy, Alan Avery-Peck, B. Barry Levy, Peter Haas, and Martin S. Jaffee, and commentary and new introductions by Jacob Neusner, all thirty-seven Talmudic tractates are available in this single searchable resource. With Logos Bible Software, the instantaneous searches by word or phrase provide exceptional research capabilities, and opens swift avenues for exploration and discovery.

Jacob Neusner is Research Professor of Religion and Theology, Bard College, and Senior Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Theology at Bard College. He has published more than nine hundred books and innumerable articles, and he is editor of The Dictionary of Judaism in the Biblical Period and the five-volume Encyclopaedia of Judaism. He has also served as President of the American Academy of Religion, and was appointed as Member of the National Council on the Humanities and the National Council on the Arts.


27 ratings

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  1. Dr. Anthony Mazak
  2. Aaron



  3. cleburne clark
  4. Elvindowski



  5. Kenneth W. Bowles
  6. Elizabeth Parker
  7. Bruce Morrow

    Bruce Morrow


    Be warned, there is profanity. Really excited to have access to these tractates. Not excited to read Dr. Neusner's translation. Came across the 'F' word and about fell out of my seat. Not the only offensive translation choice. Unprofessional and clearly unnecessary in our receptor language.
  8. Marcos Oliveira Ribeiro
  9. Alfrey Kamenya
    Good site
  10. Fred



    You can buy the CD-ROM's of both these works for a total of about $90 at Amazon. What does this version give you in addition to that?
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