Digital Logos Edition
Defining and delineating the Work of Christ has been the concern of the church since the first century. Unfortunately, many attempts to understand that work have resulted either in wholesale rejections of theology or in complex theological jargon which, saying nearly everything, says nothing.
Professor G. C. Berkouwer avoids both these pitfalls in this volume, the ninth to appear in the American edition of his Studies in Dogmatics series. The Work of Christ treats such theologically important questions as: Would there have been an incarnation without sin? What is the relation of Christ’s humiliation and exaltation? How are we to understand the doctrine of the virgin birth? Why does the church confess that Christ suffered “under Pontius Pilate”? Following the order of the Apostle’s Creed in his study of the work of Christ, Berkouwer concludes with a lengthy discussion of four aspects of the work of Christ: reconciliation, sacrifice, obedience, and victory. The author’s thorough treatment of the Work of Christ is reflective of his mastery of the subject matter as it has developed throughout the history of Christian thought. His historical treatment includes references to the hymns of the church, its confessions and creeds, and its preaching, in addition to its strictly theological works. Throughout, Berkouwer maintains the normative position of Scripture, never obscuring the responsibility of dogmatic theology to be subservient to the Word of God.
“The supposition that Christ could have ascended to heaven as Mediator in order to bear his sacrifice into the sanctuary, but still not be clothed with the special power of the sessio, is simply impossible. Nevertheless, we must with Bavinck on the basis of Scripture make a distinction between the ascension and the sessio. The act of the ascension expresses the end of Christ’s earthly sojourn, with all the inherent aspects of his messianic work, in his passing into glory. The sessio is full of this glory and calls our attention to it, namely, to the reality of Christ’s power and glory at the right hand of the Father.” (Page 224)
“In my opinion, those who consider the pneumatic ‘plus’ to be even slightly independent of the work of Christ fail to recognize the absolutely theocentric character of the entire messianic work.” (Page 221)
“in the study of Christ and his salvation, it is impossible to separate his person from his work.” (Page 19)
“There is an indissoluble connection between resurrection, ascension, and sessio; and for this reason the New Testament—hence also the Church’s confession—can speak of the sessio as the finale, as we might call it, of the ascension, as the way to the Father,3 and consequently can speak of the sessio as the definite cofirmation of Christ’s power which he, on the basis of the completion of his messianic office, has received. He is crowned with honor and glory.” (Pages 224–225)
“In my opinion, the clearest solution may be found in Calvin, who paved the way for all of Reformed theology. He vigorously rejects the invisible, corporeal presence of Christ, because he says that we have the man Jesus Christ as an Advocate in heaven, our flesh and blood, and nothing may be added to or subtracted from the concreteness of this statement.” (Page 239)
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Brian Poad