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Products>Classical Pastoral Care: Crisis Ministries

Classical Pastoral Care: Crisis Ministries

, 1987
ISBN: 9780801067662

Digital Logos Edition

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Crisis Ministries tackles crucial situations in which pastors are often called to respond to urgent and specific challenges: care of the sick, the management of pain, the struggle with the meaning of suffering, pastoral visitation of families, interpersonal crises, conflict resolution, care of the emotionally ill, alcoholism, vocational counseling, suicide counseling, premarital, marital and family counseling; care of the poor, care for the terminally ill, and care for the dying and the grieving.

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Top Highlights

“Vincent of Lerins, St. (d. before 450). Presbyter of monastery on isle of Lerins, near Cannes. Commonitorium (434, FC 7, MPL 1, 625ff), set forth the Vincentian Canon, a three-fold test of catholicity: quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est (what has been believed everywhere, always and by all). By this threefold test of ecumenicity, antiquity, and consent, the church may discern between true and false traditions. NPNF 2, XI, pp. 123ff.; see translations in LCC IX, TCL; cf. BKV.” (Page 243)

“Patrick, St. (c. 389–c. 461). Celtic missionary to Ireland, ‘Apostle to the Irish.’ Probably born near Scottish town of Dumbarton, captured at sixteen by marauders from Ireland, became a slave in East Antrim, where his eyes were opened to his calling to convert Ireland. After six years in captivity, returned to Scotland; a vision called him back to Ireland, and he returned about 432, preaching, and converting enormous numbers, according to legend. Founded monastery at Armagh.” (Page 234)

“Benedict, St., of Nursia (c. 480–c. 543). Founder of monasticism in western Europe. Established Monte Cassino (c. 529) which became the leading monastery of the Benedictine Order. Formulated the Rule of St. Benedict (in Latin and English, London: Burns & Oates, 1932) under the influence of earlier rules by John Cassian and Basil, to regulate the life of monks, giving spiritual authority to the abbot to be elected by vote. The vow called for works of mercy, possessions to be held in common, and residence in one place. MPL lxvi, 215–358.” (Page 201)

  • Title: Classical Pastoral Care: Crisis Ministries
  • Author: Thomas C. Oden
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 2000
  • Pages: 274

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Dr. Oden is Professor Emeritus of Theology and Ethics at Drew University. He is best known as an advocate of paleo-orthodoxy. He is a prolific writer, having authored over 40 books.


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  1. Anita Van Hal
  2. Mgr. Ioan Dinu Lakatos
