Digital Logos Edition
Jude may be described as a prophetic history of the apostasy of Christendom from its beginning in apostolic days to its consummation at the end of the age. Ironside’s commentary on the book reminds readers—then and now—that they live in the middle of the fulfillment of Jude’s message.
Harry Allen Ironside, one of the twentieth century’s greatest preachers, was born in Toronto, Canada on October 14, 1876. Though his education stopped with grammar school, his fondness for reading and a retentive memory put his learning to use. His scholarship was recognized in academic circles when he received honorary degrees from Wheaton College and Bob Jones University and was invited as frequent lecturer at Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Ironside was appointed to the boards of numerous Bible institutes, seminaries, and Christian organizations. He also served as director of the Africa Inland Mission. Ironside preached widely throughout the United States and abroad. He served as pastor of Moody Memorial Church from 1930 to 1948, and during his lifetime, he preached more than 7,000 sermons to over 1.25 million listeners.
“Such are ‘beloved of God the Father.’ The A. Ver. reads, ‘sanctified,’ but editors generally favor the other word. Both are true; but it is to our place in the affections of the Father that we are here directed.” (Page 8)
“In what way do men turn the grace of God into lasciviousness? The answer undoubtedly is by going on in their own ways, gratifying the lusts of the flesh, while professing to believe in the grace that does not impute sin to the justified soul.” (Pages 17–18)
“The faith has been once for all made known. Neither assumption nor miracle shall induce me to accept any additions to it” (Page 12)
“shuts out all the pretentious claims of new prophets, seers and revelators” (Page 12)
“What a profitable thing this myth about Jesus Christ has been to us!” (Page 35)