Digital Logos Edition
Paul's first letter to the church at Corinth is full of practical relevance to the church of our day. How should people live in the light of a surrounding immoral culture? What should be the church's response to blatant sin on the part of its members? How should the giving and stewardship of the church be administered? What happens after a person dies? How should spiritual gifts be exercised, and what is the place of love in all this? Derek Prime provides a succinct treatment of these topics, and, in it all, he points to the centrality, prominence and glory of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
“The Spirit’s principal task in our lives is to reproduce in us the character of our Lord Jesus Christ. The priority in that character reproduction is love; and it is from love that all the other aspects of the Spirit’s fruit flow.” (Page 116)
“A secret of successful marriage is not to insist upon what our partner owes us but to focus on our duty to our marriage partner.” (Page 63)
“We should not share in any activity with an unconverted person from which he or she will need to turn away when converted to our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Page 92)
“Love’s superiority to other gifts is summed up: it ‘never fails’ (v. 8).” (Page 118)
“Divisions and quarrelling in the church hinder its effective proclamation and sharing of the gospel.” (Page 17)
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