Digital Logos Edition
New Testament scholar Charles Talbert’s unique commentary considers the entire scope of the works attributed to John, their literary settings and particularities, and their continuing theological importance to the Christian story. Thoughtful and engaging, Reading John provides throughout a careful analysis of literary structure and development; it addresses the fundamental theological message and context of these works and adds a host of illuminating parallels from both Jewish and Greco-Roman literature. A clear style and a sharpness of precision further make this volume a very attractive addition to Johannine scholarship.
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“The Fourth Gospel’s prologue happens to use Logos/Word instead of Sophia/Wisdom, perhaps because both it and the LXX of Genesis 1 begin alike (en arche/in beginning), perhaps because a masculine term (logos) seemed more appropriate for the man Jesus than the feminine wisdom (sophia).” (Page 74)
“Indeed, Philo’s logos has many of the attributes of the Word in the Johannine prologue:” (Page 73)
“The water ceremony looked back to the water from the rock in the wilderness. On the other hand, it also pointed forward to the Messianic era when there would be an abundance of water (Ezek 47:1–12; Joel 3:18; Zech 14:8: ‘On that day living waters shall flow out from Jerusalem’).” (Page 155)
“In ancient Judaism, Wisdom and Word of God are sometimes used interchangeably for the same reality:” (Page 73)
“The central issue to be resolved is: at what point does the passage cease to talk about the preexistent Logos and begin to speak about the incarnate Word?” (Page 70)
Talbert's commentary maintains the special focus that keeps this series from just rehashing the more thorough classic commentaries. It is an original, very close reading of the final form of the Gospel and Letters of John for their religious content, in light both of ancient Greco-Roman, Jewish, and Christian writings, and of present-day pastoral concerns. . . [A] commendable work of mature scholarship.
—Theological Studies
It pleases me to see the announcement of a revision of Talbert’s already excellent analysis of John. What impresses me is definitely his close reading of the original text, coming up with fresh and acute insights. He is not content to state the obvious and revisit the commonplace. He finds new light. Dr. Talbert will inform the student and inspire the preacher with perspectives freshly found.
—Peter Rhea Jones, Professor, Preaching and New Testament, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University
3 ratings
Michael Mullen