Digital Logos Edition
The early leaders of the Church were all Jewish, the original Church was organized around the pattern of the Jewish synagogue, and Yeshua (Jesus) used numerous Jewish idioms in his teachings and was, perhaps, a Pharisee himself. Dr. Moseley illuminates the Jewish background of Yeshua and the Church in this best-selling book.
Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church includes a foreword by Dr. Marvin Wilson, study questions, and an extensive glossary. This eye-opening work can be used by individuals and Bible study groups who want to learn more about the Jewish roots of their faith.
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“the first fifteen bishops of the original Church at Jerusalem were Jewish.” (Page 7)
“To the Hebrew mind, the primary purpose of the Torah is to teach humanity how to hit the mark in life, as opposed to committing sin, to miss the mark.” (Page 35)
“Research indicates that there were some twenty-six to thirty different denominations within first-century Judaism—including the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essenes, Herodians, Boethusians, Galileans, Genistae, Meristae, Hellenists, and Nazarenes.” (Page 1)
“Often those Pharisees who wished to boast would drop a large number of coins in at once. This was called sounding the trumpet. It was this practice of letting everyone know how much they were giving that Jesus opposed.” (Page 28)
“There also was a public minister of the synagogue, called a chazan, who prayed, preached behind a wooden pulpit, and took care of the general oversight of the reading of the Law and other congregational duties. He did not read the Law, but stood next to the one who did, to correct and oversee, ensuring that it was done properly. He selected seven readers each week who were well-educated in the Hebrew Scriptures. The group consisted of one priest, one Levite, and five regular Israelites (Luke 4:16). The terms overseer of the congregation, angel of the church, and minister of the synagogue all referred to this position.” (Page 9)
. . . must reading for serious students desiring to explore the historical and biblical linkage between the synagogue and church. I enthusiastically recommend this enlightening study of origins.
—Marvin R. Wilson, Ph.D., Professor, Dep't. of Biblical and Theological Studies, Gordon College
This refreshing book by Dr. Ron Moseley opens up the history of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Every Christian should read this book.
—Brad Young, Ph.D. (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Oral Roberts University
. . . every disciple of Yeshua, the Rabbi from Nazareth, will find Ron's latest work valuable and stimulating reading, as it illuminates the Jewish background to Jesus and his Jewish movement, the Church.
—Dwight A. Pryor, President, Center for Judaic-Christian Studies
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Tim Kuhn
André Kamphuis