Digital Logos Edition
This practical tool brings an understanding of the ancient world together with the timeless message of God's Word to expand Biblical insights for the modern readers.
“the larger historical and cultural setting and the influences that prevailed to help create this literary work” (Page 91)
“Later Judaism believed that God had given them His Word in twenty-four books” (Page 12)
“Jesus and the apostles likely shared the same view of the Old Testament as the Jewish rabbis. Jesus’ reference to ‘the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms’ (Luke 24:44) probably indicates a threefold division of the Old Testament canon with ‘Psalms’ as a general designation for the entire third section.” (Page 12)
“the fourth circle, weaves the themes of the whole Bible together to form a tapestry of thought that guides all our study” (Page 91)
“They were known to impale their enemies on stakes in front of their towns and hang their heads from trees in the king’s gardens. They also tortured their captives—men, women, or children—by hacking off noses, ears, or fingers, gouging out their eyes, or tearing off their lips and hands. They reportedly covered the city wall with the skins of their victims. Rebellious subjects would be massacred by the hundreds, sometimes burned at the stake. Then their skulls would be placed in great piles by the roadside as a warning to others. Jonah decided that he would rather quit than preach to such people.” (Page 478)
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David S. Dockery is President of Union University in Jackson, TN. In 2002 he was named a Distinguished Alumnus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Dockery is a consulting editor for Christianity Today. He received a B. A. from the University of Alabama-Birmingham, a Masters from Grace Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Texas Christian University. He holds a Ph. D. in Humanities from the University of Texas. He has published numerous articles and book reviews and is the author or editor of more than twenty-five books, including Interpreting the New Testament, Biblical Interpretation Then and Now, also in the Baker Hermeneutics Collection (14 Vols.), and Theologians of the Baptist Tradition which is also included in the Broadman & Holman Baptist History Collection (11 Vols.).