Digital Logos Edition
Sometimes a multi-volume commentary tells you more than you need to know. Sometimes you just want one place to go that’s simple and straightforward. You want the Holman Concise Bible Commentary—where superior Bible scholarship from some of today’s leading evangelical minds comes packaged in helpings much easier to consume.
“In using the term ‘Word’ (logos), John was using a term familiar to both Jews and Greeks, though each attributed a different meaning to the term. For the Greek mind the ‘Word’ referred to the rational principle that supervised or governed the universe. To the Jew, ‘Word’ was a reference to God. Thus John wanted to equate the ‘Word’ with God while noting that the Word was distinct from the Father. John stated that Jesus was with God ‘in the beginning’ and that through Christ ‘all things were made.’ Jesus is therefore seen as co-eternal with God and as the Creator.” (Page 466)
“Belief, of course, means far more than mere intellectual assent. Rather, it means placing one’s life and trust in complete surrender to the one in whom you believe.” (Pages 468–469)
“Disciples must be salt and light, arresting decay and providing illumination for a lost and dying world.” (Page 408)
“Professions of faith without appropriate changes of lifestyle prove empty.” (Page 409)
“the enabling nature of truth that resists lying and false doctrine” (Page 580)