Digital Logos Edition
How does the Old Testament differ from the New Testament? Does one carry more weight than the other? The third volume of Synopsis of the Books of the Bible includes introductions to the Gospels and overviews of the New Testament in which Darby answers these very questions. In the Old Testament, he says, God has spoken. But in the New Testament, God manifests himself on earth. Most notably, however, Darby asserts that the Holy Spirit makes God clearer through the events of the world, beginning with the life and death of Christ, and continuing into God’s renewed relationship with Israel and the coming events of the rapture and Christ’s second return.
“It was Jesus who could impart this to them. He thus passes from the law,24 recognized as coming from God, to its fulfilment, when it shall be as it were absorbed in the will of Him who gave it, or accomplished in its purposes by Him who alone could do so in any sense whatever.” (Page 68)
“proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven was at hand” (Page 36)
Darby left a lasting legacy for us today.
—Conservative Theological Journal
To see classical dispensationalist theology at its best, one must read Darby…
—Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Darby was a brilliant man…
—Moody Handbook of Theology