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Essentials of New Testament Greek, Revised

, 1995
ISBN: 9781430081128

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For more than fifty years Summers’ book has been a classic textbook and essential tool for students of New Testament Greek. Thomas Sawyer has updated this time-honored classic to make it even more effective for today’s students. The book’s major features are: a step-by-step approach to guide students through the learning process; clear explanations of the Greek language and how it works; extensive appendices with paradigms, indexes, and verb list; high-frequency Greek vocabulary, presenting every word used 50 times or more in the New Testament; numerous examples from the Greek New Testament to illustrate grammatical points; translation exercises which use nearly 300 New Testament verses; and an expanded, easy-to-read verb chart. Essentials of New Testament Greek, Revised is an exceptional textbook for college and seminary students, an effective resource for ministers, and an efficient guide for self-study.

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Top Highlights

“Many of these verbs are intransitive and not action verbs; thus they do not need an active voice.” (Page 51)

“Greek has a third voice called the middle, which expresses the action returning to the subject.” (Page 12)

“The order of Greek words was often for purposes of emphasis, variety, or simply for pleasant sound. The case endings, not the word order, determined the use of a word in a Greek sentence.” (Page 18)

“The word ‘aorist’ comes from the Greek word ἀόριστος, which means ‘undefined’ or ‘undetermined.’ It simply states that action took place in the past without regard to its duration.” (Page 71)

“First, a Greek word has as many syllables as it has vowels and diphthongs. The two vowels of a diphthong make one syllable, not two.” (Page 8)

Product Details

  • Title: Essentials of New Testament Greek
  • Author: Ray Summers
  • Editor: Thomas Sawyer
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 1995
  • Pages: 199

About Ray Summers and Thomas Sawyer

Ray Summers served as a professor of New Testament and Greek at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Baylor University, where he was Chairman of the Religion Department. He is the author of Worthy is the Lamb.

Thomas Sawyer is Professor of Religion and Coordinator of the Religion and Philosophy Department at Mars Hill College. He received his B.A. from Furman University, a B.D. and Th.M. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


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  1. Chala Gemeda

    Chala Gemeda


  2. Ben Holdsworth
  3. Freddie Jr. Kinsler
  4. Randy Marsh

    Randy Marsh



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