Digital Logos Edition
This classic commentary by theologian Philip Edgcumbe Hughes presents an engaging look at the New Testament book of Hebrews. Featuring verse-by-verse commentary preceded by an introductory examination of the epistle, A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews offers astute exegesis and stellar biblical scholarship—a necessary addition to the theological library of any biblical scholar, theologian, pastor, student, or the person wanting to dig deeper into personal Bible study. Hughes' words equip us to better understand the thirteen chapters that make up the book of Hebrews.
Using the tools found within Logos—the Passage Guide, linking this volume to your preferred Bible, speedy searching, viewing Scripture references instantaneously, and much more—A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews is more accessible than ever, as it helps reveal the truths found within Hebrews. Providing understanding and wisdom, Hughes' commentary is a must-have.
“The comprehensive theme of the Epistle to the Hebrews is that of the absolute supremacy of Christ—a supremacy which allows no challenge, whether from human or angelic beings.” (Page 2)
“The opening statement, then, sets the tone and introduces the main theme of the whole epistle, namely, the uniqueness and supremacy of Christ in comparison with the transitory and incomplete character of all that preceded his coming.” (Page 38)
“The purpose of the incarnation was specifically that the Messiah might die. Not” (Page 111)
“What we, and they, needed was not a fellow loser but a winner; not one who shares our defeat but one who is able to lead us to victory; not a sinner but a savior.” (Page 177)
“The sin of apostasy, then, is a grim (and far more than a merely hypothetical) possibility for persons who through identification with the people of God have been brought within the sphere of the divine blessing. They may be baptized, as Simon Magus was, occupied in Christian labors, as Demas was, endowed with charismatic gifts, preachers even, healers of the sick and casters out of demons, and privileged to belong to an inner circle of disciples, as Judas was (Mk. 6:12f.; Mt. 10:5ff.), and yet their heart may be far from the One they profess to serve.” (Pages 217–218)
Hughes deals fully and minutely with the Epistle from a philological as well as a theological point of view. . . . Hughes' erudition is impressive, and his exposition and evaluation of complicated theories proposed over the centuries are models of lucidity. No one can work through this volume without gaining a deeper appreciation of the great and abiding themes taught in the Epistle in all their power and fullness. Pastors and students alike will gain from the commentary a deeper understanding of the riches of the Epistle.
—Bruce M. Metzger, The Princeton Seminary Bulletin
Hughes has produced not only a momenument of learning, but also an inspiring and compulsively readable exposition of a very difficult part of God's Word. . . . He is obviously steeped in the literature of the Epistle and fully conversant with all the shades of scholarly opinion.
—Geoffrey B. Wilson, The Banner of Truth
As in the rest of Hughes' writings, the treatment is not only full, astute, and of the highest scholarly standards but also rich in theological insight.
—Christianity Today
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Matthew Frost
Ken McClurkin
George Crocker
Daniel Wang
Timothy Merritt
Bill Shewmaker