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Products>3:16 Bible Commentary Series (10 vols.)

3:16 Bible Commentary Series (10 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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The 3:16 Series is based on Colossians 3:16, "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly." Each book offers the best in contemporary writers who drive us into the Bible text and then provide insightful, thought-provoking questions for personal or small group use. Each volume in the series provides invaluable context and understanding of these books of the New Testament, as well as practical insight for daily living. The 3:16 series emphasizes application of Scripture, perfect for modern believers wishing to incorporate the Word into all aspects of life. This series addresses key themes within certain New Testament books, such as faith, perseverance, the Gospel, and freedom in Christ.

Perfect for individual or group study, the 3:16 series will help you study the New Testament in a thought-provoking, practical, and theologically sound way. Each book contains a question and answer section, incorporating study with immediate application. With the Logos edition, each Scripture is linked with your favorite translation, and easy to study side by side with your other commentaries. You can search by topic or Scripture with lightning fast results!

Resource Experts
  • Practical guide to New Testament books
  • Contains helpful study notes and citations
  • Ideal for students, laity, and small groups
  • Title: 3:16 Bible Commentary Series (10 Vols.)
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Volumes: 10
  • Pages: 1,050

2 Timothy: Finish-Line Faith

  • Author: Matt Proctor
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 112

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This letter helps shape resilient faith. God doesn't remove hardship from our lives, but in 2 Timothy, He provides the wisdom needed to overcome hardship. These words gave new strength to Timothy's faltering faith, and they will shoot adrenaline through your weary soul.

In this study, Matt Proctor weaved Biblical teaching with practical principles. As we eavesdrop on Paul's advice to his beloved son in the faith, we too will develop finish-line faith. Like a track coach encouraging his athletes, Proctor urges his readers to remember the importance of our mission, and to rely on God's strengthening grace to finish strong.

Matt Proctor has served as a youth minister, preaching minister, Bible college professor, and is now president of Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri.

Philippians: Real Life

  • Author: Rusty George
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 82

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The believers in Philippi were facing the realities of life and faith. Paul's letter to their church was just what they needed. In this insightful study, we will learn from Paul's "reality check letter" to the Philippians as he taught them the necessary adjustments they needed to make in order to not just survive but thrive in real life.

If you are ready to make some changes to improve your life, this book is for you! It's time to regroup and prepare for the rest of your life. It's time to take a break and make some adjustments before life gets any more real!

Rusty George is the Lead Pastor of Real Life Church (RLC) in Valencia, California. Rusty is also coauthor of Herding Cats: Teaching and Leading in a Postmodern World.

Acts 1-9: The Gospel Unleashed

  • Author: Dan Bouchelle
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 103

When we read Acts, we are reading the never-ending story of Jesus. We see how Jesus worked through the church in the first century, and we are invited to see how our lives can be an ongoing part of the never-ending story. When we view the book that way, it takes on a whole new significance for us. Is there a pattern for the church in Acts? Yes. It is Jesus. It is our hope that as you read this book, you will see Him better and be equipped to continue living out His life in your community of faith as His witnesses to the ends of the earth.

Dan Bouchelle has served as the senior minister of the Central Church of Christ in Amarillo, Texas, since August of 2001. Before moving to Amarillo, Dan ministered for thirteen years with churches in Norman, Oklahoma, and Abilene, Texas. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Houston – Clear Lake, a Master of Arts, Master of Divinity, and Doctor of Ministry from Abilene Christian University.

Acts 10-28: The Gospel Unhindered

  • Author: Dan Bouchelle
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 101

In the second volume of Acts, Dan Bouchelle will take you or your small group on an uplifting journey as you travel the pathways alongside the early missionaries.

Galatians: Freedom in Christ

  • Author: Mike Baker
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 105

Freedom is a deep yearning of the human heart. If you are experiencing spiritual bondage, then you understand the desire to be set free. But what happens when your best attempts at achieving freedom result in the same unchanging condition? What happens when those who are enslaved are unable to free themselves?

Many Christians today prefer the shackles of traditions, rituals, and rules and flee the freedom of grace, faith, and the Holy Spirit. Why? A study of Galatians may help you find out. The goal of this study is to encourage you and your group to choose freedom as you study the freedom message in the book of Galatians. In the church, both then and now, let freedom ring!

Mike Baker is currently associate pastor at Eastview Christian Church in Normal, Illinois. Mike graduated from Johnson Bible College in 1987 with a degree in preaching. He is the author of How Teens Do Church and Counsel Fit for a King.

Hebrews: Strength for The Journey

  • Author: Jeff Snell
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 107

The journey for many first-century believers was difficult because they had not fully grasped the magnitude of this new covenant relationship with Jesus Christ. The book of Hebrews was written for these new believers to help them understand that Jesus is their High Priest and that he and he alone can strengthen them for the journey of life. This faith-building study reminds us that Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Jeff Snell has earned two bachelor’s degrees from Ozark Christian College, two master’s degrees from Lincoln Christian Seminary in Lincoln, Illinois, and recently earned his D.Min. degree from Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY.

James: Vibrant Faith

  • Author: Chris Goldman
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 96

Over the centuries followers of Christ have struggled to balance two key issues: grace and Christian living. Some see Paul and James as disagreeing over these two concepts. After all, Paul wrote about grace and James wrote about works. If we are saved by grace and not by works, then Paul and James must be at odds.

True, James does not write about the cross or grace, or mention the word “gospel.” But you do not have to mention those things if you live them. That is what James’ letter is all about—living according to the gospel you believe. James wants to talk to us about faith and action, not grace and salvation. It is not that he opposes the ideas, but that he understands the cost of grace more than most. James was, after all, the half-brother of Jesus Christ. He saw him grow up and knew Jesus in a way that only family can. He saw his brother make clear from childhood that he “had to be about his Father’s business.”

James demands that we back up our faith with action. This is not so we can be saved; it is because we have been saved. It is because we’ve been “bought with a price” and our bodies are not our own. It is because we have decided to “deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Jesus.” In other words, James writes to a people who are already saved; he just wants to challenge believers to respond as if they really believe.

Chris Goldman serves as the minister of the Cordova Church of Christ in Rancho Cordova, in California.

Mark: Jesus: The Powerful Servant

  • Author: Tim Spivey
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 98

Seldom does anyone name the Gospel of Mark as his or her favorite. This is unfortunate, but not surprising. Mark does not have the “red print” of Matthew, the parables of Luke, or the riveting metaphors of John. Mark is just Mark. He brings his own offerings to the table: urgency, conciseness, and a vision of Jesus that we would do well to preserve.

Tim Spivey has served as the Senior Minister for the North Country Church of Christ in Escondido, CA since September of 2008. He holds an undergraduate degree and graduate degree from Pepperdine University.

Titus: The Growing Church

  • Authors: Bob Russell and Rusty Russell
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 110

The Kingdom of God is much more than announcing the minimum requirements necessary to get to heaven. It's about transforming lives to be like Christ. Everyone in the church is still a work in progress. How do we grow up and be like our Lord Jesus? How can we help His church grow?

The best place to find answers to questions about how God's church is to grow is the Bible; and a great place to start is the book of Titus. This compelling study by Bob & Rusty Russell will help every reader appreciate being a part of The Growing Church. The life-changing truths found in Titus will help equip every follower of Jesus to be more like Him. Be inspired and challenged to get dirt under your fingernails and really grow the Kingdom!

Bob Russell retired in June 2006 from Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, after forty years of faithful service. He now travels and speaks for Christ all over the world.

Rusty Russell serves as the senior minister of the New Day Christian Church in Port Charlotte, FL. He has been a Senior Minister, Campus Pastor, a Christian school teacher, and served in several roles at Southeast Christian Church before his move to Florida.

Unquenchable Faith

  • Author: David Faust
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Pages: 136

Thessalonica was a city of size and influence. It appears to have been a very busy, prosperous, and diverse area—the perfect place for the message of God's Grace through His Son Jesus to take root and spread, but also a place where it would meet significant resistance. Thessalonica was a tough place for new followers of Christ to grow up in their faith.

Have you ever thought of the Apostle Paul as a concerned parent? Paul's letters to the church in Thessalonica are full of parental affection and advice. Once can't help but be touched by his strong desire to be with his new converts—to protect, guide, prepare, and comfort them. David Faust leads us through an inspiring study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. We'll learn just how much the Apostle Paul wanted to make sure how much this young church received the proper spiritual nourishment: he wanted them to possess that unquenchable faith that, even today, we are encouraged to thirst for.

David Faust, after years of ministry with growing churches in New York, Ohio, and Indiana, now serves as president of Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio and Executive Editor of The Lookout magazine.


2 ratings

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  1. Andreas Roemer

    Andreas Roemer


    A good thought, a commentary series under the motto: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." and the implementation is convincing. But if already the "word" is spoken of, then John is missing at all corners and ends. So the series seems incomplete to me and in my opinion the central element of the NT to this motto is missing. Too bad.
  2. Bill Shewmaker


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