Digital Logos Edition
Since its publication a decade ago, Strategic Pastoral Counseling has been a standard text for pastoral counseling classes and a practical resource for parish clergy. This user-friendly book has been thoroughly revised and now includes two new chapters. Benner includes helpful case studies, an appendix on contemporary ethical issues, and extensive chapter bibliographies. Benner maintains that clergy are uniquely positioned in their pastoral roles to combine the therapeutic approach of modern counseling with the framework of classic Christian soul care. This practical handbook will be a useful guide for any pastoral counseling ministry.
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“Pastoral counseling involves the establishment of a time-limited relationship that is structured to provide comfort for troubled persons by enhancing their awareness of God’s grace and faithful presence and thereby increasing their ability to live their lives more fully in the light of these realizations.” (Page 40)
“The main goal of pastoral counseling is the facilitation of spiritual growth” (Page 35)
“Pastoral counseling is not friendship, nor can it be offered without hazard to someone with whom the pastor has a personal friendship.3 But pastoral counseling can best fulfill its distinctive role when it is offered within a community that is based on a network of genuine soul-care friendships.” (Page 18)
“Without advanced specialized training in psychotherapy, they should not, therefore, attempt long-term approaches to counseling that seek to change underlying personality structures or resolve deep-seated unconscious problems and conflicts.” (Page 32)
“Spiritual direction is ‘a prayer process in which a person seeking help in cultivating a deeper personal relationship with God meets with another for prayer and conversation that is focused on increasing awareness of God in the midst of life experiences and facilitating surrender to God’s will’” (Page 22)
A model for strategic pastoral counseling that is brief and time limited (usually five sessions), bibliotherapeutics, wholistic, structured, spiritually focused, and explicitly Christian. Pastors and church leaders involved in counseling ministries will benefit greatly from reading it.
—Siang-Yang Tan, Fuller Theological Seminary
Pastors operate within a different paradigm than the private counselor. David Benner’s book bridges this gap and offers the pastor a model of counseling that is sensitive to the peculiarities of pastoral ministry.
—Rod Wilson, Regent College
When it comes to counseling, most pastors feel that the contents of their counseling toolboxes are severely limited. Benner's revision of Strategic Pastoral Counseling should help with this predicament. This book is not just another reprint from a decade ago. There are many updates and significant revisions. One of the most beneficial changes is the expanded vision of the role of the pastoral counselor…There is much in Benner's book to encourage and empower pastors.
—Bryan N. Maier, Trinity Journal
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Anita Van Hal
Denver Race
Jeff Chappell