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Products>The College Press NIV Commentary: 1 Corinthians

The College Press NIV Commentary: 1 Corinthians


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1 Corinthians was written to a church rocked by division, with great cracks developing over worldly issues. The church at Corinth is a warning of what our churches today are fast becoming. The beloved church of the Corinthians had become world based, glory motivated, and grounded in immorality. But there was hope, found in a detailed plan by Paul intended to bring the Corinthian church back to repentance, unity, and most importantly back to God. We call this plan 1 Corinthians, a letter written for the sake of restoration. This makes 1 Corinthians one of the most important books we can turn for leadership, as we bring our churches back to God. It is in this letter that we find many of the basic truths that we hold today. Paul covers the sanctity of marriage, the spiritual destruction that comes with sexual immorality, issues of civil law, and the discipline of Christian brothers and sisters who refuse to put off their evil ways. Of special interest today are the sections on spiritual gifts and the chapter on the resurrection. 1 Corinthians deals with most of the issues in our churches today. It will bring to you a greater understanding of how God expects his church to be—fully devoted to Him in love and unity.

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Top Highlights

“All things considered, it is not a radical conclusion to affirm that a congregation in a large Roman colony would have some Roman members who would have been converted from Roman paganism and would have brought some of their devotional and liturgical traditions with them into the worship assemblies of the church of God.” (1 Corinthians 11:4)

“‘Paul’s view is that the creation order should be properly manifested, not obliterated, in Christian worship.…’ 7” (1 Corinthians 11:3)

“Paul is basically saying that individuals should not be too proud too soon, since no one knows the real quality of the converts until all of them stand before God’s judgment and his refining fire on judgment day.” (1 Corinthians 3:13)

“In my judgment Paul uses this term kephalē in the literal sense all three times in 11:5.” (1 Corinthians 11:5)

“In this verse Paul forcefully jerks the Corinthians’ current practice of the Lord’s meal from the damning perspectives of Greco-Roman meal customs and firmly replants it in the soil of redemptive history. Whenever believers participate in the Lord’s supper (not just any supper), it is a proclamation of the death of the Lord. The supper as a whole points to Jesus’ death since the two essential elements commanded by Jesus (bread and cup) both are interpreted in terms of his redemptive work at his death. The centrality of this meal to the life of the church is seen in the fact that the church is commanded to eat and drink of the Lord’s meal until the Lord’s return.” (1 Corinthians 11:26)

  • Title: 1 Corinthians
  • Author: Richard Oster
  • Series: College Press NIV Commentary
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Print Publication Date: 1995
  • Logos Release Date: 2001
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. N.T. 1 Corinthians › Commentaries
  • Resource ID: LLS:29.51.3
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2023-04-26T02:10:34Z

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Professor of New Testament, Harding University Graduate School of Religion.


6 ratings

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  1. Mark Dietsch

    Mark Dietsch


  2. Neriah LeBlanc
  3. Jonathan Storment
  4. Lawrence Clark
    Runs from teaching that Paul in 1 Cor. commands us today that women should have long hair, be silent in church, and that men are commanded to go after speaking up in the church service. A plain bible believing reading of 1 Cor. 12-14 shows that today's church services don't follow God's instructions of how God wants a church service to be conducted. How have we arrived at the place were the modern church service today is accepted as biblical? I think Martin Luther's words give the answer. " I have observed that all the heresies and errors have arisen not from Scripture's own plain statements, but when that plainness of statement is ignored, and men follow the Scholastic arguments of their own brains" .
  5. John Delly

    John Delly


  6. Johnnie Ray Bailey


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