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Products>Sin, the Savior, and Salvation: The Theology of Everlasting Life

Sin, the Savior, and Salvation: The Theology of Everlasting Life

, 1991
ISBN: 9780825431531

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With scholarship that is thorough yet accessible and a tone that is convincing but non-combative, Dr. Lightner explores the current confusion over such issues as: the vanishing concept of personal sin in our secularized society, the influence of New Age ideas on the deity of Jesus Christ, and the controversy over "Lordship salvation" among evangelicals.

Wait! This book and many others from Robert P. Lightner are available at a discount as part of the Robert P. Lightner and Aubrey Malphurs Collection!

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Key Features

  • Explores key contemporary issues that affect modern Christianity
  • Written in a thorough yet accessible manner
  • All Scripture references appear on mouse-over
  • Completely interactive with your Logos library

Top Highlights

“Christ, the God-man, bridged the gap between the holy God and sinful man. Apart from Him there would be no salvation.” (Page 49)

“The Savior came not to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it (Matt. 5:17). The writer to the Hebrews said Christ, the Savior, ‘learned obedience by the things which He suffered’ (Heb. 5:8). In no way does this imply there were times when He did not obey God’s Law. Rather, it means that during His life of humiliation on earth He came to know what obedience costs.” (Page 88)

“(4) speaks of Him as doing divine works as creation,” (Page 70)

“Sin is not only a failure to measure up to the divine standard, sin is primarily disobedience to God. It has a dynamic side. Sin is far more than missing the right mark. It is hitting the wrong mark! Or to put it another way, sin involves more than the passive omission of what is good and right. It is a positive commission of what is bad and ought not be done.” (Page 18)

“From beginning to end God searches for man. Liberal theology has always seen the Bible as a record of man’s search for God. It has man groping after God, hoping somehow to find Him. Such a concept does not fit the context of Scripture, however. It’s the other way around completely. The Bible is the inspired record of God’s search for and securing of salvation for sinful man.” (Page 31)

Praise for the Print Edition

Robert P. Lightner, in a very clear, concise, and uncomplicated way, has presented the essential truths of salvation.… Any reader will certainly come to a clear understanding of the nature of sin, of the person and work of Christ, and of the nature of the salvation which has been provided for all who receive it as a gift.

—J. Dwight Pentecost, Distinguished Professor of Bible Exposition Emeritus, Dallas Theological Seminary

Product Details

  • Title: Sin, the Savior, and Salvation: The Theology of Everlasting Life
  • Author: Robert P. Lightner
  • Publisher: Kregel Publications
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Pages: 320

Dr. Robert Lightner joined the Dallas Seminary faculty in 1968 after teaching for seven years at Baptist Bible College/Seminary in Johnson City, New York, and also teaches at the Seminary’s extension sites. A professor of all the doctrines of Systematic Theology, Dr. Lightner has authored twenty-three books, most of which are about these doctrines. Since the 1950s he has helped struggling churches and/or ones seeking a pastor by serving as interim pastor thirty-three times at twenty-four churches in Pennsylvania, New York, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas. His overseas ministries include work in Venezuela, Peru, Paraguay, and London (Spurgeon’s Tabernacle).


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