Digital Logos Edition
It may surprise the modern reader to realize that for the first two centuries of the Christian era, Matthew's Gospel prevailed as the most popular of the Gospel accounts. Not only was Matthew's text the most frequently quoted NT book among the second century Christians, but in virtually all textual witnesses and canonical lists Matthew is placed first. In short, both in form and content, Matthew's Gospel provided second century Christianity with an eminently practical and useful compendium of what was foundational to the Christian faith.
“In contrast to the Gentile’s fear of not being heard, Jesus assures his followers that God as Father is fully aware of the needs of his children. Prayer, then, is not so much an effort to inform God on matters of which he is ignorant, as it is an expression of our confidence in God. It is an act of worship whereby we acknowledge his presence, and in intimate familiarity and trust we lift our petitions to a loving Father. The efficacy of prayer is therefore not grounded in technique or formulas but in a relationship with God as Father.” (Matthew 6:8)
“The climactic exhortation to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness sets forth the dominant concern and highest priority of the disciple. Since the presence of the kingdom is already dynamically present in Jesus (4:17f.), the imperative ‘seek’ (ζητείτε, zēteite) calls for a persistent wholehearted devotion to the realization of God’s reign in one’s life. Giving the kingdom our highest priority necessarily demands a commitment to a new form of righteousness (5:20) as defined by Jesus (5:21–48). When his ‘kingdom and his righteousness’ are given ultimate priority, the disciple can be assured that God will provide the necessities of life (i.e., food, drink, clothing). Anxiety is therefore incompatible with a life devoted to the pursuit of God’s kingdom.” (Matthew 6:33)
“If one has clarity and unimpeded vision, that is, a worldview and ethical perspective grounded in undivided loyalty to God, then one can avoid the obstacles and pitfalls that lead to spiritual destruction.” (Matthew 6:22–23)
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