Digital Logos Edition
Imagine being able to ask questions of a first-century Hellenistic Jewish philosopher, a contemporary of Jesus and Paul who worked to understand Mosaic thought in light of Greek ideals. What kinds of questions would you ask to better understand the theology, interpretive strategies, and historical context of the biblical writers, who often wrestled with the same task?
The writings of Philo Judaeus, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, between approximately 20 B.C. and A.D. 40, provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of Jesus and the Apostles. In fact, Philo’s works are a goldmine of information on Jewish exegetical methods, the worldview of the apostles, and theological matters of great importance for Christianity.
We are pleased to bring you the first electronic edition of the complete works of Philo in Greek, morphologically tagged. This resource is built upon the database compiled by the Norwegian “Philo Concordance Project,” which published the first complete, printed concordance of Philo in 2000. The Logos Bible Software resource includes the complete works of Philo, in Greek, drawn from the same four text editions used to compile the concordance (Cohn & Wendland, Colson, Petit, and Paramelle). The lemmatization and morphology are also supplied by the Philo Concordance Project scholars.
See also: Works of Philo in English, Josephus in Greek (critical ed. with apparatus), and Apostolic Fathers in Greek and English (with morphology).
“ἔμελλονVIAI3P?μέλλω γὰρTγάρ οἱDNPMὁ μὲνTμέν κατὰPκατά τὴνDASFὁ πρὸςPπρός ἸουδαίουςJAPM?Ἰουδαῖος φιλονεικίανNASFφιλονεικία μᾶλλονBμάλα ἢCἤ τὸDASN?ὁ πρὸςPπρός ΓάιονNASMΓάιος εὐσεβὲςJASN?εὐσεβής” (source)
“ φιλονεικίαςNGSF?φιλονεικία γὰρTγάρ καὶC?καί στάσειςNNPF?στάσις ἐκPἐκ τοῦDGSM?ὁ βίουNGSMβίος τῶνDGPM?ὁ ἱερέωνNGPMἱερεύς οἴεταιVPMI3Sοἴομαι δεῖνVPANδέω ὁDNSMὁ νόμοςNNSMνόμος ἀναιρεῖνVPANἀναιρέω” (source)
“γῆςNGSFγῆ λογιστέονVAPP-SANλογίζομαι εἶναιVPANεἰμί νοῦνNASMνόος νοῦς εἰσκρινόμενονVPMP-SAM?εἰσκρίνω σώματιNDSNσῶμα, οὔπωBοὔπω δʼTδέ εἰσκεκριμένονVRMP-SAMεἰσκρίνω ὁDNSMὁ δὲTδέ νοῦςNNSMνόος νοῦς οὗτοςRD-NSMοὗτος γεώδηςJNSM?γεώδης” (source)
“ἄρχωνVPAP-SNMἄρχω ἄρχων καὶC?καί ἡγεμὼνNNSMἡγεμών καὶC?καί βασιλεύςNNSMβασιλεύς, ᾧRR-DSM?ὅς πρυτανεύεινVPANπρυτανεύω καὶC?καί διοικεῖνVPANδιοικέω μόνῳJDSM?μόνος θέμιςNNSFθέμις τὰDAPN?ὁ σύμπανταJASM?σύμπας” (source)
“ποιητήνNASMποιητής τεTτέ καὶC?καί πατέραNASMπατήρ πάλινBπάλιν καὶC?καί δεσπότηνNASMδεσπότης ἀναγκαῖονJASM?ἀναγκαῖος εἶναιVPANεἰμί.” (source)
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The Philo Concordance Project website introduces the project as follows:
The Philo Concordance Project is a Norwegian project aiming at producing a complete Philo electronic concordance. The word indices printed this far are printouts of a database containing all the Greek words in the writings of Philo of Alexandria, main fragments included.
The database consists of about 437, 400 tokens (textforms) and more than 14, 000 different lemmas (the chosen entry form). A complete KWIC version would fill more than 10, 000 pages on paper. Such a large volume of material is better suited for a publication in electronic form rather than in book form.
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