Digital Logos Edition
With 17 references to the divine πνεῦμα (pneuma) in Luke’s Gospel and 52 in Acts, it is no wonder that Luke is designated as the “enthusiast in/for the Spirit” or that the Acts of the Apostles is called “the Acts of the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit has also been one of the most constantly debated subjects among the many issues concerning Luke and/or Acts. This study will re-visit the topic of the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts through a new perspective. The first portion of this volume discusses three contemporary understandings of Lukan pneumatology; that of J. D. G. Dunn, R. P. Menzies and M. M. B. Turner. These reflect three different positions in regard to this subject. The next portion sets out the author’s methodology and procedure for A Dynamic Reading of the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts.
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“His main argument here is that for all New Testament writers ‘the baptism in or gift of the Spirit was part of the event (or process) of becoming a Christian’ (1970a: 4; 1975: 6). More explicitly, he insists, ‘The high point in conversion-initiation is the gift of the Spirit, and the beginning of the Christian life is to be reckoned from the experience of Spirit-baptism’ (1970a: 4). In other words, baptism in the Spirit or the gift of the Spirit, according to Dunn, is neither a second blessing given to people who are ‘already’ Christians and distinct from their conversion-initiation, nor is it equated with water-baptism.” (Page 14)
“Menzies’s main contribution, however, is his thorough examination of the Jewish concept of the Spirit delineated in the intertestamental literature20 and his attempt to identify it with the concept of the Holy Spirit in Luke–Acts. Nevertheless, Menzies’s understanding or reconstruction of the typical Jewish concept of the Spirit and its development in early Christianity have recently been questioned by Turner.” (Pages 18–19)
“Dunn concludes that the gift of the Spirit is the essence and embodiment of the new covenant in Luke–Acts, as in other New Testament writings, especially Paul’s and John’s as ‘the most important element in Christian conversion-initiation’ (1970a: 92, 96, 229).” (Page 15)
“At the end of the introductory chapter, he makes clear what he tries to demonstrate:” (Page 17)
“Table 4. On the Concept of the ‘Spirit of Prophecy’ in Luke–Acts” (Page 26)