Digital Logos Edition
Luke's portrait of Jesus shows Him coming into Galilee proclaiming "good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind." More than any other Gospel the Gospel of Luke shows Jesus' concern for the downtrodden and oppressed, those marginalized by society, including women and children. It also displays his concern for those outside the house of Israel. Luke's Gospel seems "tailor-made" for the multicultural world we live in, filled with misunderstandings and sometimes bitter ethnic divisions. His story explains how men and women of different ethnic origins can be transformed into a unified community and share together in the blessings of salvation. In this stimulating, pastorally oriented commentary, readers will find an introduction with background material concerning authorship, date and purpose, as well as a summary of important theological themes. A passage-by-passage exposition follows that focuses on understanding what Luke had to say to his original readers in order to see its relevance for the church today.
“Luke chooses to present Jesus from the ‘earth up’—that is, showing how, one step at a time, people came to see who Jesus really was. He starts with Jesus as the promised king and teacher who reveals himself as Lord in the context of his ministry. Only slowly do people grasp all of what is promised.” (Luke 1:29–38)
“The brother who had been on the outside is now on the inside, while the brother who had been on the inside is now on the outside.” (Luke 15:11–32)
“What is most dangerous about pride is noted right at the start. First, we come to trust in our own abilities rather than trusting God. Second, we come to regard other people with contempt and disrespect rather than seeing them as created equal in the image of God.” (Luke 18:9–14)
“First, it is not about women; it is a passage on discipleship.” (Luke 10:38–42)
“The themes of God’s plan, salvation’s arrival and the triumph of God’s Word about Jesus are certainly central.” (source)
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David Leventhal
Veli-Pekka Haarala
Jim Julian
Thomas James Sherwood
Bruno Rebelo
John S Maxham