Digital Logos Edition
The New American Commentary series is an exceptionally acclaimed resource for ministers and Bible students who want to understand and expound the Scriptures. Notable features in this new Hebrews volume by scholar David Allen include commentary based on the New International Version text printed in the body of the commentary, sound scholarly methodology reflecting capable research in the original languages, interpretation emphasizing the theological unity of each book and Scripture as a whole, and readable and applicable exposition.
Since a commentary is a fundamental tool for the expositor or teacher who seeks to interpret and apply Scripture in the church or classroom, the New American Commentary focuses on communicating the theological structure and content of each biblical book. The writers seek to illuminate both the historical meaning and contemporary significance of Holy Scripture.
“Historically, the most common purpose advocated suggests the author is attempting to dissuade his Jewish Christian readers from a relapse into Judaism brought on by increasing persecution and a desire for the stability of the old faith.” (Page 79)
“The upshot of all this is the conclusion that parapiptō is not the most appropriate word to express a complete renunciation of Christ. Its use in Heb 6:6 does not describe a fall that is a denial of Christ.” (Page 362)
“The Greek word translated ‘perseverance’ connotes an active endurance involving effort and struggle, not a passive patience.” (Page 573)
“Most attempts at analyzing this passage fall into the trap of putting theology before exegesis.” (Page 344)
“It is now generally recognized that Hebrews is a written sermon.” (Page 25)
"David Allen is an excellent preacher and teacher. He is also a superb exegete and scholar. He has been a diligent student of Hebrews for more than 30 years. This is one of those volumes many of us have anticipated for years! You will not be disappointed!
—Daniel L. Akin, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
David L. Allen’s commentary provides a provocative challenge for New Testament scholarship, while at the same moment offering a delightful pastoral approach for the preaching of Hebrews. This ground-breaking volume is the most important work I have seen on the book of Hebrews.
—Paige Patterson, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
25 ratings
John Pollard
James Hatch
Timothy Beard
René Dlouhý
Robert Polahar
Jason T. Davis
Michael T. Fox
Roger Spitler
Ben Harvey
M. David Johnson