Digital Logos Edition
Understanding the sixty-six books that make up the Old and New Testaments can be daunting. Dr. James E. Smith, observing this as well as the busy lives of Christians today, provides a fantastic and succinct foundation for the comprehension of the Scriptures. Incorporating a wide spectrum of biblical facts, rich imagery, and an engaging tone, The Bible Made Simple (3 Vols.) gives a panoramic view of the Word in a manner that is perfect for the layperson. All hoping to gain a holistic understanding of the Bible will appreciate the three volumes contained within this collection.
Smith's vast education combined with his experience both as a professor of Old Testament studies and as a minister behind the pulpit have prepared him to write the Bible Made Easy series. His readers will glean fresh and comprehensive biblical insight through his writings, and the digital edition of Smith's works provides the convenience of easily-referenced scriptures and lightning-fast searchability—a must-have collection!
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In his first installment of the Made Simple series, Smith has given us a quick and easy guide to the Old Testament. Pivotal to the understanding of the New Testament, the first thirty-nine books of the Bible lay out the history, prophecy, and law that set the stage for Christ's coming. In The Old Testament Books Made Simple, Smith succinctly outlines the important happenings of each biblical book, dividing the Old Testament into four key sections: foundation books, framework books, faith books, and focus books.
In a brief 177 pages, Dr. James Smith has broken the New Testament down into bite-sized chunks for his readers. In The New Testament Books Made Simple, Smith takes us through each book of the New Testament, opening up its contents and significance in a dynamic and straightforward approach.
Dr. James E. Smith gives us an overview of Bible history that allows us to see the powerful hand of God in action as He moves His world through His plan to save us. Usage of mnemonic devices, charts, drawings, and more truly bring us Bible history made simple. Smith's amazing ability to breakdown complex thoughts into simple concepts that are easy to follow makes this a great resource for those who are new to the Bible, as well as those looking for an overview to tie it all together.
James E. Smith received his undergraduate and seminary training at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. He was awarded the Ph.D. degree by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Dr. Smith Has served congregations in Ohio and Kentucky. For thirteen years he was Professor of Old Testament at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. He currently serves Florida Christian College as Chairman of the Division of Biblical Studies.
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Bill Clements
Raymond Sevilla
Bill Shewmaker