Digital Logos Edition
In the second of two volumes on the Gospel of Luke, Darrell L. Bock offers students of the New Testament a substantive yet highly accessible commentary. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, Bock leads readers through all aspects of the third Gospel--sociological, historical, and theological. The result is a guide that clearly and meaningfully brings the second part of this important New Testament book to life for contemporary readers.
Bock's two volumes on the Gospel of Luke are the inaugural volumes of the acclaimed BECNT series. As with all BECNT volumes, Luke features the author's own translation of the Greek text, detailed interaction with the original text, and a user-friendly design. This informative, balanced commentary also includes extensive introductory notes. It admirably achieves the dual aims of the series--academic sophistication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility--making it a useful tool for students, professors, and pastors.
Each section of the text is addressed from a clearly organized series of perspectives. If there is such a thing as a user-friendly two-volume commentary on a single book, this is it!
—Craig L. Blomberg, Denver Seminary
This excellent commentary on the Lucan Gospel is massive, but well written, informative, and judicious. . . . It should be a boon for pastors, priests, seminarians, and all educated general readers interested in the interpretation of the Gospels. Bock has read widely, asks the right questions, and gives a balanced answer in his interpretation of this Gospel.
—Joseph A. Fitzmyer, SJ, Catholic University of America
Darrell L. Bock (Ph. D., University of Aberdeen) is research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author or editor of many books, including the two-volume commentary on Luke in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series, Jesus according to Scripture, and Studying the Historical Jesus.
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“He accepts the consequences of his choices. There are no excuses, only confession and a humble request. The picture shows what repentance looks like: no claims, just reliance on God’s mercy and provision.” (Page 1313)
“Jesus is saying that the master’s remark is right ‘because’ of the principle of 16:8b. In the parable, a normally unrighteous man acts to his benefit. He has been shrewd. Jesus’ remark is that those of the world (‘the sons of this age’) give more foresight to their future, they are more shrewd in their dealings with people than are God’s children (‘the sons of light’).18 God’s children should be shrewd with possessions by being generous. Such acts show charity and foresight.” (Page 1332)
“Knowledge of what God requires is not enough. Such knowledge needs to be put into practice. Love that comes from the heart responds with the hands. In the NT, the Spirit enables the believer to respond (Rom. 8:1–11).” (Page 1027)
“Jesus’ answer to the lawyer’s real question is, ‘Do not worry about spotting God’s people first, just be a neighbor to all, as this Samaritan was.’” (Page 1028)
“The point of the parable is that if an irritated person responds to boldness, so you can be bold with the Gracious One. Thus, continually pray (Stählin, TDNT 9:164).” (Page 1058)
10 ratings
Arturo Kim
Michael Kramer
Charlie Carter
Ricardo de Paula Meneghelli
Yeong Woong Kim
David Leslie Bond
Shane Angland
John Vignol