Digital Logos Edition
The Lexham Discourse Bible features datasets and visual filters that allow you to quickly identify and search the discourse devices in the Old and New Testaments. Discourse Analysis is the study of how authors use linguistic devices to effectively communicate their message. Drs. Runge and Westbury have painstakingly analyzed the discourse of Old and New Testament and annotated it with 20 devices that are common to all languages. These annotations are searchable, so you can find every occurance of a specific discourse device like direct address or changed reference. And with the use of our reverse interlinear data, you can use the Discourse visual filters to view these annotations in several different English, Greek, or Hebrew bibles. Explore the biblical texts with these datasets and visual filters to provide you with greater insight into the thought and rhetorical strategy of the biblical authors.
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Steve Runge has a Master of Theological Studies degree in Biblical Languages from Trinity Western Seminary in Langley, B.C., Canada, a BA in Speech Communication from Western Washington University, and a Doctor of Literature degree in Biblical Languages from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, which was supervised by Christo Van der Merwe. In preparation for his doctoral research, Steve completed several years of study in the linguistic fields of pragmatics and discourse grammar. He has served as an adjunct faculty member at Northwest Baptist Theological College, Trinity Western University, and Associated Canadian Theological Schools (ACTS) while completing his education. He is also very active in the church. He and his wife were married in 1990. They have two daughters, and live in Bellingham, Washington. Steve presently serves as a Scholar-in-Residence at Faithlife Corporation.
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Brandon Wells
Anderson Abreu
David Taylor, Jr.
diederick pütter
Melchizedek Eleazar Atienza
Adam Olean
Frank Hartmann