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Products>Zondervan Hermeneutics Collection (4 vols.)

Zondervan Hermeneutics Collection (4 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $154.96
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Biblical hermeneutics—the study of interpreting the Scriptures—is an incredibly important and relevant topic in today's churches and academic settings. The Zondervan Hermeneutics Collection (4 vols.) tackles this sometimes formidable topic with a careful examination of the history of the subject, a comparison of each Testament in light of the other, contemporary questions that have arisen regarding biblical interpretation, and the practical application that comes from a correct understanding of scriptural text.

All involved in sermon or lecture preparation will benefit from the principles these volumes outline. The serious Bible student, ministry worker, and layperson can also find clarification on how to properly tackle interpretation of the Scriptures—the Zondervan Hermeneutics Collection (4 vols.) is a gateway to a greater understanding of the Word.

Resource Experts
  • A discussion of the role of theology in biblical interpretation
  • A view of the New Testament through the lens of the Old
  • Practical application of the Bible
  • Title: Zondervan Hermeneutics Collection
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Volumes: 4
  • Pages: 2,018

This title is included in the following collections

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Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics

  • Authors: Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Moisés Silva
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 352

Since its publication in 1994, An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics has become a standard text for a generation of students, pastors, and serious lay readers. This second edition has been substantially updated and expanded, allowing the authors to fine-tune and enrich their discussions on fundamental interpretive topics. In addition, four new chapters have been included that address more recent controversial issues:

  • The role of biblical theology in interpretation
  • How to deal with contemporary questions not directly addressed in the Bible
  • The New Testament’s use of the Old Testament
  • The role of history in interpretation

The book retains the unique aspect of being written by two scholars who hold differing viewpoints on many issues, making for vibrant, thought-provoking dialogue. What they do agree on, however, is the authority of Scripture, the relevance of personal Bible study to life, and why these things matter.

Walter C. Kaiser Jr. received his PhD at Brandeis University. He is a distinguished professor emeritus of Old Testament and president emeritus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Dr. Kaiser has written over forty books, including Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching; The Messiah in the Old Testament; and The Promise-Plan of God; and coauthored An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning.

Moisés Silva taught biblical studies at Westmont College, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Gordon-Conwell Seminary. He is the author or coauthor of eight books, and the revising editor of the Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible.

Is There a Meaning in This Text?

  • Author: Kevin J. Vanhoozer
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 512

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Is There a Meaning in This Text? guides the student toward greater confidence in the authority, clarity, and relevance of Scripture, and a well–reasoned expectation to understand accurately the message of the Bible. This volume is a comprehensive and creative analysis of current debates over biblical hermeneutics that draws on interdisciplinary resources, all coordinated by Christian theology. It makes a significant contribution to biblical interpretation that will be of interest to readers in a number of fields.

The intention of the book is to revitalize and enlarge the concept of author–oriented interpretation and to restore confidence that readers of the Bible can reach understanding. The result is a major challenge to the central assumptions of postmodern biblical scholarship and a constructive alternative proposal—an Augustinian hermeneutic—that reinvigorates the notion of biblical authority and finds a new exegetical practice that recognizes the importance of both the reader’s situation and the literal sense.

There is meaning in Vanhoozer's text! Plenty of it, in fact. It is a meaning that traces with a discerning eye the history of authorship and authority, of readership and interpretation—right up to the present time and all under the umbrella of both thinking Christianly and living Christianly. Here is historical, philosophical, and theological exegesis—capped with creative construction—of the first order. As was said to Saint Augustine, on whose thought Vanhoozer builds, Tolle, lege. Take up! Read!

—Robert H. Gundry, Scholar-in-Residence, Westmont College

Kevin J. Vanhoozer, who received his Ph.D. at Cambridge University, is Blanchard Professor of Theology at the Wheaton College and Graduate School. He is the author or editor of sixteen books, including The Drama of Doctrine and the forthcoming Remythologizing Theology.

Grasping God's Word

  • Authors: J. Scott Duvall, J. Daniel Hays
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 464

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume is the revised and updated edition of Grasping God's Word, an indispensable approach to reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible that teaches students how to carefully read Scripture in the biblical context, and to dig deeper into the Word of God so they will be able to understand the Bible correctly and apply its meaning to their lives.

It leads students from the most fundamental building blocks of interpretation (including skills that most beginning students lack) through all the essential processes.

—Craig S. Keener, Professor of New Testament, Eastern Seminary

J. Scott Duvall, who received his Ph.D. at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, is professor of New Testament at Ouachita Baptist University. He is the coauthor with George H. Guthrie of Biblical Greek Exegesis: A Graded Approach to Learning Intermediate and Advanced Greek and with Terry G. Carter and J. Daniel Hays of the textbook Preaching God's Word: A Hands on Approach to Preparing, Developing and Delivering the Sermon.

J. Daniel Hays is dean of the Pruet School of Christian Studies and professor of Old Testament at Ouachita Baptist University. He is the author of From Every People and Nation, and he has coauthored Grasping God's Word; Preaching God's Word; Journey into God’s Word; The Story of Israel: A Biblical Theology; Iraq: Babylon of the End Times?; Apocalypse; and The Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy. He teaches adult Sunday school at his local church in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, and preaches frequently throughout the nation.

Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation

  • Editor: Moises Silva
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Pages: 690

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation seeks to identify and clarify the basic problems of interpretation that affect our reading of the Bible today. This unique volume provides a comprehensive and systematic coverage of the field of general hermeneutics. Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation examines the impact of specific academic disciplines on the interpretation of the Bible. Previously published as separate volumes, its various sections explore the interface between hermeneutics and literary criticism, linguistics, history, science, and theology. Included in Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation:

  • Has the Church Misread the Bible?-Has the Church Misread the Bible?, by Moises Silva
  • Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation, by Tremper Longman III
  • God, Language, and Scripture, by Moises Silva
  • The Art of Biblical History, by V. Philips Long
  • Science and Hermeneutics, by Vern S. Poythress
  • The Study of Theology, by Richard A. Muller.
It leads students from the most fundamental building blocks of interpretation (including skills that most beginning students lack) through all the essential processes.

—Craig S. Keener, Professor of New Testament, Eastern Seminary

Moisés Silva taught biblical studies at Westmont College, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Gordon-Conwell Seminary. He is the author or coauthor of eight books, and the revising editor of the Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible.


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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. Ben Bidigai

    Ben Bidigai


  3. Daniel Bagley

    Daniel Bagley


  4. David Leslie Bond


Collection value: $154.96
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