Digital Logos Edition
Whether you're a serious Bible student probing through Psalm 19 or a first-time reader inspired by the promise of Psalm 23, this first volume on the book of Psalms explores each of the first forty-one psalms, uncovering deep reflections, wisdom for living, and verses of praise, confidence, and repentance.
This expositional commentary on one of the Bible's most popular books combines careful scholarship and clear communication in a verse-by-verse and section-by-section reading of the biblical text. Integrating thoughtful interpretation with contemporary insight for daily living, James Montgomery Boice explains the meaning of the text and relates the text's concerns to the church, Christianity, and the world in which we live.
“We are never so conscious of the presence of God as when we pass through life’s valleys.” (Page 211)
“For when we study the Bible—the word law is used to refer to the whole of God’s inscripturated revelation—we are really learning, not about human beings or nature primarily (which is what the other disciplines teach us), but about God. And, as Lewis says, ‘The Order of the Divine mind, embodied in the Divine Law, is beautiful.’” (Page 16)
“But strikingly, it begins with rest. It is a reminder that the Christian life also begins with resting in God or Christ.” (Page 209)
“Jesus is that man, of course. He is the only perfect man who ever lived, and he is the sinner’s Savior. It is he who stands at the portal of this book to show us the way to live and help us do it.” (Page 19)
“Second, the poet is able to introduce the doctrine of the two ways from the start.” (Page 15)
No matter how familiar you may be with the Psalms, an incredible amount of information and insight can be gained through this commentary.
—Christian Retailing
Of all that I've seen, this commentary probably provides the best direct help for preaching on the Psalms. Boice has written a well-crafted, easily understood commentary that provides good historical background and thoughtful suggestions for illustration.
—Minister's Packet, (April/May 1999)
81 ratings
Richard Aaron Thomas
Jose Carlos Garduno Ramirez
Richard C. Hammond, Jr.
Billy Avery
Andy Almanza
jose p. gonzalez
Michael Harriman
Andrew Heckmaster
Dr. Gordon Arthur