Digital Logos Edition
"It is changed people who change everything," says James Montgomery Boice. "If you have been called to faith in Jesus Christ, you are part of the radically changed community, the new humanity." Volume 4, The New Humanity, explores the life applications of theology Paul set out in the final four chapters of the book of Romans. Calling all Christians to renew their understanding of the great doctrines of Christianity, Boice shows how we can live by these teachings even today.
This expositional commentary on one of the Bible's most popular books combines careful scholarship and clear communication in a verse-by-verse and section-by-section reading of the biblical text. Integrating thoughtful interpretation with contemporary insight for daily living, James Montgomery Boice explains the meaning of the text and relates the text's concerns to the church, Christianity, and the world in which we live.
“The first truth of this foundational teaching is that we are not our own but rather belong to Jesus, if we are truly Christians.” (Page 1492)
“In Paul’s culture a sacrifice was always an animal that was presented to a priest to be killed. So Paul is saying by this striking metaphor that the Christian life begins by offering ourselves to God for death. The paradox is that by offering ourselves to God we are enabled to live for him.” (Page 1492)
“But put then into the title, and the question becomes, How shall we live in light of the fact that God has redeemed us from sin’s penalty by the death of Jesus Christ and freed us from sin’s tyranny by the power of the Holy Spirit?” (Page 1484)
“So the verse means ‘Do not let the age in which you live force you into its scheme of thinking and behaving.’” (Page 1523)
“. It is reasonable because of what God has already done for us” (Page 1518)
Dr. Boice's commentary series is a treasure for the church and for her pastors. No expository preacher can afford to be without it.
R. C. Sproul
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Luis Vicuna
Mike Pemberton