Digital Logos Edition
According to James Montgomery Boice, Paul's great letter to the Ephesians is "a mini-course in theology, centered on the church." Writing to the church in a city much like modern-day New York, Paul laid out his mature vision of the Christian faith's central elements. The apostle set these fundamental doctrines in the context of the church as the body of Christ. In this compelling commentary, Boice presents the message of Paul with great depth and clarity. The author proclaims the profound yet simple gospel once delivered to the church in Ephesus and effectively applies it to the modern church.
Writes Boice: "There is no denying that Ephesians is deeply appealing, perhaps precisely because . . . it presents the basic doctrines of Christianity comprehensively, clearly, practically, and winsomely." With this helpful, thoughtful commentary as your guide, you are invited to discover the appeal of Ephesians for yourself.
“Two points are worth stressing about Christ’s dispensing these gifts. First, if they are given by Jesus, then they are to be used for the purposes for which he gave them, namely, the service and edification of the church.” (Page 135)
“How can a person be urged to live a life worthy of his calling if he has not begun to understand what that calling is” (Page 122)
“Humility. Everyone knows that Christians should be humble. Humility is the opposite of pride” (Page 123)
“those brought to faith in Christ are to be discipled primarily through teaching” (Page 137)
“The apostles and prophets provided the initial and normative teaching; it is preserved in the New Testament, which parallels the Old. Evangelists proclaim the core of this teaching, centered in the gospel of redemption from sin by Jesus Christ. Pastors and teachers instruct and care for the flock through an even fuller communication of scriptural truth. This is not to say that there are not other gifts that do not particularly involve teaching. But it does mean that the teaching gifts are particularly needed if the church is to mature in the direction Paul describes.” (Page 137)
Dr. Boice's commentary series is a treasure for the church and for her pastors. No expository preacher can afford to be without it.
—R. C. Sproul
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Joshua David Lasslett