Digital Logos Edition
The meaning of the word 'intercession' and the benefits of this intercession of Christ and its perpetuity. Christ lives to be the intercessor for man and only those who are on the brink of damnation are able to realize and reap this benefit of intercession.
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“Yea, he will permit that some of his own shall fall into the fire, to convince the world that hell is hot, and to warn their brethren to take heed that they slip not with their feet.” (Volume 1, Page 224)
“Sin is a fearful thing, it will quash and quail the courage of a man, and make him afraid to approach the presence of him whom he has offended, though the offended is but a man. How much more, then, shall it discourage a man, when once loaden with guilt and shame, from attempting to approach the presence of a holy and a sin-avenging God, unless he can come to him through, and in the name of, an intercessor?” (Volume 1, Page 205)
“God, in himself, is a consuming fire, and sin has made the best of us as stubble is to fire; wherefore, they may not, they cannot, they dare not approach God’s presence for help but by and through a mediator and intercessor.” (Volume 1, Page 205)
“Oh! do not backslide the first ground of your departing from them was good; never tempt God a second time.” (Volume 1, Page 224)
“Shame covereth his face all the way he comes; he doth not know what to do; the God he is returning to, is the God that he has slighted, the God before whom he has preferred the vilest lust; and he knows God knows it, and has before him all his ways. The man that has been a backslider, and is returning to God, can tell strange stories, and yet such as are very true. No man was in the whale’s belly, and came out again alive, but backsliding and returning Jonah; consequently, no man could tell how he was there, what he felt there, what he saw there, and what workings of heart he had when he was there, so well as he.” (Volume 1, Page 225)
Bunyan has always been one of the most popular of the Puritans—no doubt because, while possessing the Word-centeredness as well as the depth of doctrine and experience of other Puritans, he also possessed a warm simplicity of style.
—Reformation and Revival Ministries, Reformation and Revival Volume 5, 2003
Bunyan is best known for his ageless classic, The Pilgrim's Progress. His literary genius in this work [is such] that people are prone to forget that this tinker from Bedford was first and foremost a Pastor and preacher...
—Thomas K. Ascol, The Founders Journal
For over 150 years the accepted edition of The Works of John Bunyan has been that edited by George Offor... This scholarly labor has contributed much toward a better appreciation of Bunyan's gospel motivated writings...
—From Bunyan Ministries