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Products>John F. Walvoord Commentary and Theology Collection (9 vols.)

John F. Walvoord Commentary and Theology Collection (9 vols.)

, 2007–2008

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $121.87
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The John F. Walvoord Commentary and Theology Collection by Galaxie Software will provide you not only with several clear, verse-by-verse commentaries, but also with writings on the Holy Spirit and His work. Also included is a systematic presentation of Jesus Christ covering His past, present, and future works as revealed in both the Old and New Testament.

Dr. Walvoord, one of evangelicalism’s most prominent 20th century leaders, was a man of remarkable depth and breadth. Though best known for his encyclopedic grasp of Bible prophecy, he was also a man who understood and taught the core of Christian theology with unusual clarity and conviction. He was a member of the Dallas Theological Seminary faculty for 50 years and president of DTS for 34 of those years.

Walvoord's first book, published in 1943, was The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ Our Lord, published a quarter of a century later, in 1969, is described by a recent online reviewer as "a great introduction to Christology," and provides depth and breadth seldom found in other books which attempt to capture the complex profundity of Jesus. His dozens of works on prophetic themes all point to the one Dr. Walvoord loved from the depth of his being: Jesus Christ, his Lord.

Resource Experts
  • Title: John F. Walvoord Commentary and Theology Collection
  • Author: John F. Walvoord
  • Editor: Roy B. Zuck
  • Volumes: 9
  • Pages: 1,715

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Moody Bible Institute of Chicago
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 347

No other New Testament book evokes the same fascination, produces wider divergence of interpretation, and is less understood than the book of Revelation.

Walvoord, believing that the Bible was intended to be understood, presents a verse-by-verse study of one of the most complex books in the Bible. He is thorough in pointing out the symbolic nature of Revelation while showing that it should be interpreted literally.

Matthew: Thy Kingdom Come

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Kregel Publications
  • Publication Date: 1998
  • Pages: 244

Pastors, Bible teachers, small group leaders, and students of the Word will appreciate this clear exposition and commentary of the first gospel.

Walvoord provides a verse-by-verse commentary on Matthew, broken down into nine parts: the origin of Jesus Christ, the early ministry of Jesus, the principles of the kingdom, the credentials of the King, the rejection of the King and the kingdom, the period between the two advents, the continued ministry of the rejected King, the Olivet Discourse on the end of the age, and the death and resurrection of the rejected King.

Daniel: The Key To Prophetic Revelation

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Moody Bible Institute of Chicago
  • Publication Date: 1971
  • Pages: 304

This Walvoord masterpiece presents the beauties of Daniel's prophecies in the light of modern archaeological evidence. Companion to The Revelation of Jesus Christ, this major contribution to prophetic research emphasizes the value and genuineness of Daniel.

It considers:

  • Alleged historical inaccuracies
  • Difficult-to-interpret phrases
  • Apocryphal additions
  • Major textual problems
  • Use of Persian and Greek words
  • Historical background of Bible events
  • Past and future fulfillments of specific prophecies

Daniel goes beyond a mere presentation of the author's interpretation of Old Testament prophecy. It quotes Bible scholars from different corners of the theological ring to help the reader discover the meaning of Scripture for himself. Unusually thorough and well outlined, this commentary captures the heartbeat of a young prophet who spoke boldly for God.

The Thessalonian Epistles

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 1976
  • Pages: 96

The great doctrines of salvation by grace, divine election, principles of effective Christian testimony, the coming of the Lord, divine judgment, and the joy and peace of fellowship with Christ are all dominant themes in these epistles.

Walvoord writes on these doctrines with the ordinary reader in mind, yet, at the same time, gives adequate treatment to the major problems that arise. His desire is that this unfolding of divine revelation as contained in the Thessalonian epistles will prove a blessing to earnest students of the Word and will encourage further study of these messages to the young Thessalonian Christians.

To Live Is Christ - Commentary on Philippians

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Dunham Publishing Company
  • Publication Date: 1961
  • Pages: 93

This exposition of one of Paul's most practical epistles is an outgrowth of Walvoord's Bible conference ministry. It is written for general reading by laymen as well as ministers of the gospel.

Jesus Christ Our Lord

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Moody Bible Institute of Chicago
  • Publication Date: 1975
  • Pages: 297

Of the life and work of Jesus, the apostle John said, "Even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written" (John 21:25). Acknowledging the size of the task, as well as its importance, Dr. John F. Walvoord has written this systematic presentation of the person and work of Christ from eternity past to eternity future. Beginning with an analysis of modern trends in the study of Christology, Dr. Walvoord shows that "contemporary Christology has in many respects confused rather than clarified the extended revelation of the Word of God."

The Word of God forms the solid basis for Dr. Walvoord's entire study. Analyzing the Old Testament, he shows Christ in the Old Testament’s history, typology, and prophecy. Then, in the New Testament, he examines the life and work of the incarnate Christ. The doctrines of atonement, redemption, propitiation, and reconciliation are thoroughly and clearly discussed. The book concludes with an examination of the present and future work of Christ, thus giving the reader a comprehensive study of Christology.

The Holy Spirit

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 1965
  • Pages: 271

The Holy Spirit is the outgrowth of lectures on the topic given in Dr. Walvoord's classes at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Over the years, this book has aroused considerable interest and gone through 23 printings in hardcover. The Holy Spirit is an extensive treatment of the entire doctrine of pneumatology, using some 1,500 Scripture citations, and is designed for theological students and pastors as well as for laypeople desiring to get a complete presentation of the third person of the Trinity who indwells all Christians.

Holy Spirit at Work Today

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Moody Bible Institute of Chicago
  • Publication Date: 1977
  • Pages: 63

Everywhere, from youth groups to seminaries, people are talking about the Holy Spirit and asking questions. Many are not finding satisfactory answers. Are you puzzled about the Holy Spirit’s work in the world today?

Presenting biblical truth about the Holy Spirit in modern context, Dr. Walvoord talks of the Holy Spirit’s work in revealing the truth, in spiritual renewal, in the life of holiness, in spiritual gifts, and in the spirit-powered life. After reading this book, you will better understand the Holy Spirit and His work in the world today.

What We Believe

  • Author: John Flipse Walvoord
  • Publisher: Discovery House Publishers
  • Publication Date: 1990
  • Pages: 199

Containing fifteen sections, What We Believe is an introductory study of biblical doctrine that forms the foundation of our Christian faith. Readers gain a deeper understanding of what the Bible teaches about how the Bible was written, the gifts and filling of the Holy Spirit, what Heaven will be like, and much more. This book is perfect for group and individual study.

John Flipse Walvoord was born on May 1, 1910, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. In 1928 Walvoord entered Wheaton College, majoring in Greek and minoring in Latin. With additional course work one summer at the University of Colorado, he was able to complete his undergraduate degree in 1931 with honors. Upon entering the Evangelical Theological College (today, Dallas Theological Seminary), Walvoord pursued a regular curriculum of seminary studies, graduating with both a Th.B. and a Th.M. degree in 1934. By 1936 he completed a Th.D. degree.

Along with the presidency of Dallas Theological Seminary, Walvoord was editor of Bibliotheca Sacra for thirty-three years and contributed a total of 127 articles between 1937 and 1990. Furthermore, he authored thirty books including, The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook available in Libronix. He is also the editor of several works such as The Bible Knowledge Commentary and Systematic Theology, and served on the committee that produced the New Scofield Reference Bible.


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  1. Dr. Steven R. Cook
  2. David R. Block
  3. Michael D McGuire
  4. Ricky L. Kipp

    Ricky L. Kipp


  5. Jerry Rogers

    Jerry Rogers


  6. mou



  7. Steve Conover

    Steve Conover


  8. Mark D. Anderson
  9. Daniel V. Buckhiester
  10. Richard Summitt


Collection value: $121.87
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