Digital Logos Edition
We are pleased to announce the availability of the Goodly Heritage Library: Shelf One, Two, and Three from one of our publishing partners, Galaxie Software.
The desire of the Goodly Heritage Library series is to provide a wide collection of books, some of which may be unfamiliar, but will bless the hearts of the user. The wide range includes history books, reference books, literature, as well as books on Bible Study, Commentaries, and Devotionals. The wide range includes history books, reference books, literature, as well as books on Bible Study, Commentaries, and Devotionals. These collections are complexly searchable by topic or reference and can provide a wonderful source of information to a wide range of users. Each of these books has earned a special place in the heart of God's people. It is our desire to make these books easily affordable to all. By adding a "shelf of books" at a time, it is hoped that there can be a steady increase in one's Logos Bible Software library.
The Goodly Heritage Library: Shelf One, Two and Three represent more than 16,000 pages in print!
This resource includes a history of the Bible and the remarkable events and characters of the Old and New Testament, the Jewish history of 400 years in between the Old and New Testaments, covers 4,000 years of Biblical history, and over 300 woodcut illustrations.
This is a history of Palestine (Israel) from the time of the Patriarchs to the 1800's. The first part of the book deals with Geography and Natural History of the Country, and on the Customs and Institutions of the Hebrews. The second part of the book deals with a treatment of the history chronologically with mention of other world persons and events.
Number in Scripture is a guide to Biblical Numberology or Numerics. Part I is about the designs that involve numbers in Scripture. Part II covers specific numbers and their spiritual significance.
Christ in All the Scriptures is a presentation of the testimony of Christ as found in each book of the Bible.
This resource includes an outline of every book in the Bible, with suggestions for sermons, speeches, and expositions.
Rich treasures of the gospel await to be found in the book of Ruth. This resource is a wonderful devotional commentary exploring those treasures.
This resource consists of biographical sketches of the patriarchs, women of Scripture, and Jesus Christ, expounding on the spiritual qualities that should be learned from biographies given to us by God.
A biographical account of the story of an African immigrant and how his life challenged the status-quo of American Christians.
A sketch of Benjamin Franklin's life.
This resource consists of three articles for a productive American lifestyle.
Within this book you will find a collection of cartoons and sayings collected from Billy Sunday.
Devotional lessons from each chapter of the Bible to encourage the suffering Christian.
An inspirational work explaining the power from on high and its application to daily living and soul-winning.
The burden of evangelism is a privilege that falls on every Christian and not just on the pastor or evangelist alone. A Biblical examination of evangelism and its application.
Defines the words used in Scripture for wine, and presents a Biblical position that is against alcoholic drink.
A pastor to pastors, and one who emptied the pew in sending out missionaries, this is a collection of sermons done at the close of his earthly life, in hopes of encouraging the believer to live the godly life.
Antichrist is identified by his nationality in Scripture as an Assyrian person. Is there a precedence for this? What are the Assyrian people like? Is it possible that a person could arise from this shattered empire? This book answers these and other questions.
Short biographies of D. L. Moody and Ira Sankey, his songleader. Also a compilation of the sermon illustrations that D. L. Moody used in his preaching, organized by theological subject. This work was released while D. L. Moody was still living
A spiritually stirring book that brings practical application from every aspect covered. Covers the last days of the great prophet Elisha and the kings that came to him.
A book of comfort and spiritual encouragement to the suffering Christian. Covers the lessons of Christ from Isaiah 40-66, and applies His life to that of His follower.
A study from the book of Daniel that demonstrates the book not just for lessons for young children, or tough material for the prophecy student, but a very practical book, demonstrating the priorities the child of God must set, in order to be like the Lord Jesus. Includes devotionals, word find puzzles, and other helps.
This is in the form of daily Bible study, going through the Scriptures in a year, when both the Morning Series and the Evening series are followed. Each article explains background, geography, culture, and the meaning of words.
There are several constellations mentioned in the Bible. A closer look reveals that the constellations have ancient names and the names of the stars have a powerful testimony of the message of Scripture. The Heavens truly declare the glory of God, in more ways than one.
Christians often forget to consider the impact that their forms of amusement have on them spiritually. This books points out that dancing, card playing, movies and theater lead down a path to worse evils.
This is a short summary of the information found in his Every Member Evangelism book. It shows that a church cannot move forward if the pastor is trying to do all the evangelistic work, and forms worship services around evangelism.
The Christian is unable to progress in spiritual growth without fully surrendering to the Lord. This practical manual helps encourage the believer to give himself wholly to God.
This is a powerful book of warning on the dangers of seven different sins. It is well written with lively quotes and examples.
This book includes 156 children's sermons for pastors, illustrations for primary Sunday school teachers, and object lessons and blackboard talks for superintendents.
A landmark work on the Second Coming of Christ written from a pre-millenial and pre-tribulational viewpoint, with charts and illustrations and a careful examination of the evidence for such a viewpoint.
This resource is a devotional commentary on 2 Kings 1-5, dealing primarily with Naaman's story and the similar faith and trust we must have in God.
Each character trait included in this book gives examples from the lives of others.
An excellent analytical and exegetical commentary on Hebrews 11, the great Faith chapter.
A handy guide to help the Christian be able to reach souls for Christ. It was printed by overwhelming demand of the Moody Bible Hour radio audience.
The autobiographical story of the effective means that were used to reach people for Christ that normally would not come to church, or partake in church activities. The results of Meyer's endeavors resulted in the establishment of a half-way house for ex-convicts, several businesses to employ those looking for work, and guidance and help for those who just need help to take a "step upward."
This book consists of a collection of various messages to bring happiness to those suffering from various Bible verses and their meaning.
This book offers the comments of all kinds of famous people on their favorite verses and shows many of their signatures.
A timeless and extremely popular book written in the common vernacular of a hardworking ploughman about moral issues.
A continuation of the surprisingly popular John Ploughman's Talk, built around moral snapshots of life.
This is a comprehensive source of information on the Kingdom of God, citing Biblical texts and all authorship on the subject; arranged by propositions and observations.
This is a commentary on the book of Revelation that points out our eternal purpose in the many jobs that God has waiting for us. Life on earth today is not just the art of surviving or getting riches, fame, or notice; it is all about getting ready to serve God in the eternal job He has waiting for us.
This is an old classic history textbook on the colonies of America.
This resource is a listing of propositions that the Bible teaches in theology and verses that support each statement.
6 ratings
Debra W Bouey
Dr. CJ Walker
David Leslie Bond
Albert Cooper
Bill Shewmaker