Digital Logos Edition
Conflict Management for Church Leaders gives a biblical approach to conflict resolution. This course offers a scriptural way to deal with the inevitable occasions when conflict arises, particularly in a church setting. It offers practical principles for resolving the conflict in a manner that is pleasing to God.
This course may be taken for credit by enrolling with the Berean School of the Bible. For enrollment information, please call 1-800-443-1083.
“2. People have less trust in centralized authority.” (Page 12)
“3. There is a decreased denominational commitment.” (Page 12)
“‘Titus, the first thing you need to do is talk to them. Tell them that what they are saying is inaccurate and is causing division and confusion. Ask them to discontinue this kind of behavior.’” (Page 20)
“The third most common was that the minister was burned out, discouraged, stressed, or overworked (a feeling that was expressed by ministers in all the denominations). The fourth was the needs of children and family, where this was slightly higher for the Presbyterians than for the others. The fifth most common comment concerned conflicts with church members and the sixth was doctrinal conflicts over specific issues (occurred in all denominations).” (Page 15)
“‘Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned’” (Page 20)