Digital Logos Edition
Prison Epistles offers a practical study of the principles Paul wrote to the churches during his imprisonment. The concepts are presented in language that is easy to understand with explanations, illustrations, and applications that make the concepts helpful to students in both their personal lives and ministries.
This course may be taken for credit by enrolling with the Berean School of the Bible. For enrollment information, please call 1-800-443-1083.
“The proof of our reconciliation is for us to actively practice what we are by position ‘in Christ,’ that is, to live a faithful, holy life as those who have been reconciled to God ‘in Christ.’” (Page 35)
“Second, Paul prayed that the Colossian believers would please the Lord through a growing relationship with Christ, that is, ‘growing in the knowledge of God.’” (Page 27)
“Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Philemon are a group of New Testament letters usually referred to as the prison or captivity letters.” (Page 17)
“Paul’s third request was that God would empower the Colossian Christians with great endurance and patience (1:11” (Page 27)
“Ephesians has contributed to our conviction that everything the believer needs is to be found in Christ. In fact, the central theme of Ephesians is that God has graciously provided everything necessary for an effective life in Christ (1:3).” (Page 75)
4 ratings
Pete Kramer
Chuck Fowler
Charles Simpson
Tim Kiernan
Blare Wood