Digital Logos Edition
In a time of Christian confusion and evangelical erosion, the teachings of Jesus regarding the destiny of the wicked needs to be emphasized. Is there a biblical doctrine of Hell or are Christians free to hold a variety of viewpoints on this issue? In this book Larry Dixon examines many of the current theories on Hell and encourages the reader to take the Bible's teaching on Hell as seriously as Jesus did in order to tell people the Good News that we know so that they won't spend eternity on The Other Side of the Good News.
Dixon looks at three alternative views to the traditional doctrine of hell, universalism, annihilationism and post-mortem conversion. In the last chapter he asks "Does it make any difference what view Christians hold about the other side?" and "Can there be alternative positions within the church?"
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“That complete Gospel says, for example, that happiness without holiness is counterfeit Christianity, that self-fulfillment and a positive self-image do not bring eternal forgiveness. Such a complete Gospel proclaims that sins must either be pardoned or punished.” (Page 27)
“There has been a shift in religion from focusing on what happens in the next life to asking, ‘What is the quality of this life we’re leading now?’” (Page 12)
“The second principle of this passage is that one’s eternal destiny is fixed (established) at death.” (Page 166)
“Jesus Christ taught more on the need to escape hell than He did on the joy of entering heaven.” (Page 29)
“the belief that the state of unbelievers after death is a fixed state” (Page 159)
A topic which is of great importance . . . This is a book which every serious student of the Bible and theology must read.
—Millard Erickson, Distinguished Professor ot Theology Baylor University's Truett Seminary