Digital Logos Edition
First it was the battle for the Bible; now it is the battle for the resurrection. First the question was whether we can trust what the Bible says about itself; now the question is whether we can trust what the Bible says about the resurrection. First it was whether inspiration covered only spiritual matters but not historical and scientific statements. Now it is whether the resurrection body is only spiritual or whether it is material, and historically and empirically observable. Geisler's powerful book on the resurrection defends and explains this central doctrine in light of recent debate, controversy, and skepticism.
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“It is at the very heart of the gospel (1 Cor. 15:1–5). Without the resurrection there is no salvation (Rom. 10:9), and the whole of Christianity crumbles if it is not true (1 Cor. 15:12–19).” (Page 26)
“The Bible declares that the resurrection is the very heart of the gospel (1 Cor. 15:1–3) and is even a condition of salvation (Rom. 10:9).” (Page xx)
“The religious leaders of Jesus’day were not content with the simple authority of the Word of God. They obscured its authority by their own speculations about and elaborations on the Old Testament. Hence, Jesus said to them, ‘you nullify the word of God by your tradition …’ (Mark 7:13 niv). Jesus turned their attention to the written Word of God by affirming over and over again, ‘It is written … It is written … It is written …’ (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10 kjv). This phrase occurs over ninety times in the New Testament. It is a strong indication of the divine authority of the written Word of God.” (Pages 22–23)
“Jesus said over and over that He would die and rise again (John 2:19; Matt. 12:40; 17:9; 18:23) There are five different accounts showing that Jesus’ prediction about His resurrection was fulfilled literally (Matt. 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21; 1 Cor. 15). Jesus did rise bodily from the grave, and He left an empty tomb behind. The crucified body that was placed there on Good Friday left on Easter Sunday.” (Page 27)
“If Christ did not rise in the same physical, material body in which He was crucified, then we have no hope that we will be victorious over physical death either. It is only through the physical resurrection of Christ that the believer can triumphantly proclaim: ‘Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?’ (1 Cor. 15:55 niv).” (Page 35)
Since the belief in a purely spiritual resurrection of Christ is prevalent in many cults, those involved in countering the rise and growth of cults would benefit greatly from reading this book.
—Walter Martin, author of The Kingdom of the Cults
Dr. Geisler's book is effectively designed as [an] antidote to the misery of turning Christ's factual resurrection into an event outside the bounds of ordinary history.
—Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, author of History and Christianity
Geisler demonstrates not only the danger in the theology of various cults but also the tendency to discount the bodily resurrection of the Lord, even among evangelicals. It is essential reading for every pastor and student.
—Dr. Paige Patterson, author of Song of Solomon
The proclamation that Jesus was raised in the same physical body in which he died is just as important today as it was in the first century. The book signals such a call to the importance of this doctrine.
—Dr. Gary Habermas, Distinguished Professor of Apologetics and Philosophy, Liberty University
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