Digital Logos Edition
Augustine has been called the greatest man possessed by the Christian church between Paul and Luther. His writings continue to be read and studied, and they continue to influence the church.
But where does one turn to discover what Augustine wrote concerning theological topics such as Scripture, God, Christ, humanity, salvation? How can one find out what Augustine said about the relation between faith and reason, about evil, about ethics?
Identifying the key passages in Augustine's works on any one topic can be exhausting and even impossible for the student. In this volume such passages are quoted, allowing students to become acquainted with one of Christendom's greatest theologians through his own words and in a volume of manageable length.
Each quote or group of quotes is summarized by a sentence heading, which in turn is part of a well-organized outline. In the chapter on faith and reason, for example, the quoted material is divided into these major groupings:
The editor has drawn on a wide variety of sources, including Augustine's theological writings, sermons, letters, and Confessions. All quotations are documented, providing the reader easy access to the full context of each excerpt.
“we occasionally learn more from the errors of great minds than from the truths of lesser minds.” (Page 9)
“We walk by faith, so long as we believe that which we do not see, but sight will be ours, when we see Him face to face, as He really is.” (Page 18)
“Sacrifice; of slaves making us Thy sons, by being born of Thee, and serving us” (Page 141)
“? Therefore ever Father without beginning, ever Son without beginning.” (Page 82)
“ He may be known more clearly and loved more steadfastly” (Page 19)