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Clear Study Series (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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The Clear Study Series (5 vols.) provides study materials to complement your personal or Sunday School Bible study. These five volumes will enrich your knowledge of the individual books of study with their clear and concise verse-to-verse commentary. The volumes in the Clear Study Series, are thorough, yet not too technical that you are overwhelmed by the exegesis presented to you.

With Logos, every word is essentially a link! Scripture references are linked directly to the Bibles in your library—both the original language texts and English translations. Logos Bible Software allows you to quickly move from the chapter outlines to your desired location and search entire volumes and collections by topic, title, or Scripture reference.

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Key Features

  • Detailed chapter and verse outlines
  • Great resource to enhance your personal Bible study
  • All Scripture references link directly to the Bibles in your library

Product Details

  • Title: Clear Study Series (5 vols.)
  • Publisher: Randall House
  • Volumes: 5
  • Pages: 812

Individual Titles


  • Author: Douglas J. Simpson
  • Publisher: Randall House
  • Publication Date: 1977
  • Pages: 116

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The book of Daniel clearly reveals the triumphant story of believers who were faithful to God. The inspiration of studying the lives of believers who successfully followed God is itself a sufficient reason for studying the book of Daniel. Yet, this book also has strong prophetic components that aids in understanding many other prophetic portions of Scripture. Since Biblical prophecy is such a debatable subject, a word about the approach taken in this book to the prophetic passages of Daniel seems in order. Even though the writer has strong personal commitments to one of the millennial positions, he has not made any attempt to argue for the correctness of his own specific interpretation of the prophecies of Daniel. This approach was taken so that all views could be briefly treated. The reader will need to diligently study the A-, Post-, and Premillennial viewpoints before he will feel satisfied about which of these views is fundamentally correct and, therefore, the one he should personally accept.

Dr. Douglas J. Simpson is uniquely qualified to write this analytical study of the Book of Daniel. He earned the B.A. degree from Free Will Baptist Bible College, Nashville, Tennessee, in 1962; the M.A. and Ph. D. from Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina in 1963, 1965; the M. Ed., from Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee in 1967; and, another Ph. D. at the University of Oklahoma in 1970. Dr. Simpson's graduate concentrations were about equally divided in the areas of the history and philosophy.


  • Author: Robert E. Picirilli
  • Publisher: Randall House
  • Publication Date: 1975
  • Pages: 324

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

No generation of biblical students has ever failed to appreciate Paul's epistle to the Romans as being the very finest presentation of Christian doctrine ever written. On the one hand, here is the Spirit's own inspired presentation of the need, provision, and meaning of redemption. On the other hand, here is the keen mind of Paul at his very best in arguing and expounding the central truths of Christian teaching. Would you understand man's sin? God's law? The Jews' history? Jesus' death? The sinners' salvation? The Christian's life? You must go to Romans if you would. No presentation of these, or many other Christian doctrines, will be complete unless the light of Romans shines brightly therein. One wonders what would be the power and integrity of Christianity without Romans. Romans is certainly worth becoming thoroughly familiar with. We offer these thirty-nine lessons to help you achieve that end.

Robert E. Picirilli, was the former academic dean and professor of Greek and New Testament studies at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, TN. Since 1983, he has served as the General Editor of The Randall House Bible Commentary and, in that series, contributed the volumes on 1,2 Peter; Mark; 1,2 Corinthians; Ephesians; Philippians; and 1,2 Thessalonians. His other published works include the books Understanding Assurance & Salvation; Grace, Faith, Free Will; Paul the Apostle; Book of Galatians; Romans; and a Survey of the Pauline Epistles, as well as numerous booklets and articles.


  • Author: Robert E. Picirilli
  • Publisher: Randall House
  • Publication Date: 1973
  • Pages: 112

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Galatians has often been called "The Magna Carta of Christian Liberty." It was said to be Martin Luther's favorite book in the Scriptures, and so has been identified as the foundation of the Protestant Reformation. The importance of this epistle grows from the fact that it deals with the most basic Christian doctrine: the means of justification. It is important that all Christians master the truths taught in this epistle.

Robert E. Picirilli, was the former academic dean and professor of Greek and New Testament studies at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, TN. Since 1983, he has served as the General Editor of The Randall House Bible Commentary and, in that series, contributed the volumes on 1,2 Peter; Mark; 1,2 Corinthians; Ephesians; Philippians; and 1,2 Thessalonians. His other published works include the books Understanding Assurance & Salvation; Grace, Faith, Free Will; Paul the Apostle; Book of Galatians; Romans; and a Survey of the Pauline Epistles, as well as numerous booklets and articles.


  • Author: Milton Crowson
  • Publisher: Randall House
  • Publication Date: 1977
  • Pages: 172

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

One of the purest doctrinal books in the New Testament is the Epistle to the Hebrews. The letter serves as a doctrinal treatise to both warn and encourage its readers. Thus, the study of Hebrews is just as needful today as it was at the time of its writing. Numerous commentaries have been written on the Epistle to the Hebrews. The writer has noticed that most commentaries have one of two faults: Either they are so shallow in subject matter that the serious student receives no benefit; or else, they are so technical that the average layman, yea, even most clergymen, cannot understand what the work is all about. It is hoped that this material is thorough enough that those who have a knowledge of Greek will benefit from it, but plain enough that one unlearned in Greek will not find the work too difficult.


  • Author: Damon C. Dodd
  • Publisher: Randall House
  • Publication Date: 1977
  • Pages: 88

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This work on the book of the Revelation is the result of several sessions of teaching the book and many years of study and research by the author, Damon C. Dodd. Revelation presents an explanation of the keys to understanding this last book of the Bible, as well as giving an overall view of the makeup and message, which it presents. The book of Revelation can be understood and with the understanding comes a surge of hope and joy for the people of God. The author had in mind the preparation of a Study Guide to assist laymen in getting a better understanding of the Book of Revelation. IT is in no sense of the word a comprehensive or exhaustive treatment of the text of the book and is not to be considered as such. An effort has been made to present an explanation of some of the keys to the understanding of Revelation and to give an overall view of the makeup and message which it presents.

Damon C. Dodd was ordained into the Gospel Ministry in 1936 St. Francois County Quarterly meeting, Missouri. Damon attended Flat River Jr. College, but when the Free Will Baptist Bible College began in 1942, he and his wife, Sylvia, joined seven other students. Brother Dodd went on with his formal education until he received a Doctor of Ministries degree in the 1980s. Study was a joy and writing was a passion for him. He wrote as he spoke, with enthusiasm. He served as an evangelist, church planter and pastor. He served churches in Missouri, 1937–42, 1947–50; Tennessee, 1942–46; and in Georgia.


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  1. Jason Hart

    Jason Hart

