Digital Logos Edition
Free Will Baptist is a denomination of churches that share a common history, name, and an acceptance of the Arminian theology of free grace, free salvation, and free will. The Free Will Baptist Studies Collection (5 vols.) brings you the history, theology and practices of this denomination. This collection will not only bring you a deeper understanding of Free Will Baptist history, it provides a manual of helpful tools to use throughout a church service, and a volume on the role of a deacon in the Free Will Baptist church.
Logos Bible Software dramatically improves the value of any resource by enabling you to find what you are looking for instantly and with unbelievable precision. As you are reading the Free Will Baptist Studies Collection (5 vols.), you can easily search and access topics or Scripture references you come across, for example, "free will" or "atonement."
This book will help you know the doctrines of the Free Will Baptist Church, covering the Holy Scriptures, God and Christ and salvation, doctrine of Last Things and our Church covenant.
Dr. O'Donnell has served as a pastor for over thirty years. He has authored a number of books which include: Faith for Today; A Survey of Church History; Handbook for Deacons; The Preacher and His Preaching; and Precious Bible Promises.
A Free Will Baptist Handbook is an excellent primer to the theology, history, and practices of the Free Will Baptists. This handy book introduces who the Free Will Baptists are, where they came from, and what they believe. The book is understandable, yet also a thorough and up-to-date study. The book is ideal for new church members, prospective members, or as a refresher course for the seasoned Free Will Baptist church member or pastor.
This is the kind of book we have long needed. It is a relatively brief and easy-to-read summary of who Free Will Baptists are, what we believe and what we do. This volume should be required reading for all pastors, missionaries, teachers and others who are involved in Free Will Baptist work on a full-time basis. Knowing who we are and what we believe can only help us serve the Lord more effectively.
—Thomas Marberry, Contact magazine
J. Matthew Pinson is president of Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee. Prior to that, he served as a pastor of churches in Alabama, Connecticut, and Georgia. He has received bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of West Florida, a master's degree from Yale, and a doctorate from Vanderbilt. His primary interests are historical theology, the intersection of ecclesiology and cultural studies, higher education, and leadership. He lives with his wife, Melinda, and their children, Anna and Matthew, in Nashville.
Dr. Davidson diligently researches the heritage and ongoing ministry of the Free Will Baptist denomination.
Dr. William Davidson served as professor of church history at Columbia Biblical Theological Seminary and School of Missions for 29 years. Dr. Davidson obtained his bachelor of arts degree from Peabody College for Teachers, his bachelor of divinity degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, and his doctor of theology degree from New Orleans Baptists Theological Seminary. Prior to joining Columbia's faculty in 1973, he was involved in the pastorate in Kentucky and Virginia for seven years. He presently maintains a preaching ministry, filling area pulpits and participating in evangelistic meetings. Dr. Davidson has published two books chronicling the history of Free Will Baptists in America. He has also contributed numerous articles to the Free Will Baptist denominational publication, Contact.
The first edition of the Free Will Baptist Minister's Manual is the perfect resource for any minister. The manual includes selections for dedications, ordinations, weddings, funerals, baptisms, and many more. These selections contain scripture verses, litany, and reflections to further aid and enhance a service.
Dr. Billy A. Melvin was the Executive Director of the National Association of Evangelicals in Nashville, TN, 1967–1995.
To help readers discover what the Scriptures say about the duty of a deacon, O'Donnell explores the biblical basis for these servants of God, giving relevant application to the works they are to perform.
Contents include:
Dr. J. D. O'Donnell has served as a pastor for over thirty years. He has authored a number of books which include: Faith for Today; A Survey of Church History; Handbook for Deacons; The Preacher and His Preaching; and Precious Bible Promises.
You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.
3 ratings
Matthew Honeycutt
Jason T. Davis
Jason Hart