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Products>Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

ISBN: 9781418569051


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Come discover one of the greatest secrets to a successful relationship! Love & Respect is A New York Times?best-selling marriage book making a difference with over two million copies sold! Help you and your spouse achieve a deeper level of intimacy by stopping the crazy cycle of conflict, developing better communication skills, and enjoying renewed passion. 

Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. While both men and women deserve both love and respect, in the midst of conflict the driving need for a woman is love and the driving need for a man is respect. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy.

Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, Love and Respect is for anyone: those in marital crisis, the happily married, engaged couples, pastors and counselors, and small groups. This dynamic and life-changing message is impacting the world, resulting in the healing and restoration of countless relationships.

In Love & Respect couples can find:

  • How to break down the communication code between spouses
  • How to handle conflict in a relationship
  • How to build respect for one another
  • How to foster a deep love for one another
  • How to rekindle passion for one another

Taking God’s biblical practice of marriage and applying it with practical techniques, Emerson Eggerichs shows how mutual Love and Respect can balance a marriage and encourage a successful relationship.

Pair Love & Respect?with the Love & Respect Workbook for Couples, Individuals, and Groups for an added experience and to dig deeper into your relationship and foster understanding with your partner. Love & Respect?is also available in Spanish, Amor y Respeto.

Top Highlights

“What is this life-changing decision we both have made? I have decided to believe that Sarah does not intend to be disrespectful. Oh, she can get nasty, but that isn’t how she feels in her heart. I know she respects who I am deep inside. Sarah has decided to believe that I do not intend to be unloving, though I still hurt her at times with my comments and attitudes. She knows that in my heart I love her deeply and would even die for her. So how does all this actually play out? I’d like to illustrate with eggs and towels.” (source)

“Often, we focus on our own needs and simply overlook the needs of the other person. The wife needs love; she is not trying to be disrespectful. The husband needs respect; he is not trying to be unloving. Once you grasp this basic principle—that the ‘issue’ is not the real issue at all—you are on your way to cracking the communication code.” (source)

“As I have tried to explain to many couples over the years, a major part of the answer is learning how to decode each other’s messages. Whenever a wife is complaining, criticizing, or crying, she is sending her encoded message: ‘I want your love!’ And whenever a husband is speaking harshly or sometimes not speaking at all, he is sending his encoded message: ‘I want your respect.’” (source)

“Respect does something to the soul of a man. God made him that way.” (source)

“So who should make the first move? In our marriage conferences, I explain that I prayed about this, and here is the answer God gave me: the one who sees himself or herself as the most mature.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
  • Author: Eggerichs, Dr. Emerson
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • ISBN: 9781418569051
Eggerichs is the author of Love and Respect and conducts conferences of the same title with his wife Sarah. He held the position of senior pastor at Trinity Church for nearly 20 years before starting Love and Respect Ministries.


2 ratings

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  1. Griffith, Sarah K.
  2. Nick Ferdig

    Nick Ferdig


    Life Changing, and this is not hyperbole. The Lord led my wife and I to Love & Respect and our marriage is forever changed. God designed marriage, so of course He left us instructions on how to do it right! And Dr. Eggerichs breaks down the profound truth of God's design for marriage into language we can all understand - and apply! I believe every Christian couple and every pastor who counsels Christian couples should go through this material. Simple yet profound.
