Digital Logos Edition
These Notes and Outlines on each book of the Bible were prepared by Dr. McGee to assist listeners who wanted an even deeper and more thorough understanding of the Word as they followed along with his five-year radio program.
“When man sinned back in the Garden of Eden, 3 things happened to him: (1) dead to God; (2) no communion with God; (3) no longer had knowledge of God. Christ restores these — ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’ (v. 6) — reconciliation, illumination, and regeneration.” (source)
“All Scripture is not to me, but all Scripture is for me. That is a good rule to keep in mind.” (source)
“President John Quincy Adams said, ‘I speak as a man of the world to men of the world; and I say to you: search the Scriptures. The Bible is the book above all others to be read at all ages and in all conditions of human life; not to be read once or twice through and then laid aside, but to be read in small portions every day.’” (source)
“‘Why do you ask that question? There is but one book; bring the Bible.’ There is only one Book for any man who is dying, but it is also the Book for any man who is living.” (source)
“Mark Twain, who was no believer, said that he was not disturbed by what he did not understand in the Bible. What worried him were the things he did understand. There are things an unbeliever can understand, and it’s those which cause many to reject the Word of God. It was Pascal who said, ‘Human knowledge must be understood to be loved, but Divine knowledge must be loved to be understood.’” (source)
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