Digital Logos Edition
In The Handwriting on the Wall, prophecy expert David Jeremiah shows how an understanding of prophecy, specifically that in the book of Daniel, opens a pathway to dynamic, faithful living today—with confidence and hope for the future. What you believe about the issues in this book can determine whose side you are on when God decides to draw the curtain on the drama of history. To know the book of Daniel is to learn how to live faithfully today, and to anticipate the future with confidence.
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“The Son of God speaks of His deity; the Son of David speaks of His royalty; and the Son of Man speaks of His humanity.” (Page 142)
“Second, Daniel was consistent in his performance.” (Page 119)
“God gave Daniel wisdom, just as He will us if we are in His will.” (Page 40)
“People see God in us when we are in the fire. It’s easy to be a Christian when everything is going great, but when the fire is hot, we are being watched.” (Page 83)
“The last thing that happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is that their influence was enlarged. The king promoted them. When God tests us and we prove faithful, it is always for the purpose of enlarging our influence for Him.” (Page 84)