Frank Frost Abbott
- Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 1909
J. Adam, A. M. Adam
- Commentary on Plato, Protagoras 1893
James Adam
- The Republic of Plato 1902
- Speeches (Greek and English) 1919
- Against Timarchus
- On the Embassy
- Against Ctesiphon
- Agamemnon (Greek and English) 1889, 1926
- Eumenides (Greek and English) 1926
- Letters (Greek and English) 1919
- Libation Bearers (Greek and English) 1926
- Prometheus Bound (Greek and English) 1926
- Persians (Greek and English) 1926
- Seven Against Thebes (Greek and English) 1926
- Suppliant Women (Greek and English) 1926
Thomas W. Allen
- Commentary on the Homeric Hymns 1904
- Speeches (Greek and English) 1968
- On the Mysteries
- On his Return
- On the Peace
- Against Alcibiades
- Library and Epitome (Greek and English) 1921
- The Civil Wars (Greek and English) 1879, 1899
- The Foreign Wars (Greek and English) 1879, 1899
- Kings
- Italy
- Samnite History
- Gallic History
- Sicily and the Other Islands
- Wars in Spain
- Hannibalic War
- Punic Wars
- Numidian Affairs
- Macedonian Affairs
- Illyrian Wars
- Syrian Wars
- Mithridatic Wars
- Apologia 1912
- Florida 1921
- Metamorphoses 1915
- The Extant Works of Aretaeus, The Cappadocian (Greek and English)
- De causis et signis acutorum morborum (lib. 1)
- De causis et signis acutorum morborum (lib. 2)
- De curatione acutorum morborum libri duo
- De curatione diuturnorum morborum libri duo
Aristides, Aelius
- Ars Rhetorica 1854
- Orationes 1-55, 1829
- Acharnians (Greek and English) 1907
- Birds (Greek and English) 1907
- Clouds (Greek and English) 1907
- Ecclesiazusae (Greek and English) 1907
- Frogs (Greek and English) 1907
- Knights (Greek and English) 1907
- Lysistrata (Greek and English) 1907
- Peace (Greek and English) 1907
- Plutus (Greek and English) 1907
- Thesmophoriazusae (Greek and English) 1907
- Wasps (Greek and English) 1907
- Athenian Constitution (Greek) 1920
- Economics (Greek and English) 1935
- Eudemian Ethics (Greek and English) 1884, 1981
- Metaphysics (Greek and English ) 1924, 1933, 1989
- Nicomachean Ethics (Greek) 1894
- Poetics (English) 1932
- Politics (Greek and English) 1944, 1957
- Rhetoric (Greek and English) 1926, 1959
- Virtues and Vices (Greek) 1831
- Acies Contra Alanos 1885
- Anabasis 1907
- Cynegeticus 1885
- Indica 1885
- Periplus Ponti Euxini 1885
- Tactica 1885
- The Deipnosophists, Books 1-15, 1927-1941
Saint Augustine
- Epistulae. Selections 1930
- Odes (Greek) 1905
- Epinicians
- Dithyrambs
The Venerable Bede
- Historiam ecclesiasticam gentis Anglorum 1896
Allen Rogers Benner
- Selections from Homer's Iliad 1903
R. G. Bury
- The Symposium of Plato 1909
C. Julius Caesar
- Commentaries on the Civil War 1856
- De Bello Civili 1901
- De bello Gallico 1869
- Gallic War 1914
- Epigrams, Fragmenta 1921
- Hymns. A.W. Mair 1921
- Hymn to Zeus
- Hymn to Apollo
- Hymn to Artemis
- Hymn to Delos
- Hymn to Athena
- Hymn to Demeter
- Hymns and Epigrams 1897
- Hymns and Epigrams
- Hymn to Zeus
- Hymn to Apollo
- Hymn to Artemis
- Hymn to Delos
- Hymn to Athena
- Hymn to Demeter
- Epigrams
R. J. Cholmeley, M.A.
- The Idylls of Theocritus 1901
M. Tullius Cicero
- Academica. O. Plasberg 1922
- Brutus. A. S. Wilkins 1911
- Cato the Elder: on old age. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- De Amicitia. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- De Amicitia: introduction. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- De Divinatione. C. F. W. Müller 1915
- De Divinatione. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- De Divinatione: introduction. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- De Fato. C. F. W. Müller 1915
- de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum. Th. Schiche 1915
- de Natura Deorum. O. Plasberg 1917
- De Officiis. Walter Miller (Latin and English) 1913
- De Officiis: apparatus criticus. Walter Miller 1913
- De Officiis: index. Walter Miller 1913
- De Officiis: introduction and bibliography. Walter Miller 1913
- De Optimo Genere Oratorum. A. S. Wilkins 1911
- De Oratore. A. S. Wilkins 1911
- De Partitione Oratoria. A. S. Wilkins 1911
- De Republica. C. F. W. Mueller 1889
- De Senectute. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- De Senectute: introduction. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- Divination. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- Epistulae ad Familiares. L. C. Purser 1999
- Laelius on friendship. William Armistead Falconer 1923
- Letters. Evelyn Shuckburgh 1908-1909
- Letters to and from Brutus. L. C. Purser 1999
- Letters to and from Quintus. L. C. Purser 1999
- Letters to Atticus. L. C. Purser 1999
- Lucullus. O. Plasberg 1922
- Orationes, Cum Senatui gratias egit, Cum populo gratias egit, De domo sua, De haruspicum responso, Pro Sestio, In Vatinium, De provinciis consularibus, Pro Balbo. Albert Clark 1909
- In the Senate after his Return
- To the Citizens after his Return
- On his House
- On the Responses of the Haruspices
- For Sestius
- Against Vatinius
- On the Consular Provinces
- For Cornelius Balbus
- Orationes, Divinatio in Q. Caecilium, In C. Verrem. Albert Clark, William Peterson 1917
- Divinatio against Q. Caecilius
- Against Verres
- Orationes, Pro Milone, Pro Marcello, Pro Ligario, Pro rege Deiotaro, Philippicae I-XIV. Albert Clark 1918
- For Milo
- For Marcellus
- For Ligarius
- For King Deiotarius
- Philippics
- Orationes, Pro P. Quinctio, Pro Q. Roscio comoedo, Pro A. Caecina, De lege agraria contra Rullum, Pro C. Rabiro perduellionis reo, Pro L. Flacco, In L. Pisonem, Pro C. Rabiro Postumo. Albert Clark 1909
- For Publius Quinctius
- For Quintus Roscius the Actor
- For Aulus Caecina
- On the Agrarian Law
- For Rabirius on a Charge of Treason
- For Flaccus
- Against Piso
- For Rabirius Postumus
- Orationes, Pro Sex. Roscio, De imperio Cn. Pompei, Pro Cluentio, In Catilinam, Pro Murena, Pro Caelio. Albert Clark, Albert Curtis Clark 1908
- For Sextus Roscius of Ameria
- On Pompey's Command
- For Aulus Cluentius
- Against Catiline
- For Lucius Murena
- For Marcus Caelius
- Orationes, Pro Tullio, Pro Fonteio, Pro Sulla, Pro Archia, Pro Plancio, Pro Scauro. Albert Clark 1909
- For Marcus Tullius
- For Marcus Fonteius
- For Sulla
- For Archias
- For Plancius
- For Aemilius Scaurus
- Orations, for his house, Plancius, Sextius, Coelius, Milo, Ligarius, etc.. C. D. Yonge 1891
- On his House
- On the Responses of the Haruspices
- For Plancius
- For Sestius
- Against Vatinius
- For Marcus Caelius
- On the Consular Provinces
- For Cornelius Balbus
- Against Piso
- For Milo
- For Rabirius Postumus
- For Marcellus
- For Ligarius
- For King Deiotarius
- Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres. C. D. Yonge 1903
- For Publius Quinctius
- For Sextus Roscius of Ameria
- For Quintus Roscius the Actor
- Divinatio against Q. Caecilius
- Against Verres
- Orations, The fourteen orations against Marcus Antonius (Philippics). C. D. Yonge 1903
- Orations, Three orations on the Agrarian law, the four against Catiline, the orations for Rabirius, Murena, Sylla, Archias, Flaccus, Scaurus, etc.. C. D. Yonge 1856
- For Marcus Tullius
- For Marcus Fonteius
- For Aulus Caecina
- On Pompey's Command
- For Aulus Cluentius
- Orations, Three orations on the Agrarian law, the four against Catiline, the orations for Rabirius, Murena, Sylla, Archias, Flaccus, Scaurus, etc.
- On the Agrarian Law
- For Rabirius on a Charge of Treason
- Against Catiline
- For Lucius Murena
- For Sulla
- For Archias
- For Flaccus
- In the Senate after his Return
- To the Citizens after his Return
- For Aemilius Scaurus
- Orator. A. S. Wilkins 1911
- Paradoxa stoicorum ad M. Brutum. J. G. Baiter, C. L. Kayser 1865
- Paradoxa stoicorum ad M. Brutum: apparatus criticus. J. G. Baiter, C. L. Kayser 1865
- Topica. A. S. Wilkins 1911
- Tusculanae Disputationes. M. Pohlenz 1918
Q. Tullius Cicero
- Essay on Running for Consul. L. C. Purser 1999
- Rape of Helen. A. W. Mair 1928
Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus
- Res Rustica, Books I-IV. Harrison Boyd Ash 1940
- Res Rustica, Books V-IX. E.S. Forster, Edward H. Heffner 1954
Naso, P. Ovidius
- Commentary on the Heroides of Ovid 1813
John Conington
- Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 1, 1876
- Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2, 1876
E. M. Cope
- Commentary on the Rhetoric of Aristotle 1877
- On the Twelve Years (Greek and English) 1962
- Speeches 1-10 (Greek and English) 1903, 1930
- Olynthiac 1
- Olynthiac 2
- Olynthiac 3
- Philippic 1
- On the Peace
- Philippic 2
- On the Halonnesus
- On the Chersonese
- Philippic 3
- Philippic 4
- Speeches 11-20 (Greek and English) 1903, 1926
- Reply to Philip
- Philip
- On Organization
- On the Navy
- On the Liberty of the Rhodians
- For the Megalopolitans
- On the Accession of Alexander
- On the Crown
- On the False Embassy
- Against Leptines
- Speeches 21-30 (Greek and English) 1907, 1921, 1939
- Against Midias
- Against Androtion
- Against Aristocrates
- Against Timocrates
- Against Aristogiton 1
- Against Aristogiton 2
- Against Aphobus 1
- Against Aphobus 2
- Against Aphobus
- Against Onetor
- Speeches 31-40 (Greek and English) 1921, 1939
- Against Onetor
- Against Zenothemis
- Against Apatourius
- Against Phormio
- Against Lacritus
- For Phormio
- Against Pantaenetus
- Against Nausimachus and Xenopeithes
- Against Boeotus 1
- Against Boeotus 2
- Speeches 41-50 (Greek and English) 1931, 1939
- Against Spudias
- Against Phaenippus
- Against Macartatus
- Against Leochares
- Against Stephanus 1
- Against Stephanus 2
- Against Evergus and Mnesibulus
- Against Olympiodorus
- Against Timotheus
- Against Polycles
- Speeches 51-61 (Greek and English) 1931, 1949
- On the Trierarchic Crown
- Against Callippus
- Against Nicostratus
- Against Conon
- Against Callicles
- Against Dionysodorus
- Against Eubulides
- Against Theocrines
- Against Neaera
- Funeral Speech
- Erotic Essay
- Speeches (Greek and English) 1962
- Against Demosthenes
- Against Aristogiton
- Against Philocles
Dio, Chrysostom
Diodorus Siculus
- Bibliotheca Historica, Books I-V. Immanuel Bekker, Ludwig Dindorf, Friedrich Vogel, Immanel Bekker 1888-1890
- Bibliotheca Historica, Books XVIII-XX. Immanuel Bekker, Ludwig Dindorf, Friedrich Vogel, Kurt Theodor Fischer, Immanel Bekker 1903-1906
- Library (Greek and English) 1989
Diogenes Laertius
- Lives of Eminent Philosophers. R.D. Hicks (Greek and English) 2005
J.F. Dobson
E. H. Donkin
- Cicero Pro Roscio Amerino, Edited, after Karl Halm
Elegy and Iambus, Volume I. J. M. Edmonds (Greek and English) 1931
Elegy and Iambus, Volume II. J. M. Edmonds (Greek and English) 1931
- Works (Greek) 1916
- Discourses
- Enchiridion
- Fragments
- Works. George Long (English) 1890
- Discourses
- Enchiridion
- Fragments
- Works. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (English) 1890
- Discourses
- Enchiridion
- Fragments
- Elements. J. L. Heiberg. (Greek) 1956
- Elements. Thomas L. Heath, Sir Thomas Little Heath. (English) 1883-1888
- Bacchae. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1850
- Bacchae. T. A. Buckley. (English) 1913
- Electra. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Hecuba. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1902
- Helen. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Heracles. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Ion. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Iphigenia in Aulis. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Iphigenia in Aulis. E. P. Coleridge. (English) 1891
- Iphigenia in Tauris. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Orestes. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Phoenissae. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Rhesus. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- Rhesus. E. P. Coleridge. (English) 1891
- Suppliants. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- The Trojan Women. Gilbert Murray. (Greek) 1913
- The Trojan Women. E. P. Coleridge. (English) 1891
Minucius Felix, Marcus
- Octavius. Gerald H. Rendall, W.C.A. Kerr 1931
C. Valerius Flaccus
- Argonautica. Otto Kramer 1913
- Argonautica: introduction. Otto Kramer 1913
Lucius Annaeus Florus
- Epitome Rerum Romanorum. Edward Seymour Forster 1929
Edward S. Forster
- Isocrates Cyprian Orations
Harold North Fowler
- Commentary on Thucydides Book 5, 1888
- On the Natural Faculties. A.J. Brock. (Greek and English) 2005
Aulus Gellius
- Attic Nights. John C. Rolfe. (Latin and English) 1927
- Attic Nights, introduction. John C. Rolfe. (Latin) 1927
Basil L. Gildersleeve
- Pindar: The Olympian and Pythian Odes 1885
- Syntax of Classical Greek 1900
Francis Glass
- Washingtonii Vita. J.N. Reynolds. (Latin) 1842
William Watson Goodwin
- Commentary on Demosthenes: On the Crown 1904
- Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb 1889
C.E. Graves
- Commentary on Thucydides: Book 4, 1884
- Commentary on Thucydides: Book 5, 1891
Greek Anthology, Volume I. W. R. Paton 1916
Greek Anthology, Volume II. W. R. Paton 1917
Greek Anthology, Volume III. W. R. Paton 1915
Greek Anthology, Volume IV. W. R. Paton 1926
Greek Anthology, Volume V. W. R. Paton 1927
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell
- Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War 1898
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge
- Select Orations of Cicero, Allen and Greenough's Edition 2009
William Gardner Hale
- The Art of Reading Latin: How To Teach It, 1887
Dionysius of Halicarnassus
- Ad Ammaeum. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- Antiquitates Romanae, Books I-III. Karl Jacoby. (Greek) 1885
- Antiquitates Romanae, Books IV-VI. Karl Jacoby. (Greek) 1898
- Antiquitates Romanae, Books VII-IX. Karl Jacoby. (Greek) 1891
- Antiquitates Romanae, Books X-XX. Karl Jacoby. (Greek) 1905
- De antiquis oratoribus. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- De Compositione Verborum. Ludwig Radermacher. (Greek) 1904
- De Demosthene. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- De Dinarcho. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- De Isaeo. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- De Isocrate. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- De Lysia. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- De Thucydide. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- De Thucydidis idiomatibus (epistula ad Ammaeum). Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- Epistula ad Pompeium Geminum. Ludwig Radermacher. (Greek) 1904
- Libri secundi de antiquis oratoribus reliquiae. Hermann Usener. (Greek) 1899
- The Histories. (Greek) 1920
- The Histories. A. D. Godley. (English) 1920
- Shield of Heracles. (Greek and English) 1914
- Theogony. (Greek and English) 1914
- Works and Days. (Greek and English) 1914
- Airs Waters Places, introduction. W. H. S. Jones. (English) 2005
- Ancient Medicine, introduction. W. H. S. Jones. (English) 2005
- Epidemics, introduction. W. H. S. Jones. (English) 2005
- The Genuine Works of Hippocrates. Charles Darwin Adams. (English) 2003
- Jusjurandum
- De prisca medicina
- De aere aquis et locis
- Prognosticon
- De diaeta in morbis acutis
- De morbis popularibus
- De capitis vulneribus
- De officina medici
- De fracturis
- De articulis
- Vectiarius
- Aphorismi
- Lex
- De ulceribus
- De fistulis
- De haemorrhoidibus
- De morbo sacro
- Hippocrates Collected Works I. W. H. S. Jones. (Greek) 2005
- De prisca medicina
- De aere aquis et locis
- De morbis popularibus
- Jusjurandum
- Praeceptiones
- De alimento
- Hippocrates Collected Works I. W. H. S. Jones. (English) 2005
- Hippocrates Collected Works I
- De prisca medicina
- De aere aquis et locis
- De morbis popularibus
- Jusjurandum
- Praeceptiones
- De alimento
- Nutriment, introduction. W. H. S. Jones. (English) 2005
- Oath, introduction. W. H. S. Jones. (English) 2005
- Oeuvres Completes D'Hippocrate.. A. Littre. (Greek) 2005
- De diaeta in morbis acutis
- De diaeta acutorum
- De haemorrhoidibus
- De fistulis
- De ulceribus
- De articulis
- Vectiarius
- Aphorismi
- Prognosticon
- De fracturis
- De morbo sacro
- De capitis vulneribus
- De officina medici
- Precepts, introduction. W. H. S. Jones. (English) 2005
- Odyssey (Greek and English) 1919
- The Odyssey. Samuel Butler. (English) 1900
Homeric Hymns. Hugh G. Evelyn-White. (Greek and English) 1914
- Hymn 1 to Dionysus
- Hymn 2 to Demeter
- Hymn 3 to Apollo
- Hymn 4 to Hermes
- Hymn 5 to Aphrodite
- Hymn 6 to Aphrodite
- Hymn 7 to Dionysus
- Hymn 8 to Ares
- Hymn 9 to Artemis
- Hymn 10 to Aphrodite
- Hymn 11 to Athena
- Hymn 12 to Hera
- Hymn 13 to Demeter
- Hymn 14 to the Mother of the Gods
- Hymn 15 to Heracles
- Hymn 16 to Asclepius
- Hymn 17 to the Dioscuri
- Hymn 18 to Hermes
- Hymn 19 to Pan
- Hymn 20 to Hephaestus
- Hymn 21 to Apollo
- Hymn 22 to Poseidon
- Hymn 23 to Zeus
- Hymn 24 to Hestia
- Hymn 25 to the Muses and Apollo
- Hymn 26 to Dionysus
- Hymn 27 to Artemis
- Hymn 28 to Athena
- Hymn 29 to Hestia
- Hymn 30 to Earth
- Hymn 31 to Helios
- Hymn 32 to Selene
- Hymn 33 to the Dioscuri
Q. Horatius Flaccus (Horace)
- The Art of Poetry: To the Pisos. C. Smart, Theodore Alois Buckley 1863
- Carmen Saeculare. Paul Shorey 1898
- Carmina. Paul Shorey, Gordon Lang, Paul Shorey and Gordon J. Laing 1919
- De Arte Poetica liber. C. Smart 1836
- Epistles. H. Rushton Fairclough 1929
- Epodon. Friedrich Vollmer 1912
- Odes. John Conington 1882
- Satyrarum libri. C. Smart 1836
- The Works of Horace. C. Smart, Theodore Alois Buckley 1863
W. W. How, J. Wells
- A Commentary on Herodotus 2000
- Speeches. (Greek and English) 1962
- In Defence of Lycophron
- Against Philippides
- Against Athenogenes
- In Defence of Euxenippus
- Against Demosthenes
- Funeral Oration
Sir Richard C. Jebb
- The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos 1876
- Commentary on Sophocles: Ajax, 1907
- Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone, 1900
- Commentary on Sophocles: Electra, 1894
- Commentary on Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus, 1899
- Commentary on Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus
- Commentary on Sophocles: Trachiniae, 1902
- Selections from the Attic Orators, 1888
Jerome, Saint
- Epistulae. Selections. F.A. Wright. (Latin) 1933
- Satires. G. G. Ramsay. (Latin) 1918
Walter Leaf
- Commentary on the Iliad, 1900
Charlton T. Lewis
- An Elementary Latin Dictionary 1890
W. M. Lindsay
- An Introduction to Latin Textual Emendation, 1896
- Syntax of Plautus, 1907
Titus Livius (Livy)
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, book 45. W. Weissenborn 1881
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, book 45, commentary. W. Weissenborn 1880
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, book 45, textual notes. W. Weissenborn 1881
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 31-32. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1883
- The History of Rome, Book 31
- The History of Rome, Book 32
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 31-32, commentary. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1883
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 31-32, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1883
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 33-34. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1883
- The History of Rome, Book 33
- The History of Rome, Book 34
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 33-34, commentary. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1883
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 33-34, textual notes 1881
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 35-38. W. Weissenborn 1873
- The History of Rome, Book 35
- The History of Rome, Book 36
- The History of Rome, Book 37
- The History of Rome, Book 38
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 35-38, commentary. W. Weissenborn 1873
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 35-38, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1873
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 39-40. W. Weissenborn 1875
- The History of Rome, Book 39
- The History of Rome, Book 40
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 39-40, commentary. W. Weissenborn 1875
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 39-40, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1875
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 41-42. W. Weissenborn 1876
- The History of Rome, Book 41
- The History of Rome, Book 42
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 41-42, commentary. W. Weissenborn 1880
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 41-42, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1876
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 43-44. W. Weissenborn 1880
- The History of Rome, Book 43
- The History of Rome, Book 44
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 43-44, commentary. W. Weissenborn 1880
- Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 43-44, textual notes. W. Weissenborn 1880
- Ab urbe condita, books 1-10. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1898
- The History of Rome, Book 1
- The History of Rome, Book 1, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 2, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 2
- The History of Rome, Book 3, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 3
- The History of Rome, Book 4, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 4
- The History of Rome, Book 5, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 5
- The History of Rome, Book 6, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 6
- The History of Rome, Book 7, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 7
- The History of Rome, Book 8, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 8
- The History of Rome, Book 9, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 9
- The History of Rome, Book 10, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 10
- The History of Rome, Book 11, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 12, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 13, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 14, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 15, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 16, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 17, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 18, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 19, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 20, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, books 1-10, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller 1898
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 1-2. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D. (English and Latin) 1919
- The History of Rome, Book 1
- The History of Rome, Book 1, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 2
- The History of Rome, Book 2, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, books 1-5. Robert Seymour Conway, Charles Flamstead Walters 1914
- The History of Rome, Book 1
- The History of Rome, Book 2
- The History of Rome, Book 3
- The History of Rome, Book 4
- The History of Rome, Book 5
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D. (English and Latin) 1929
- The History of Rome, Book 21
- The History of Rome, Book 21, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 22
- The History of Rome, Book 22, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, books 21-25. Robert Seymour Conway, Charles Flamstead Walters (Latin) 1929
- The History of Rome, Book 21
- The History of Rome, Book 22
- The History of Rome, Book 23
- The History of Rome, Book 24
- The History of Rome, Book 25
- Ab urbe condita, books 21-30. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1884
- The History of Rome, Book 21, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 21
- The History of Rome, Book 22, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 22
- The History of Rome, Book 23, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 23
- The History of Rome, Book 24, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 24
- The History of Rome, Book 25, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 25
- The History of Rome, Book 26, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 26
- The History of Rome, Book 27, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 27
- The History of Rome, Book 28, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 28
- The History of Rome, Book 29, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 29
- The History of Rome, Book 30, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 30
- Ab urbe condita, books 21-30, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1884
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University. (English and Latin) 1940
- The History of Rome, Book 23
- The History of Rome, Book 23, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 24
- The History of Rome, Book 24, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 25
- The History of Rome, Book 25, Summary
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 26-27. Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University. (English and Latin) 1943
- The History of Rome, Book 26
- The History of Rome, Book 26, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 27
- The History of Rome, Book 27, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, books 26-30. Robert Seymour Conway, Stephen Keymer Johnson. (Latin) 1935
- The History of Rome, Book 26
- The History of Rome, Book 27
- The History of Rome, Book 28
- The History of Rome, Book 29
- The History of Rome, Book 30
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University. (English and Latin) 1949
- The History of Rome, Book 28
- The History of Rome, Book 28, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 29
- The History of Rome, Book 29, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 30
- The History of Rome, Book 30, Summary
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 3-4. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D. (English and Latin) 1922
- The History of Rome, Book 3
- The History of Rome, Book 3, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 4
- The History of Rome, Book 4, Summary
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh. (English and Latin) 1935
- The History of Rome, Book 31
- The History of Rome, Book 31, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 32
- The History of Rome, Book 32, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 33
- The History of Rome, Book 33, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 34
- The History of Rome, Book 34, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, books 31-38. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1911
- The History of Rome, Book 31, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 31
- The History of Rome, Book 32, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 32
- The History of Rome, Book 33, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 33
- The History of Rome, Book 34, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 34
- The History of Rome, Book 35, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 35
- The History of Rome, Book 36, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 36
- The History of Rome, Book 37, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 37
- The History of Rome, Book 38, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 38
- Ab urbe condita, books 31-38, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1911
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 35-37. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh. (English and Latin) 1935
- The History of Rome, Book 35
- The History of Rome, Book 35, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 36
- The History of Rome, Book 36, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 37
- The History of Rome, Book 37, Summary
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 38-39. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. (English and Latin) 1936
- The History of Rome, Book 38
- The History of Rome, Book 38, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 39
- The History of Rome, Book 39, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, books 39-40. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1911
- The History of Rome, Book 39, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 39
- The History of Rome, Book 40, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 40
- Ab urbe condita, books 39-40, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1911
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.. (English and Latin) 1938
- The History of Rome, Book 40
- The History of Rome, Book 40, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 41
- The History of Rome, Book 41, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 42
- The History of Rome, Book 42, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, books 41-45. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1911
- The History of Rome, Book 41, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 41
- The History of Rome, Book 42, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 42
- The History of Rome, Book 43, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 43
- The History of Rome, Book 44, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 44
- The History of Rome, Book 45, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 45
- Ab urbe condita, books 41-45, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1911
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D. (English and Latin) 1951
- The History of Rome, Book 43
- The History of Rome, Book 43, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 44
- The History of Rome, Book 44, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 45
- The History of Rome, Book 45, Summary
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 5-7. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D. (English and Latin) 1924
- The History of Rome, Book 5
- The History of Rome, Book 5, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 6
- The History of Rome, Book 6, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 7
- The History of Rome, Book 7, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, books 6-10. Charles Flamstead Walters, Robert Seymour Conway. (Latin) 1919
- The History of Rome, Book 6
- The History of Rome, Book 7
- The History of Rome, Book 8
- The History of Rome, Book 9
- The History of Rome, Book 10
- Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.. (English and Latin) 1926
- The History of Rome, Book 8
- The History of Rome, Book 8, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 9
- The History of Rome, Book 9, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 10
- The History of Rome, Book 11, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 12, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 13, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 14, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 15, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 16, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 17, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 18, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 19, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 20, Summary
- Ab urbe condita, fragments. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1911
- Ab urbe condita, fragments, textual notes. W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller. (Latin) 1911
- The History of Rome by Titus Livius, books nine to twenty-six, literally translated, with notes and illustrations. D. Spillan, A.M., M.D., Cyrus Evans. (English) 1849
- The History of Rome, Book 9
- The History of Rome, Book 10
- The History of Rome, Book 11, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 12, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 13, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 14, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 15, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 16, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 17, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 18, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 19, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 20, Summary
- The History of Rome, Book 21
- The History of Rome, Book 22
- The History of Rome, Book 23
- The History of Rome, Book 24
- The History of Rome, Book 25
- The History of Rome, Book 26
- The History of Rome by Titus Livius, books thirty-seven to forty-five, literally translated, with notes and illustrations. William A. McDevitte, Sen. Class. Mod. Ex. Schol. A.B.T.C.D.. (English) 1850
- The History of Rome, Book 37
- The History of Rome, Book 38
- The History of Rome, Book 39
- The History of Rome, Book 40
- The History of Rome, Book 41
- The History of Rome, Book 42
- The History of Rome, Book 43
- The History of Rome, Book 44
- The History of Rome, Book 45
- The History of Rome by Titus Livius, books twenty-seven to thirty-six, literally translated, with notes and illustrations. Cyrus Evans. (English) 1850
- The History of Rome, Book 27
- The History of Rome, Book 28
- The History of Rome, Book 29
- The History of Rome, Book 30
- The History of Rome, Book 31
- The History of Rome, Book 32
- The History of Rome, Book 33
- The History of Rome, Book 34
- The History of Rome, Book 35
- The History of Rome, Book 36
- The History of Rome by Titus Livius, the first eight books, literally translated, with notes and illustrations. D. Spillan, A.M., M.D.. (English) 1857
- The History of Rome, Book 1
- The History of Rome, Book 2
- The History of Rome, Book 3
- The History of Rome, Book 4
- The History of Rome, Book 5
- The History of Rome, Book 6
- The History of Rome, Book 7
- The History of Rome, Book 8
- The History of Rome by Titus Livius, with the epitomes and fragments of the lost books, literally translated, with notes and illustrations. William A. McDevitte, Sen. Class. Mod. Ex. Schol. A.B.T.C.D.. (English) 1850
- History of Rome, books 1-10. Rev. Canon Roberts. (English) 1912
- The History of Rome, Book 1
- The History of Rome, Book 2
- The History of Rome, Book 3
- The History of Rome, Book 4
- The History of Rome, Book 5
- The History of Rome, Book 6
- The History of Rome, Book 7
- The History of Rome, Book 8
- The History of Rome, Book 9
- The History of Rome, Book 10
- History of Rome, books 21-45. Rev. Canon Roberts. (English) 1912
- The History of Rome, Book 21
- The History of Rome, Book 22
- The History of Rome, Book 23
- The History of Rome, Book 24
- The History of Rome, Book 25
- The History of Rome, Book 26
- The History of Rome, Book 27
- The History of Rome, Book 28
- The History of Rome, Book 29
- The History of Rome, Book 30
- The History of Rome, Book 31
- The History of Rome, Book 32
- The History of Rome, Book 33
- The History of Rome, Book 34
- The History of Rome, Book 35
- The History of Rome, Book 36
- The History of Rome, Book 37
- The History of Rome, Book 38
- The History of Rome, Book 39
- The History of Rome, Book 40
- The History of Rome, Book 41
- The History of Rome, Book 42
- The History of Rome, Book 43
- The History of Rome, Book 44
- The History of Rome, Book 45
Gonzalez Lodge
- Commentary on Plato: Gorgias 1891
M. Annaeus Lucanus
- Pharsalia. Carolus Hermannus Weise. (Latin) 1835
- Pharsalia. Sir Edward Ridley. (English) 1905
- Abdicatus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- Adversus indoctum et libros multos ementem. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- Alexander. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1925
- Anacharsis. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1925
- Apologia. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Bacchus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Bis accusatus sive tribunalia. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- Calumniae non temere credundum. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Cataplus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- Contemplantes. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- De astrologia. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- De Domo. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- De luctu. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1925
- De mercede. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- De morte Peregrini. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- De parasito sive artem esse parasiticam. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- De sacrificiis. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- De saltatione. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- De Syria dea. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1925
- Dearum judicium. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- Demonax. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Deorum concilium. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- Dialogi deorum. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Dialogi Marini. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Dialogi meretricii. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Dialogi mortuorum. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Dipsades. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Electrum. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Eunuchus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- Fugitivi. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- Gallus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- Harmonides. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Hercules. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Hermotimus. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Herodotus. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Hesiod. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Hippias. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Icaromenippus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- Imagines. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1925
- Judicium vocalium. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Juppiter confuatus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- Juppiter trageodeus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- Lexiphanes. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- Macrobii. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Muscae Encomium. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Navigium. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Necyomantia. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1925
- Nigrinus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Patriae Encomium. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Phalaris. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Philopsuedes sive incredulus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- Piscator. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- Podagra. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Pro imaginibus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1925
- Pro lapsu inter salutandum. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Prometheus. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- Prometheus es in verbis. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Pseudologista. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- Quomodo historia conscribenda sit. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1913
- Rhetorum praeceptor. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1925
- Saturnalia. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Scytha. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Soleocista. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- Somnium sive vita Luciani. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1921
- Symposium. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Timon. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- Toxaris vel amicitia. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- Tyrannicida. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1936
- Verae Historiae. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1913
- Vitarum auctio. A. M. Harmon. (Greek) 1915
- Zeuxis. Karl Jacobitz. (Greek) 1896
- De Rerum Natura. (Latin) 2003
- De Rerum Natura. William Ellery Leonard. (English) 1916
- Alexandra. A.W. Mair. (Greek) 1921
- Speeches. (Greek and English) 1962
- Speeches. (Greek and English) 1930
- On the Murder of Eratosthenes
- Funeral Oration
- Against Simon
- On a Wound by Premeditation
- For Callias
- Against Andocides
- On the Olive Stump
- Accusation of Calumny
- For the Soldier
- Against Theomnestus 1
- Against Theomnestus 2
- Against Eratosthenes
- Against Agoratus
- Against Alcibiades 1
- Against Alcibiades 2
- For Mantitheus
- On the Property of Eraton
- On the Confiscation of the Property of the Brother of Nicias
- On the Property of Aristophanes
- For Polystratus
- Defence against a Charge of Taking Bribes
- Against the Corn Dealers
- Against Pancleon
- On the Refusal of a Pension
- Defence against a Charge of subverting the Democracy
- On the Scrutiny of Evandros
- Against Epicrates and his Fellow Envoys
- Against Ergocles
- Against Philocrates
- Against Nicomachus
- Against Philon
- Against Diogeiton
- Olympic Oration
- Against the Subversion of the Ancestral Constitution of Athens
Reginald Walter Macan
- Herodotus, The Seventh, Eighth, & Ninth Books with Introduction and Commentary. (English) 2000
Anne Mahoney
- Overview of Latin Syntax, 2000
Ammianus Marcellinus
- Rerum Gestarum. John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D.. (Latin and English) 1935-1940
- Rerum Gestarum, volume 1 introduction. John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D.. (English) 1935
- Rerum Gestarum, volume 2 introduction. John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D.. (English) 1940
- Rerum Gestarum, volume 3 introduction. John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D.. (English) 1939
E.C. Marchant
- Commentary on Thucydides Book 1. (English) 1905
- Commentary on Thucydides: Book 2. (English) 1891
- Commentary on Thucydides: Book 3. (English) 1909
- Commentary on Thucydides: Book 6. (English) 1909
- Commentary on Thucydides: Book 7. (English)
- Epigrammata. Wilhelm Heraeus (Latin) 1925/1976
Charles D. Morris
- Commentary on Thucydides Book 1. (English) 1891
Cornelius Nepos
- Vitae. Albert Fleckeisen. (Latin) 1886
- Miltiades
- Themistocles
- Aristides
- Pausanias
- Cimon
- Lysander
- Alcibiades
- Thrasybulus
- Conon
- Dion
- Iphicrates
- Chabrias
- Timotheus
- Datames
- Epaminondas
- Pelopidas
- Agesilaus
- Eumenes
- Phocion
- Timoleon
- Kings
- Hamilcar
- Hannibal
- Cato
- Atticus
- Halieutica. A. W. Mair. (Greek) 1928
P. Ovidius Naso
- Amores, Epistulae, Medicamina faciei femineae, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris. R. Ehwald. (Latin) 1907
- Amores
- Epistulae
- Medicamina Faciei Femineae
- Ars Amatoria
- Remedia Amoris
- Art of Love, Remedy of Love, Art of Beauty, Court of Love, History of Love, Amours. various. (English) 1855
- Art of Love, Remedy of Love, Art of Beauty, Court of Love, History of Love, Amours
- Ars Amatoria
- Remedia Amoris
- Medicamina Faciei Femineae
- Amores
- The Epistles of Ovid. (English) 1813
- Ex Ponto. Arthur Leslie Wheeler. (Latin) 1939
- Fasti. Sir James George Frazer. (Latin) 1933
- Ibis. Rudolf Merkel, Rudolf Ehwald. (Latin) 1889
- Metamorphoses. Brookes More. (English) 1922
- Metamorphoses. Hugo Magnus. (Latin) 1892
- Metamorphoses. Arthur Golding. (English) 1567
- Tristia. Arthur Leslie Wheeler. (Latin) 1939
F. A. Paley
- Select Private Orations of Demosthenes. (English) 1898
Nonnus of Panopolis
- Dionysiaca, Books I-XV. W.H.D. Rouse. (Greek) 1940
- Dionysiaca, Books XVI-XXXV. W.H.D. Rouse. (Greek) 1940
- Dionysiaca, Books XXXVI-XLVIII. W.H.D. Rouse. (Greek) 1942
- Description of Greece. (Greek and English) 1903, 1918
- Satires. G. G. Ramsay. (Latin) 1918
- Poems: introduction. Michael Heseltine. (English) 1913
- Satyricon, Fragmenta, and Poems. Michael Heseltine. (Latin and English) 1913
- Satyricon
- Fragments
- Poems
- Satyricon, Fragmenta, and Poems: introduction. Michael Heseltine. (English) 1913
- The Fables of Phaedrus. Christopher Smart, Christopher Smart, A. M. (English) 1913
- Fabulae Aesopiae. L. Mueller. (Latin) 1876
- Odes. (Greek) 1937
- Olympian
- Pythian
- Nemean
- Isthmean
- Alcibiades 1, Alcibiades 2, Hipparchus, Lovers, Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis. (Greek and English) 1903, 1955
- Alcibiades 1
- Alcibiades 2
- Hipparchus
- Lovers
- Theages
- Charmides
- Laches
- Lysis
- Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman. (Greek and English) 1903, 1921
- Cratylus
- Theaetetus
- Sophist
- Statesman
- Epistles. (Greek) 1903
- Euthydemus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Meno. (Greek and English) 1903, 1967
- Euthydemus
- Protagoras
- Gorgias
- Meno
- Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo. (Greek and English) 1903, 1966
- Euthyphro
- Apology
- Crito
- Phaedo
- Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis. (Greek and English) 1903, 1925
- Greater Hippias
- Lesser Hippias
- Ion
- Menexenus
- Cleitophon
- Timaeus
- Critias
- Minos
- Epinomis
- Laws. (Greek and English) 1903, 1967, 1968
- Parmenides, Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus. (Greek and English) 1903, 1925
- Parmenides
- Philebus
- Symposium
- Phaedrus
- Republic. (Greek and English) 1903, 1969
T. Maccius Plautus
- Amphitruo. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Amphitryon, or Jupiter in Disguise. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Asinaria. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Asinaria, or The Ass-Dealer. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Aulularia. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Aulularia, or The Concealed Treasure. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Bacchides. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Bacchides, or The Twin Sisters. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Captivi. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Captivi: The Captives. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Casina. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Casina, or The Stratagem Defeated. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Cistellaria. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Cistellaria, or The Casket. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Curculio. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Curculio, or The Forgery. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Epidicus. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Epidicus, or The Fortunate Discovert. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Menaechmi. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Mercator. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Mercator, or The Merchant. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Miles Gloriosus. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Miles Gloriosus, or The Braggart Captain. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Mostellaria. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Mostellaria, or The Haunted House. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Persa. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Persa, or The Persian. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Poenulus. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Poenulus, or The Young Carthaginian. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Pseudolus. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Pseudolus, or The Cheat. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Rudens. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Rudens, or The Fisherman's Rope. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Stichus. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Stichus, or The Parasite Rebuffed. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Trinummus. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Trinummus: The Three Pieces of Money. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
- Truculentus. F. Leo. (Latin) 1895
- Truculentus, or The Churl. Henry Thomas Riley. (English) 1912
Pliny the Elder
- The Natural History. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.. (English) 1855
- Naturalis Historia. Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff. (Latin) 1906
Pliny the Younger
- Ad principem ineruditum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- Ad principem ineruditum. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- Ad principem ineruditum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Adversus Colotem. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- Adversus Colotem. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Aemilius Paulus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1918
- Agesilaus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1917
- Agis. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1921
- Alcibiades. Bernadotte Perrin. (Greek and English) 1916
- Alexander. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Amatoriae narrationes. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1892
- Amatoriae narrationes. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- Amatoriae narrationes. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Amatorius. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1892
- Amatorius. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Animine an corporis affectiones sint peiores. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- Animine an corporis affectiones sint peiores. W. C. Helmbold. (English) 1939
- Animine an corporis affectiones sint peiores. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Antony. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1920
- Apophthegmata Laconica. Frank Cole Babbitt. (Greek and English) 1931
- Apophthegmata Laconica. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- Apophthegmata Laconica. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Aquane an ignis sit utilior. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- Aquane an ignis sit utilior. Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold. (English) 1957
- Aquane an ignis sit utilior. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Aratus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1926
- Aristides. Bernadotte Perrin. (Greek and English) 1914
- Artaxerxes. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1926
- Bruta animalia ratione uti. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- Bruta animalia ratione uti. Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold. (English) 1957
- Bruta animalia ratione uti. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Brutus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1918
- Caesar. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Caius Gracchus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1921
- Caius Marcius Coriolanus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English) 1916
- Caius Marius. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1920
- Camillus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Cato the Younger. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Cicero. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Cimon. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Cleomenes. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1921
- Comparationis Aristophanis et Menandri compendium. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- Comparationis Aristophanis et Menandri compendium. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- Comparationis Aristophanis et Menandri compendium. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Comparison of Agesilaus and Pompey. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1917
- Comparison of Agis and Cleomenes and the Gracchi. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1921
- Comparison of Alcibiades and Coriolanus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English adn Greek) 1916
- Comparison of Aristides with Marcus Cato. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Comparison of Demetrius and Antony. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1920
- Comparison of Demosthenes with Cicero. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Comparison of Dion and Brutus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1918
- Comparison of Lucullus and Cimon. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Comparison of Lycurgus and Numa. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Comparison of Lysander and Sulla. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- Comparison of Nicias and Crassus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- Comparison of Pelopidas and Marcellus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1917
- Comparison of Pericles and Fabius Maximus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- Comparison of Philopoemen and Titus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1921
- Comparison of Sertorius and Eumenes. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Comparison of Solon and Publicola. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Comparison of Theseus and Romulus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Comparison of Timoleon and Aemilius. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1918
- Compendium Argumenti Stoicos absurdiora poetis dicere. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- Compendium Argumenti Stoicos absurdiora poetis dicere. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Compendium libri de animae procreatione in Timaeo. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- Conjugalia Praecepta. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- Conjugalia Praecepta. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- Conjugalia Praecepta. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Consolatio ad Apollonium. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- Consolatio ad Apollonium. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- Consolatio ad Apollonium. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Consolatio ad uxorem. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- Consolatio ad uxorem. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Crassus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute. Frank Cole Babbitt. (Greek and English) 1936
- De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De amicorum multitudine. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- De amicorum multitudine. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- De amicorum multitudine. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De amore prolis. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De amore prolis. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- De amore prolis. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De animae procreatione in Timaeo. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- De animae procreatione in Timaeo. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De capienda ex inimicis utilitate. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- De capienda ex inimicis utilitate. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- De capienda ex inimicis utilitate. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De cohibenda ira. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De cohibenda ira. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- De cohibenda ira. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De communibus notitiis adversus Stoicos. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- De communibus notitiis adversus Stoicos. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De cupiditate divitiarum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De cupiditate divitiarum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De curiositate. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De curiositate. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- De curiositate. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De defectu oraculorum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De defectu oraculorum. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1936
- De defectu oraculorum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De E apud Delphos. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De E apud Delphos. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1936
- De E apud Delphos. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De esu carnium I. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- De esu carnium I. Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold. (English) 1957
- De esu carnium I. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De esu carnium II. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- De esu carnium II. Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold. (English) 1957
- De esu carnium II. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De exilio. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De exilio. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De faciae quae in orbe lunae apparet. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- De faciae quae in orbe lunae apparet. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De facie quae in orbe lunae apparet. Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold. (English) 1957
- De fato. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De fato. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De fortuna. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- De fortuna. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- De fortuna. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De fortuna Romanorum. Frank Cole Babbitt. (Greek and English) 1936
- De fortuna Romanorum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- De fortuna Romanorum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De fraterno amore. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De fraterno amore. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- De fraterno amore. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De garrulitate. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De garrulitate. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- De garrulitate. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De genio Socratis. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De genio Socratis. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De gloria Atheniensium. Frank Cole Babbitt. (Greek and English) 1936
- De gloria Atheniensium. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- De gloria Atheniensium. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De Herodoti malignitate. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- De Herodoti malignitate. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De invidia et odio. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De invidia et odio. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De Iside et Osiride. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1936
- De Iside et Osiride. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1936
- De Iside et Osiride. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De liberis educandis. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- De liberis educandis. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1927
- De liberis educandis. William W. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De primo frigido. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- De primo frigido. Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold. (Greek) 1957
- De primo frigido. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De Pythiae oraculis. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De Pythiae oraculis. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1936
- De Pythiae oraculis. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De Recta Ratione Audiendi. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- De recta ratione audiendi. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1927
- De recta ratione audiendi. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De Se Ipsum Citra Invidiam Laudando. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De Se Ipsum Citra Invidiam Laudando. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De sera numinis vindicta. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De sera numinis vindicta. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De sollertia animalium. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- De sollertia animalium. Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold. (English) 1957
- De sollertia animalium. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De Stoicorum repugnantiis. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- De Stoicorum repugnantiis. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De superstitione. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- De superstitione. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- De superstitione. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De tranquilitate animi. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De tranquilitate animi. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- De tranquilitate animi. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De tuenda sanitate praecepta. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- De tuenda sanitate praecepta. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- De tuenda sanitate praecepta. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De unius in republica dominatione. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- De unius in republica dominatione. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- De unius in republica dominatione. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De virtute et vitio. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- De virtute et vitio. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- De virtute et vitio. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De virtute morali. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De virtute morali. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- De virtute morali. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De vitando aere alieno. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- De vitando aere alieno. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- De vitando aere alieno. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De vitioso pudore. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- De vitioso pudore. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Demetrius. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1920
- Demosthenes. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Dion. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1918
- Eumenes. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Fabius Maximus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- Galba. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1926
- Instituta Laconica. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- Instituta Laconica. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English and Greek) 1931
- Lacaenarum Apophthegmata. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- Lacaenarum Apophthegmata. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English and Greek) 1931
- Lives, Caius Marcius Coriolanus. Bernadotte Perrin. (Greek) 1916
- Lives: Caius Martius Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus, Marcus Antonius, Octavius Caesar Augustus, Theseus, Alcibiades 1875
- Lucullus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Lycurgus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Lysander. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- Marcellus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1917
- Marcus Cato. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Maxime cum principbus philosopho esse diserendum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- Maxime cum principbus philosopho esse diserendum. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- Maxime cum principbus philosopho esse diserendum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Mulierum virtutes. Frank Cole Babbitt. (Greek and English) 1931
- Mulierum virtutes. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- Mulierum virtutes. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Nicias. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Numa. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Otho. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1926
- Parallela minora. Frank Cole Babbitt. (Greek and English) 1936
- Parallela minora. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- Parallela minora. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Pelopidas. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1917
- Pericles. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- Philopoemen. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1921
- Phocion. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Platonicae quaestiones. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- Platonicae quaestiones. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Pompey. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1917
- Praecepta gerendae reipublicae. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- Praecepta gerendae reipublicae. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- Praecepta gerendae reipublicae. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Publicola. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Pyrrhus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1920
- Quaestiones Convivales. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1892
- Quaestiones Convivales. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Quaestiones Graecae. Frank Cole Babbitt. (Greek and English) 1936
- Quaestiones Graecae. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- Quaestiones Graecae. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Quaestiones Naturales. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- Quaestiones Naturales. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Quaestiones Romanae. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- Quaestiones Romanae. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English and Greek) 1936
- Quaestiones Romanae. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeat. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeat. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1927
- Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeat. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Quomodo adulator ab amico internoscatur. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- Quomodo adulator ab amico internoscatur. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1927
- Quomodo adulator ab amico internoscatur. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Quomodo quis suos in virtute sentiat profectus. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- Quomodo quis suos in virtute sentiat profectus. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1927
- Quomodo quis suos in virtute sentiat profectus. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- An Recte Dictum Sit Latenter Esse Vivendum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- An Recte Dictum Sit Latenter Esse Vivendum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1889
- Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English and Greek) 1931
- Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Romulus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- An seni respublica gerenda sit. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- An seni respublica gerenda sit. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- An seni respublica gerenda sit. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Septem sapientium convivium. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1888
- Septem sapientium convivium. Frank Cole Babbitt. (English) 1928
- Septem sapientium convivium. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Sertorius. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1919
- Solon. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Sulla. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1916
- Themistocles. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Theseus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1914
- Tiberius Gracchus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1921
- Timoleon. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1918
- Titus Flamininus. Bernadotte Perrin. (English and Greek) 1921
- An virtus doceri possit. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- An virtus doceri possit. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- An virtus doceri possit. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Vitae decem oratorum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- Vitae decem oratorum. Harold North Fowler. (English) 1936
- Vitae decem oratorum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- An vitiositas ad infelicitatem sufficia. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1891
- An vitiositas ad infelicitatem sufficia. W. C. Helmbold. (English and Greek) 1939
- An vitiositas ad infelicitatem sufficia. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Histories. Theodorus Büttner-Wobst after L. Dindorf. (Greek and English) 1889, 1893
Sextus Propertius
- Elegies. Lucian Mueller. (Latin) 1898
- Apotheosis. H.J. Thomson. (Latin) 1949
- Cathemerina. H.J. Thomson. (Latin) 1949
- Contra Symmachum. H.J. Thomson. (Latin) 1949-1953
- Dittochaeon. H.J. Thomson. (Latin) 1953
- Epilogus. H.J. Thomson. (Latin)1953
- Hamartigenia. H.J. Thomson. (Latin) 1949
- Peristephanon Liber. H.J. Thomson. (Latin) 1953
- Praefatio. H.J. Thomson. (Latin) 1949
- Psychomachia. H.J. Thomson. (Latin) 1949
- De fluviis. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- De musica. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1895
- De musica. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Placita Philosophorum. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. (Greek) 1893
- Placita Philosophorum. Goodwin. (English) 1874
- Institutio Oratoria, books 1-3. Harold Edgeworth Butler. (English and Latin) 1920
- Institutio Oratoria, books 1-3: introduction. Harold Edgeworth Butler. (English) 1920
- Institutio Oratoria, books 1-3: index. Harold Edgeworth Butler. (English and Latin) 1920
- Institutio Oratoria, books 10-12. Harold Edgeworth Butler. (Latin and English) 1922
- Institutio Oratoria, books 4-6. Harold Edgeworth Butler. (Latin and English) 1921
- Institutio Oratoria, books 4-6: notes. Harold Edgeworth Butler. (English) 1921
- Institutio Oratoria, books 7-9. Harold Edgeworth Butler. (Latin and English) 1922
- Institutio Oratoria, books 7-9: introduction. Harold Edgeworth Butler. (English) 1922
Curtius Rufus, Quintus
- Historiae Alexandri Magni. Edmund Hedicke. (Latin) 1908
Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox
- Overview of Greek Syntax, 2000
- Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae. Axel W. Ahlberg. (Latin) 1919
- Catilinae Coniuratio
- Bellum Iugurthinum
- Historiae
- Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae index. Axel W. Ahlberg. (Latin) 1919
- Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae intro. Axel W. Ahlberg. (Latin) 1919
- Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae textual notes. Axel W. Ahlberg. (Latin) 1919
- The Catilinarian Conspiracy. (Latin)
- Consipiracy of Catiline. John Selby Watson, Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A.. (English) 1899
- The Jugurthine War. (Latin)
- The Jugurthine War. John Selby Watson, Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A.. (English) 1899
J. E. Sandys
- Select Private Orations of Demosthenes. (English) 1910
Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Vol 1. David Magie. (Latin) 1921
- De Vita Hadriani
- Helius
- Antoninus Pius
- Marcus Antoninus Philosophus
- Verus
- Avidius Casius
- Commodus Antoninus
- Pertinax
- Didius Julianus
- Severus
- Pescennius Niger
- Clodinus Albinus
Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Vol 2. David Magie. (Latin) 1924
- Antoninus Caracalla
- Antoninus Geta
- Opilius Macrinus
- Diadumenus Antoninus
- Antoninus Heliogobalus
- Alexander Severus
- Maximini Duo
- Goridani Tres
- Maximus et Balbinus
Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Vol 3. David Magie. (Latin) 1932
- Gallieni Duo
- Tyranni Triginta
- Divus Claudius
- Divus Aurelianus
- Tacitus
- Probus
- Firmus Saturninus, Proculus et Bonosus
- Carus et Carinus et Numerianus
Seneca the Elder
- Controversiae. Adolf Gottlieb Kiessling. (Latin) 1872
- Excerpta Controversiae. Adolf Gottlieb Kiessling. (Latin) 1872
- Fragmenta. Adolf Gottlieb Kiessling. (Latin) 1872
- Suasoriae. Adolf Gottlieb Kiessling. (Latin) 1872
- Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales. Richard M. Gummere. (Latin) 1917-1925
- Agamemnon. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Apocolocyntosis. W.H.D. Rouse, W.H.D. Rouse, M.A. Litt. D.. (Latin and English) 1913
- Apocolocyntosis: introduction. W.H.D. Rouse, W.H.D. Rouse, M.A. Litt. D.. (English) 1913
- De Beneficiis. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1935
- De Brevitate Vitae. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1932
- De Clementia. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1928
- De Consolatione ad Helvium. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1932
- De Consolatione ad Marciam. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1932
- De Consolatione ad Polybium. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1932
- De Constantia. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1928
- De Ira. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1928
- De Otio. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1932
- De Providentia. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1928
- De Tranquillitate Animi. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1932
- De Vita Beata. John W. Basore. (Latin) 1932
- Hercules Furens. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Hercules Oetaeus. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Medea. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Octavia. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Oedipus. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Phaedra. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Phoenissae. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Thyestes. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
- Troades. Adolf Peiper, Gustav Richter. (Latin) 1921
Maurus Servius Honoratus
- Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil. Georgius Thilo. (Latin) 1881
- Commentary on the Eclogues of Vergil. Georgius Thilo. (Latin) 1881
- Commentary on the Georgics of Vergil. Georgius Thilo. (Latin) 1881
Thomas D. Seymour
- Commentary on Homer's Iliad, Books I-III. (English) 1891
- Commentary on Homer's Iliad, Books IV-VI. (English) 1891
H. Sharpley
- Demosthenes: Olynthiacs I, II, III. (English) 1900
Paul Shorey
- Commentary on Horace, Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Saeculare. (English) 1910
Charles Simmons
- The Metamorphoses of Ovid, Books XIII and XIV. (English) 1899
Charles F. Smith
- Commentary on Thucydides Book 6. (English) 1913
- Commentary on Thucydides Book 7. (English) 1886
- Commentary on Thucydides: Book 3. (English) 1894
Josiah Renick Smith
- Xenophon: Memorabilia. (English) 1903
Quintus Smyrnaeus
- Fall of Troy. Arthur S. Way. (Greek) 1913
Aratus Solensis
- Phaenomena. G. R. Mair. (Greek) 1921
- Ajax. Sir Richard Jebb. (Greek and English) 1893
- Antigone. Sir Richard Jebb. (Greek and English) 1891
- Electra. Sir Richard Jebb. (Greek and English) 1894
- Ichneutae. Arthur S. Hunt. (Greek) 1912
- Oedipus at Colonus. Sir Richard Jebb. (Greek and English) 1889
- Oedipus Tyrannus. Sir Richard Jebb. (Greek and English) 1887
- Philoctetes. Sir Richard Jebb. (Greek and English) 1898
- Trachiniae. Sir Richard Jebb. (Greek and English) 1892
- Tracking Satyrs. Anne Mahoney. (English) 2000
Statius, P. Papinius
- Achilleis. John Henry Mozley. (Latin) 1928
- Silvae. John Henry Mozley. (Latin) 1928
- Thebais. John Henry Mozley. (Latin) 1928
- Geography. (Greek and English) 1877, 1924
- Geography. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.. (English) 1903
C. Suetonius Tranquillus
- De Vita Caesarum. Maximilian Ihm. (Latin) 1999
- Divus Julius
- Divus Augustus
- Tiberius
- Caligula
- Divus Claudius
- Nero
- Galba
- Otho
- Vitellius
- Divus Vespasianus
- Divus Titus
- Domitianus
- The Lives of the Caesars. Alexander Thomson. (English) 1889
- Divus Julius
- Divus Augustus
- Tiberius
- Caligula
- Divus Claudius
- Nero
- Galba
- Otho
- Vitellius
- Divus Vespasianus
- Divus Titus
- Domitianus
- Agricola
- Six Poems. Anne Mahoney. (English) 2000
Cornelius Tacitus
- Annales. Charles Dennis Fisher. (Latin) 1906
- de Origine et Situ Germanorum Liber. Henry Furneaux. (Latin) 1900
- De Vita Iulii Agricolae. Henry Furneaux. (Latin) 1900
- Dialogus de Oratoribus. Henry Furneaux. (Latin) 1900
- Historiae. Charles Dennis Fisher. (Latin) 1911
- Apologeticum. T.R. Glover. (Latin) 1931
- De Spectaculis. T.R. Glover. (Latin) 1931
- Idylls. R. J. Cholmeley, M.A.. (Greek) 1901
- Characters. Hermann Diels. (Greek) 1909
- History of the Peloponnesian War. Thomas Hobbes. (English) 1843
- History of the Peloponnesian War. Benjamin Jowett. (English) 1881
- The Peloponnesian War. (English) 1910
- Elegiae. J. P. Postgate. (Latin) 1915
Titi Livi ab urbe condita libri editionem priman curavit Guilelmus Weissenborn editio altera auam curavit Mauritius Mueller Pars IV. Libri XLI-CXLII Fragmenta. Index. William Weissenborn, Maurice Mueller. (English)
James A. Towle
- Commentary on Plato: Protagoras. James A. Towle. (English) 1889
- The Taking of Ilios. A. W. Mair. (Greek) 1928
T. G. Tucker
- Commentary on Thucydides: Book 8. (English) 1892
P. Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
- Aeneid. Theodore C. Williams. (English) 1910
- Aeneid. J. B. Greenough. (Latin) 1900
- Eclogues. J. B. Greenough. (Latin and English) 1895, 1900
- Georgicon. J. B. Greenough. (Latin and English) 1900
Vitruvius Pollio
- De Architectura. F. Krohn. (Latin) 1912
- The Ten Books on Architecture. Morris Hicky Morgan. (English) 1914
- Anabasis. (Greek) 1904
- Anabasis. Carleton L. Brownson. (English) 1922
- Cyropaedia. (Greek) 1910
- Cyropaedia. Walter Miller. (English) 1914
- Hellenica. (Greek) 1900
- Hellenica. Carleton L. Brownson. (English) 1918, 1921
- Memorabilia. (Greek) 1921
- Memorabilia. E. C. Marchant. (English) 1923
- Minor Works. (Greek) 1920
- Agesilaus
- On the Cavalry Commander
- Constitution of the Lacedaimonians
- Hiero
- On the Art of Horsemanship
- On Hunting
- Ways and Means
- Minor Works. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.. (English) 1925
- Agesilaus
- On the Cavalry Commander
- Constitution of the Lacedaimonians
- Hiero
- On the Art of Horsemanship
- On Hunting
- Ways and Means
- Works on Socrates. (Greek and English) 1921, 1975
- Apology
- Economics
- Symposium