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Products>Perseus Renaissance Collection (22 vols.)

Perseus Renaissance Collection (22 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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The Perseus Renaissance Collection (22 vols.) is a compilation of the history and literature of the British Isles during the English Renaissance period. The Renaissance was a period of time known for a renewed interest and intellectual rise in literature, philosophy, politics, science, religion, and art. It is credited as a time period where new ideas, perspectives, and theories evolved.

While this collection includes some works from the English Renaissance period, such as Defense of Poesie and Faust Book, it mostly directs its attention to a systematic study of the nature of literature during this time. It analyzes the works of Shakespeare, the literary style of the Renaissance, and the affect the literary style of writing had on its audience.

The Perseus Renaissance Collection (22 vols.) also gives a concise history of England, Scotland, and Ireland, using secondary materials from the 19th and early 20th centuries. It provides a look into these nations’ culture, politics, and major events. This collection is full of sound scholarship and will help you better understand the historical, social, and philosophical context of key religious events and figures of that time.

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Product Details

  • Title: Perseus Renaissance Collection
  • Publisher: Perseus Digital Library
  • Volumes: 22

Individual Titles

  • A Shakespearean Grammar. E. A. Abbott
  • The Annals of Scotland, An Electronic Edition.
  • Wilson’s Arte of Rhetorique, Thomas Wilson
  • The Irish Historie: An Electronic Edition, Raphaell Holinshed
  • A Continuation of the Chronicles of Ireland, Comprising the Reigne of King Henrie the Eight: An Electronic Edition, Raphaell Holinshed
  • Defence of Poesie, Sir Philip Sidney
  • The Description of Scotland: An Electronic Edition
  • An Historicall Description of the Iland of Britaine: An Electronic Edition, William Harrison
  • The Description of Ireland: An Electronic Edition, Raphaell Holinshed
  • Faust Book
  • The Garden of Eloquence (1593): Tropes, Henry Peachum
  • The Garden of Eloquence (1593): Schemas, Henry Peachum
  • The Garden of Eloquence (1593): Dedication, Henry Peachum
  • The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Richard Hakluyt
  • The History of Scotland: An Electronic Edition
  • The Historie Of England, From The Time That It Was First Inhabited, Vntill The Time That It Was Last Conquered: An Electronic Edition, Raphael Holinshed
  • The History Of England After the Conquest: An Electronic Edition, Raphael Holinshed
  • The First Inhabitation of Ireland: An Electronic Edition, Raphael Holinshed
  • The Political Works of James I
  • Shakespeare’s Roman Plays and their Background, M. W. MacCallum
  • The Processe of Irish Affaires: An Electronic Edition, Raphael Holinshed
  • The Svpplie Of This Irish Chronicle: An Electronic Edition, Raphael Holinshed


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  1. Adam



  2. Young Gun Park
  3. Matthew



  4. Wallace Scaife

    Wallace Scaife





  6. Manuel Fernández Martín
  7. Andrew Heckmaster
  8. Novan



  9. John Echols

    John Echols


  10. Rev. Robert Sundquist
