Digital Logos Edition
This volume contains a detailed exposition of the scripture and an easy-to-read commentary on Galatians. Each passage is reviewed in its context and with its historical perspective, and the finished work of Christ is revealed. The work of the Holy Spirit is seen as never before as the scriptures come alive for believers and their walk today.
“ That the Blessing promised to Abraham was from the beginning intended to include the Gentiles as well as the Jews.” (Page 191)
“That the Gospel Promise preceded everything else in God’s dealings with His People, including the giving of the Law, as He will later show.” (Page 191)
“not to the man’s character as exhibited by what he does” (Page 202)
“If other men recognize such justification, men are satisfied.” (Page 201)
“But in Christ, God declares all righteous who believe, that is believe in Christ and what He did at Calvary and the Resurrection, imputing Divine Righteousness to them. In this sense, Justification does not express an ethical change or influence (though ethical changes follow); rather, it expresses the Judicial action of God apart from human merit according to which the guilty are pardoned, acquitted, and then reinstated as God’s children and as fellow heirs with Jesus Christ.” (Page 128)
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Lynn Helms
Michael Graham
Eddie Ortiz